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for business

1. Grow and then flower: each business has a process you will not invert and
automatic see results.
2. Fertile area: A business that you know it will function.
3. Companies put down root: companies have to measure the capacities and
resources to reach their goals with fundamentals.
4. The brick walls: and wall may be and obstacle but are the ones that help
us to stop with conform and see whom far we can go.
5. I am a snarling pack of dobermans: you have security in your business
6. Like a Porsche with a faulty engine: to define or describe the business
7. Switching on a light bulb: Understand after a time.
8. Being a detective: searching for clues to resolve a problem.
9. Not hold water: dont have a base argument
10. Conflict is a journey: solve a conflict will take a big time.

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