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Chapter 1

Savor every last moment you have with your loved ones, because you never know when they
won't be around
Gia! Hurry up, you are taking forever, I said.Gia had been going to the bathroom forever.
Ya! How long does it take to pee, said Noelle with a frustrated tone.
My dad now trusted us to be on our own because we were all thirteen. We were in the
middle of the forest, dark green trees surrounded us, it almost looked like they were going to
collapse any second. The sun started to set just as Gia emerged from the trees. What took you
so long, Noelle said.
Well Im sorry, but I had a lot to drink. I cant help that, Gia replied.
Actually yes you can, Noelle said in a snarky voice. Gia ignored her.
Ok, whatever. Now let's head back to my dad I said. We had started to head back from our
hike. I took out the compass, we knew we had to head north to get to our parents again, we had
gone off the trail for some adventure. As soon as I took out the compass I noticed the compass
needle had gone haywire. The needle was just spinning round and round. He had walked in with
us, and we had get back to the trail my dad said he would meet us on. I suggested that we split
up and try to find my dad, for five minutes only, because the sun was setting and we still had to
set up camp. I looked frantically, hoping we had not lost my dad. After five minutes I still could
not find him, so we met back where we said. We had to make our own camp. The sun was
setting and as the warmth from the sun disappeared so did the light. Noelle suggested politely
Why dont we tie ourselves to a tree, because it is off the ground, but if we fell the rope will
catch us., We all agreed, after all Noelle was a great problem solver.
Not long after the camp was set up, Gia screamed, piercing my ears like a needle. Gia
stuttered, Eye eye eye eye eyes! We looked over into the thorned rose bushes, they looked
menacing and over grown. Peeking out there were eyes! The eyes were jade green and
squinted. They started to move closer until a large silver, bronze, and gold twisted horn
emerged too. With the horn along came a humongous muscular black four legged body. The
body belonged to a large horse, or if you would like to call it, a unicorn. Gia, Noelle, and I
screamed in unison. Right when we were all about to run away in panic a deep voice scratchy,
but somehow calming, said, dont run, I won't hurt you. We all stopped in our tracks to look
where the voice was coming from.
Where are you, show yourself, I yelled.
I already have.
I looked over at the unicorn. It smiled back at me. Everybody approached the four legged
creature. What are you, Noelle asked.

You know exactly what I am, the unicorn said back.

Well, Ya but, why can you Talk?!
Exactly the same reason I have a horn.
Because you are magical?
Exactly. Now you better set up camp before dark, who knows what creatures lurk here. I will
see you in the morning and explain what happened to your parents.
Wait, something happened to my parents
Yes and I will explain all to you soon, The unicorn said as he slowly walked away.
What, no! I need to know what happened to my parents and if they are okay.
But I was too late. The creature had already gone.
Well then I guess we better set up camp, Noelle said.
Ok I guess so. We found a tree climbed it and tied ourselves to then went to sleep. Well,
actually they went to sleep, I could not fall asleep for another hour. All I could think about was m
my dad. I was worried about what would happen to them if we didnt find them soon, and who I
would live with if my Parents died. After I repeated my worries in my head I fell asleep. Not soon
after I woke up to a screech. I looked around for the source of the loud high pitched noise. Soon
enough I found it Noelle had fallen and was only hanging on by the rope we tied to ourselves. I
woke up Gia franticly, and we pulled Noelle up as quick as possible.
OMG! Noelle try not to move so much, next time the rope may not catch you.
Ok Im sorry! But thanks for helping me up.
No problem, Gia and I said in sync. After that we could not fall asleep. We all stayed up in
silence for another hour or two. As the sun rose the sky was painted rosy pink, lavender, and
banana yellow. The unicorn slowly emerged from from the forest, its silhouette majestic with the
bright colors behind it. In a deep raspy voice the unicorn said, Well congratulations on surviving
the first night in the forest.
Th-thanks..., Gia stuttered
Can you tell us where my Dad is now? I said with a concerned look on my face.
Yes, your father has been captured by the dark hell fire witch that is trapped in this forest. She
feeds off the fear, legend has it that she has all the shrieking cries of her victim in a jar, along
with their souls. The unicorn sounded afraid and seemed to almost slouch when he was talking
about the witch.

Well how can I get my father back from the wicked witch?
There is only one way and that is to trick her into falling into the lake of purity.
I dug my heels into the damp soil. Well how can we do that?
I already told you, you must trick her, the unicorn said in annoyance.
Well how do we find her? I asked
The unicorn nodded to a dark cloud of smoke billowing out from the trees, almost as if the
smoke wanted to escape, the smoke cast a shadow over the pointy trees. Over there, that is
where the witch lurks. Though the battle against her is not the most challenging part. It is the
journey, there will be many obstacles, many creatures, and many traps the which has set. There
are dragons, trolls, naids, and many other dangerous things. Though the creatures may seem
nice at first,(and some are) do not let them fool you. The things dwelling among this forest can
be reckless and harmful, like the naids. Or they can be majestic, kind, and caring, like me.
There will be creatures you will meet that may scare you, but no matter what do not let them get
to you, they feed off fear. O...ok, Noelle said looking down at the ground.
Yes these monsters can literally scare you to death. Cool damp water droplets fell onto my
forehead. I heard a slight whimpering sound and I looked up. There was a young woman sitting
in the tree, it seemed she was only an outline of green, almost like a spirit. Who is that I said in
a small whisper pointing to the green spirit.
She is a nymph, The unicorn said with annoyance in its voice.
Noticing the annoyance I asked, What's so annoying about Nymphs?
They are no good. They will try to charm you with their mystery and beauty. They are spirits of
the forest and will try to make you love them. The only way they can leave this forest is if
someone takes them out. They will continuously try to trick and ask you in their longing voice.
Some have even gone so far as to threaten the humans by chaining them up and beating them,
until the skin is black, bloody, and bruised. Whatever you do, do not let them get to you. Once
they get out of this forest who knows what will happen. The whimpering continued until I politely
asked the nymph, What is wrong.
I have been trapped in this forest for centuries and have been beaten by witches, captured by
trolls, and stomped on by centaurs. Do you think when you leave this forest you can take me
with you? I can not suffer the abuse anymore.
In a very stern voice I said, No I have to get out of here myself. I turned around to look at the
unicorn. It looked back at me with an approving look. I nodded, and the naid started talking
again, this time, to Noelle, What about you? Will you save me from this torture?

No Noelle said hesitating a little bit. I must help find my friends Father.
But why? She doesn't need your help.

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