Final Lesson Plan 3

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(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Lesson 3

Students will be introduced to defending in this lesson and should leave knowing what is required if they want to get the ball off the
opposition correctly and within the rules.

Pre-lesson organisation:
Learners 16 males, 16 females
Equipment soccer balls, cones, bibs, whistle, whiteboard and whiteboard pen, goals
Space Soccer oval
Time 50 minutes

Learning Area Outcomes:

Strand: Movement and Physical Activity
Sub-Strand: Moving our body

Learning through movement

Focus Areas: Active play and minor games




(What students do)

Games and sport

(What to look for)

Task Management
(Management of Student Group)

Beginning class organization:

Sit all students down in front of the class and explain what will take place in the lesson today and how it will
Quick overview of all skills covered in the previous lessons
Divide the students up into the 4 equal teams they have being placed in for the mini competition with two
teams wearing bibs (red bibs and black bibs)
Warm up activity 2 Laps & Stretches
--Dog and bone
1. Students are already divided
into two teams (bibs and nonbibs).
2. Each students is allocated a
number from 1 to 16.
3. Teacher calls out as many
numbers as they would like.
Whichever team collects the
ball first must work their way up
the field, shooting and passing
to score a goal.
4. Both players are attempting to
defend to prevent the other
player from scoring.
5. No slide tackling.

Important that all students are using

their fellow team members or other
numbers that are called out to work the
ball up the field. Using team members is
very important before the start of the
mini competition later in the lesson.
Passing KTPs:
1. Ankle locked
2. Foot slightly up at the toe
3. Thigh turned outward
4. Look up to establish eye contact
5. Connect with the middle of the ball
just before the instep
6. Follow through (contributes to
direction and pace of the pass)
Tackling KTPs
1. Get close but not too close to your
opponent about two to three feet
is ideal.
2. Keep your eye on the ball.
3. If the ball carrier lets the ball get
slightly away from him or her,
immediately get your non-kicking
foot alongside the ball.
4. Lock the ankle of your kicking foot
(the foot youre going to tackle
5. Bend your knees slightly to give
your body a low centre of gravity
this gives you more power.
6. Now get really close to your
opponent and strike the ball firmly.

Teacher would be hovering around the

middle of the field observing the game.

Lesson Plan Template 2015



Bridging organization
Separate in their teams (allocated by bibs) and create groups of 4 and put out 4 cones as a square.
Stand in the square when ready holding the ball.

-Defending drillStudents play each other 1 on 1

trying to get to the other side of
the square.

Students arent rushing the

tackle and are on their toes
moving with the attacker.

No one is slide tackling or

kicking each other in the shins.



Once everyone has been

through defending once against
the team then split into pairs
and play 2 on 2 trying to hold
possession in the square.

Groups all set up together

and not spread across the
Going around and seeing the
students who cant tackle and
havent been able to get the
ball yet.
Go around and help students
who are trying to get past
defender but unsuccessful.

Bridging organization
Get all students to quickly develop two fields including goals and boundaries marked by cones.
Ask students in each team to nominate a team captain and one umpire who can help officiate each game.
All team captains are responsible for looking at the whiteboard which has fixtures on and reporting back at
the end of each game what the score was.
Mini Soccer Competition
Students are already placed
into teams from the start (bibs).
Games will consist of 2 x 3
minute halves. For the first half
of each game players
depending on what half they
are in (defending or attacking)
must stay in that particular half
of the field. After half time
teams are now allowed to cross
over to both sides but must
pass it to 3 players before
Each team will play each other

Important that all students are using

team work and involving the girls in the
game as well.
All students are using the correct
technique and KTPs for passing,
dribbling, kicking and shooting.
Students need to be honest with scoring
and free kicks and not favoring one
team over another.
Teacher hovering around the middle
observing both games

Closing Organisation:


Ask all students to collect all equipment (bibs, soccer balls, goals) and bring them back to a central meeting point
and then sit down in front of the teacher.

Check which teams won their games and quickly note down who was in those teams to then make teams for
tournament even/fair.
Ask if any students have any final questions or comments.
Dismiss class.

Lesson Plan Template 2015

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