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Compare and Contrast Chart Graphic Organizer

Item #1_ 504

Item #2_


How are they alike?

Both are required to provide some sort of resolution for parents who disagree with identification, evaluation, implementation of IEP or students that are placed in an LRE

Both require evaluation to determine eligibility for services

When it comes to placement decision, both require the district and schools to use information from a variety of sources that are needed for documenting information and essentially, make eligibility decision

How are they different?

_-Covers individuals who meet the definition of qualified "handicapped" person. Age
doesn't matter

_ -Evaluation draws on information from a variety of sources and is documented.


decisions about the child, evaluation data, and placement options are made by
knowledgeable teams. Required periodic reevaulation. No provision made for
independent evaluations.

-Does not require IEP, but does require a plan. "Appropriate" means an education
comparable to the education provided to those students who are not disabled.
Placement is usually in a general education classroom.

_ -Does not require parental consent.


A hearing officer is appointed by the school.

No "stay-put provision

_Covers all school aged children who fall with in one or more specific categories of
qualifying conditions
Must adversely affect his/her educational performance.

_ Requires that the child be fully and comprehensively evaluated by a multi_

disciplinary team.
Requires informed and written parental consent.
Requires a reevaluation 1 in 3 years
Provides for independant evaluation

_ Requires and individualized education program


Appropriate education means a program designed to provide educational benefit

for a person with a disability.
Placement may be any ocmbination of special education and general education

Must provide impartial hearing for parents who disagree with the idenification,
evaluation, or placement of the student.
Requires written consent
Describes specific procedures
Enforced by US Dept of Education

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