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Kevin Blache - 813117777 - Environmental Engineering I

Small Island Developing States


Sustainable Development
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Trading

Climate Change
Global Warming
Sea Level Rise

Environmental Engineering

To begin to assess and find a relationship between the aforementioned terms, we must first look
at the concept of a Small Island Developing State. Dissecting the name we find two terms in
particular from which we may start analysis, that is, Small Island and Developing. We may
consider countries in the Caribbean such as Trinidad & Tobago and Grenada to name a few, since
these countries fall into the scope of this concept.
Climate Change, Global Warming and Sea Level Rise, due to the size of these nations, is of
particular importance as they will be most greatly affected by their effects. An example of this
can be seen in the Maldives where hundreds of metres of shoreline has already been lost.
Also since these countries have been classified as being developing nations, it is important that
their practices be in keeping with International Standards as it relates to Sustainable
Development and at the same time reducing their Carbon Footprint. Carbon Trading also
encourages both these developing and developed nations to reduce their carbon emissions.
Therefore, the only way to ensure that both arms of the SIDS concept are satisfied it is integral
that sound environmental engineering practices are used. It is also important to note that

developed nations too have a part to play and thus can make use of said environmental
engineering practices to ensure that all nations can enjoy this place called Earth.

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