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Phase III

In the substitute teacher preparation course the class will take place over a two day
period each session will be eight hours with a one hour lunch break.

All teachers

would be required to take the course therefore, each teacher will get an
informational packet explaining the course and its contents.
In order for this to take place each teacher will use two of their resource days which
mean it will be a paid training course. The class would be held at each school site in
each district. We would trained a designated person to implement the train and
each school site so that they can be help simultaneously.
All material for the training would be provided by our company and the cost would
be including in the cost of the entire course. If there are any special
accommodations needed we will share in the cost to provide them.
In order to show that the class is need I will show the statistics on how many
substitute are lost, how many schools are short of substitutes due to the desire not
to return to the site, and also the sites reputation?
By giving examples of what happen when you dont properly prepare for a
substitute the teachers as well as the school sites will understand the need for the
course as explained previously. We will present scenarios to them to see what
happens as well as documented proof.
The classes will consist of:
A. Films
B. Role playing
C. Class set-up examples

D. Complete instructions on how to implement the preparations.

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