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Fiche de rvision n1

Present simple:
Pronoms personnels
I =je
She,he,it=elle,il, pronom pour un objet
Prsent simple
Forme affirmative
I love
you love
she/he/it loves
doesnt love
we love
Do they love?

forme interrogative

Forme ngative

Do/Does +sujet+verbe


Do I love?
Do you love?

I dont love
You dont

Does she/he/it love?

Do we love?

We dont
they love

They dont love

A la 3eme personne du singulier,on rajoute un s a la forme affirmative et on

utilise lauxiliaire does la forme interrogative et negative.
The cinema (close)at 7pm.
We usually ..(take)the taxi to go to work.
How often ..(go) to the swimming pool.
When .( he arrive )home in the evenings?
They ..(not live)in Washington,they .(live)in New York.
He usually(get up)early in the mornings.
I .(not believe)in witches.
EXERCICE 2: translate in English

Elle ne veut pas venir avec moi au restaurant.

Fiche de rvision n1
Veux tu maider faire les devoirs?
Elle adore le chocolat mais elle naime pas les lgumes.

Fiche de rvision n1



Name of your school:

Training period first day:

Duration of the training period:

When did you complete your placement ? (dates and duration)

Where did you work ? (company type, city or village, area)

Give some details about the company ( name,size, activity, production, staff and specificities)

Tasks and skills:

What did you do there ?(n'oublie pas d'utiliser du prtrit car tu as fini ton stage)
ex: I designed some logos= j'ai ralis des logos
I served customers= j'ai servi des clients

what are the qualites you must have to do this job?
ex: To do this job ,you have to be creative =Pour faire ce travail , tu dois etre cratif
You need to be persuasive= tu as besoin d'etre convaincant

Impressions :
it was hard to : c'tait difficile de
it was easy to: c'tait facile de
it was interesting : c'tait intressant de
it was instructive to : c'tait instructif

Fiche de rvision n1

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