UTS Question

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Jalan Raya Pati Tayu Km. 2 Pati, Telp. 381290
Subject : ENGLISH
Day / date : Wednesday / 12 March 2014
: 90 Minutes
: XI Social






Circle the correct answer. (20 pts)

: I heard your grandma is ill now.
: Yes, she is. She has been in the hospital for almost one week.
: Thank you. She is getting better now.
a. Its terrible
d. Are you okay?
b. Im sorry to hear that
e. Is the hospital far?
c. She is fine
: Good afternoon, Mr. Hermawan.
Mr. Hermawan : Alex! Thank you for coming.
: I am very sorry to hear about your daughter. It must be very hard
for you.
Mr. Hermawan : It is, but I have to let her go. She had suffered for years because of
cancer. The underlined utterance expresses
a. Advice
d. invitation
b. Surprise
e. agreement
c. Sympathy
: I heard that your Mom is ill. Im sorry to hear that.
The correct response from Sue is
a. Dont worry
d. Really?
b. Not at all
e. See you soon
c. Thank you, Bill
: Im very sorry that your father passed away..
: Thank you. I appreciate it.
The correct expression to continue Jims sentence is
a. You should be proud of yourself
b. You must be crazy
c. You look sick
d. You should see a doctor soon
e. You have my sympathy
: Mr. Stephen, hows my application? Did I get the scholarship?
Mr. Stephen :Im sorry to tell you, Hana. The scholarship went to the other applicant.
The underlined sentence expresses...
a. Command
d. sympathy
b. Wish
e. apology
c. Disagreement
: Doni, what do you want for lunch?
: I want meatball. I really like meatball.
: Okay, Ill prepare it for you.
The underlined sentence shows.
a. Ability
d. surprise
b. Like
e. necessity
c. Pride

7. Ms. Jean : Henry, dont be late. Mr. Samuel doesnt like waiting.
: Alright, Ms. Jean. Ill be on time.
The underlined sentence shows
a. Disagreement
d. offer
b. Dislike
e. sympathy
c. Command
8. A
: Hey, look at the jacket over there. It looks awesome. I love the color.
: ..
a. What color?
d. it is not the same jacket
b. Yes, I like it too
e. Are you sure? It is beautiful
c. Dont look that way
9. Teacher
: I cant stand those naughty boys anymore. I caught them smoking in the
: Calm down. Let me take care of it. Ill talk to them.
The underlined sentence expresses.
a. Dislike
d. ability
b. Advice
e. pride
c. Surprise
10. Sari : Have you watched the movie?
: Yes, I have. It was wonderful!....
a. I regretted it
d. Im proud of it
b. I hated it
e. I really enjoyed it
c. I couldnt do that
11. Deby
: I cant go on with our relationship anymore, you burn me up!
: Im sorry honey. I will not do it again.
The underline sentenced expresses.
a. Sadness
d. sympathy
b. Anger
e. like
c. Love
12. Andrew : I really like football!
: Yeah, me too!
The underlined sentence expresses.
a. Dislike
d. Like
b. Anger
e. Sadness
c. Sympathy
13. Rony
: Merry, I love you so much.
: I love you too Ron.
The underlined sentence expresses.
a. Dislike
d. Anger
b. Sadness
e. Sympathy
c. Love
14. The bird fly.. the window.
a. At
c. in
e. through
b. On
d. into
15. Just walk straight this street, the post office is.. the bank.
a. Next to
c. is
e. on
b. Under
d. through
16. Lets goschool, its already 6.30.
a. Under
c. into
e. on
b. In
d. to
17. A
: Did I insult you?
: Yes, you make me mad!
The underlined sentence expresses.
a. Like
d. Sadness
b. Sympathy
e. Anger
c. Love

18. There is no bridge, so we must swimthe river to get to the other side.
a. over
d. into
b. at
e. on
c. across
19. Mom
: I really love you sweetheart.
Children : We love you too Mom.
The underlined sentence expresses.
a. Love
d. Anger
b. Dislike
e. Sadness
c. Sympathy
20. The cat is sleeping the table.
a. under
d. over
b. across
e. to
c. into
II. Read the passage and answer the questions correctly. (16pts)
The Devil Undone



On the same spot1 where the pub called The Devil Undone now stands there
used to2 be a cobblers shop where a man called Zebediah Bayliss lived and worked
with his wife. He was the son of a farm laborer and worked on a farm himself before
he became a cobbler3. He got married when he was 19 and his wife never stopped
complaining4 about how poor they were. On his fortieth birthday Zebediah was at
the end of his tether5. Everything had gone wrong that day and his wife had not
stopped complaining since daybreak.
He badly needed6 money. Ill give you my soul7 for a pot of gold, he cried.
Suddenly he saw a strange figure standing in front of him. It was the devil himself.
Ill give you your pot of gold, Zebediah, he said, if in seven years time you give
me your soul.
Zebediah was so desperate8 for money that he agreed. The devil disappeared9
and there on the floor was a great bag full of gold. The cobbler and his wife lived
comfortably from that moment. Zebediah only worked when he felt like it and his
wife had nothing to complain about it.
Seven years later, however, the devil appeared10 again, Are you ready to keep
your bargain? the devil asked Zebediah. Yes, Im ready, Zebediah replied, but
first I would like you to give me one more wish11.
Very well, replied the devil, but make it simple. We have a long way to go.
Zebediah made his wish, I wish you were back in hell12 never to return he
With a crash the devil flew through the window onto the back of an old happily
which ran off great speed.
The devil never returned and Zebediah and his wife lived happily for the rest of
their lives.
When their cottage was pulled down, the pub they built in its place was first
called The Devil Upon Dun, but this later became changed to The devil Undone.
1. What did Zebediah do for a living before he was a cobbler?
2. Did he and his family live happily then?
3. What did his wife complain about?
4. At the end of his tether, what did he do?

5. What deal was made between Zebediah and the devil?

6. How could he be safe from the devil?
7. Identify (mention the paragraph):
a. The orientation :_________________________________________________
b. Evaluation

: ____________________________________________________

c. Complication: ____________________________________________________
d. Resolution


e. Re-orientation:____________________________________________________

Find the meaning of the following words. (8 pts)

1. Palace
: ______________
2. Snail
: ______________
3. Drifting
: ______________
4. Witch
: ______________
5. Curious
: ______________
6. Disgusting
: ______________
7. Transform
: ______________
8. Approach
: ______________


Give the appropriate expression to the following situations. (6 pts)

1. Your best friend tell a lie to you .________________________________________
2. Jeans grandpa passed away. ____________________________________________
3. David lost his wallet. __________________________________________________

Do your best
Good Luck

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