Eal Newsletter - Jan 2016

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Grade 3-EAL News

February 2016

What is happening in EAL?

We are learning about persuasive writing
This means that we are sharing our opinion
and trying to convince others to think like
we do. This includes conventions and much
new vocabulary.
We also continue to work on our reading
accuracy and fluency. One way we are doing
this is by reading aloud when possible and
listening to things that are read from
different genres.
Rights and Responsibilities is one of our
major focuses right now in Grade 3. We are
getting ready for our flea market that will
benefit the orphanage in Romania. Please
don't forget to bring in your old toys!!

Important Dates and Events:

February 1 - Report Cards
February 8-12 - Spirit Week
February 13-20 - Ski Break

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