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(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

By the end of the lesson students will be able to defend against an attacker in netball.
Pre-lesson organisation:
Equipment: 20 netballs, 4 sets of netball bibs and 4 netball posts
Learning Area Outcomes:

Movement and Physical Activity (MPA)


Moving our body (MB) Learning through movement (LM) Understanding Movement (UM)

Focus Areas: Active Play (AP) Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) Games & Sports (GS)

(What students do)
Beginning class organization:

(What to look for)

Task Management
(Management of Student Group)

Bring Students out to the Netball Court and tell the class about the warm up, which is Here, There,
Everywhere so it does not need any equipment to set up.
Warm up
Here, There and Everywhere
When the teacher calls here everyone
runs to the first third.
When they call there they run to the
third third.
When they call everywhere they must
run all round the court. The teacher
mixes up the calls until everyone is
warmed up.
Black cone is the first third and orange
is the third.

Lesson Plan Template 2015

Bridging organization

Organise students into pairs and explain the shadowing drill. Requires no equipment.

Drill 1
Shadowing Drill
1. Person A is trying to run
around the court but away
from the boundary of the
netball court.
2. Person B is trying to
defend this area by
making person A run near
the lines.

Shadowing Key teaching Points
1. Stand in front of
opponent with back to
the attacker and body
halfway across
opponents body.
2. Vision to see attacker
and the ball.
3. Shadow moves using
small fast steps.

Bridging organization
Put students into groups of three and give them a ball. Tell them the instructions for the next activity.


(What students do)

(What to look for)

Task Management
(Management of Student Group)

Lesson Plan Template 2015

Drill 2
Hand over drill
1. In groups of three have the
attacker with the ball. The
defender in front of them and
off to the side a person to pass
the ball to.
2. The defender must try to get
the ball either off the attacker
or intercept before the other
person catches it.

Interception - reading the pattern of

plays allows the defender to predict
the most likely passed option.
1. Anticipate direction of pass.
2. Drive for an intercept at
3. Run through to take the ball
Hands over ball
1. Stand 3 feet in front of
the attacker facing
2. arms up in a position
over the ball.
3. Weight balanced over
two feet with knees over
toes and entire foot on
the ground.

Bridging organisation:
Organise students into four teams of seven 27 students. For the possible extra 2 students put them into a team but
get them to umpire the games and then swap with one of there team in the next one.
Netball Game
1. Play until one for the teams
scores 3 goals and then switch
the team you are versing and
the players umpiring.
2. All positions the same as in
normal game. After each game
swap positions.

Key teaching Points

1. Remember from previous
lessons passing.
2. Defending.
3. Shooting.

Closing Organisation:
Get students to pack away the equipment. Review the lesson and cool down by stretching.
Store equipment and release class.

Lesson Plan Template 2015

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