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As said previously, I would like to call my course Substitute Training Preparation

(STP). In the course, I will train the Instructor to prepare the class and the students
for the substitute in his or her absence. As a substitute teacher myself, I have
witnessed times when myself or other substitutes come into the classroom and the
class is not prepared. The proper tools arent available, there are no lesson plans,
and the students arent aware that there would be a substitute. This leads to
disaster. The sub is stuck not knowing what to do, and in most cases the students
take advantage of this and exploit the substitute.
The goals for the course are:
A. The instructor will feel secure leaving the students with a substituteIf the instructor returns and his or her goals are not met, they wont ask the
substitute back and in some cases, they will request that the substitute is
banned from the school. In many cases, it not the substitutes fault. He or
she didnt have the right support or tools to carry-out the instructors
objectives. It is my goal to train the instructor to contribute to a positive
outcome to the best of their ability.
B. The substitute receives a positive evaluation- It is my goal to train the
teacher how to write clear and precise lesson plans, so that the substitute
can understand and carry-out. The instructor will also learn how to gauge
how much of the outcome was the students fault and how much was the
substitutes fault. I will also inform the instructors that their evaluation of a
substitute shouldnt be based on solely what the students say. They should

also look at what state the room was left in. Question the higher achieving,
trusted students, and what the substitute has reported.
C. The substitute should have a desire to return to the school- It is my
objective to train the instructors to ask for their substitutes contact
information so that if there is a positive outcome, they can and should invite
the sub back. Also they instructor should ask the substitute if they want to
come back.
D. The students to behave and learn to the best of their ability- The
instructors will be trained to set goals and standards for student behavior in
the instructors absence. If there is a negative report, there should
consequences. Good behavior should also be rewarded to motivate the
students to do well the next time.
In the course, my objective is to encourage the instructors to use critical thinking
when they are planning for a substitute. They should also utilize critical thinking
when evaluating the substitute upon their return. Sometimes the substitute is
getting a bad evaluation because the instructor is not properly analyzing the
outcome, and who contributed to the outcome. The instructors should weigh all
factors before submitting their evaluation.
The strategies I will use in my instruction will be lecture, role playing, and examples
from my personal teaching experiences I have gone through. I will utilize all
technology available to instruct the teachers. This will allow the teachers who
arent familiar with some technology to learn how to use them. Included will be
computers, laptops, overhead projectors, DVD players, and worksheets.

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