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Im perialism ,

Progressivism ,
America redefines itself in the 20th Century

Im perialism
1. Causes of U.S. Imperialism
2. The Spanish-American War
3. Pre-American Imperialism in Asia
4. American Imperialist Foreign Policy

Acquiring territory or
gaining control over the
political and economic life
of other countries.

How is this different than

Was the United States born
from the imperial desire of
Great Britain?

Theme 1: Causes of
American Imperialism


Theme 1: Causes of
American Imperialism

W hy did the U .S. becom e an im perialist

nation in the early 20 th Century?

Imperialist Motivations
1.New Manifest Destiny
2.International Darwinism
3.White Mans Burden
4.Economic Pressures

Theme 1: Causes of
merican Imperialism

Im perialist M otivations
Manifest Destiny did not
die with the conquest of
the West
Expanding was a part of
the American psychethey
needed somewhere to go
With no where else to go
Americans looked over
nationalismmy country
can do no wrong

Theme 1: Causes of
merican Imperialism

Im perialist M otivations
If the U.S. doesnt control the
worldwho will?
Survival of the fittestto
survive we must expand and
assert our influence
The only way to assert influence
is with a strong navy to
1. transport Americans to other
2. protect trade,
3. open markets
U.S. Navy Captain Alfred Thayer
Mahan wrote The Influence of Sea
Power Upon History (1890) which
pushed for a strong navy of steel ships

The history of sea power is largely, though by no means solely,

a narrative of contests between nations, of mutual rivalries, of
violence frequently culminating in war. The profound influence of
sea commerce upon the wealth and strength of countries was
clearly seen long before the true principles which governed its
growth and prosperity were detected. To secure to one's own
people a disproportionate share of such benefits, every effort
was made to exclude others, either by the peaceful legislative
methods of monopoly or prohibitory regulations, or, when these
failed, by direct violence. The clash of interests, the angry
feelings roused by conflicting attempts thus to appropriate the
larger share, if not the whole, of the advantages of commerce,
and of distant unsettled commercial regions, led to wars. On the
other hand, wars arising from other causes have been greatly
modified in their conduct and issue by the control of the sea.
Therefore the history of sea power, while embracing in its broad
sweep all that tends to make a people great upon the sea or by
the sea, is largely a military history...
Alfred Thayer Mahan,The Influence Of Sea Power Upon
History, 1660 - 1783

Im perialist M otivations
Missionaries and
other chartable
groups supported
Imperialism because
they felt it was the
White Mans
Burden to bring
Western culture to
other nations.

Theme 1: Causes of
American Imperialism

Im perialist M otivations

Rapidly expanding industry
required both raw materials AND
new markets to sell their goods
Imperialism solved both
Republicans (Congress and the
President) were generally
supporters of industry who
favored imperialism foreign

Today we are raising more

than we can consume.
Today we are making more
than we can use. Therefore,
we must find new markets
for our produce, new
occupations for our capital,
new work for our labor.
--Senator Albert Beveridge, 1899, to a joint
session of Congress

Am erican Im perialism At H om e
Williams H. Seward (Lincolns right
hand man and Secretary of State
from 1861-1869) was an ardent
When Russia offered to sell Alaska
to Seward for $7.2 million in 1867
Seward convinced Congress to
agree (They liked Russia because
they supported the Union during
the Civil War)
Many Americans thought buying
Alaska was silly, calling the
acquisition of a barren wasteland
Sewards Folly

I can see
from my

Am erican Im perialism At H om e
Since the mid 1800s Americans
industrialists and plantation owners had
wanted Hawaii for its unique natural
resources and tropical growing
In 1893 American settlers helped to
overthrow the Hawaiian Queen
Who was their leader?
President Cleveland opposed imperialism
and blocked efforts to annex Hawaii.
The war in the Philippines pushed
President McKinley to annex the Island in
1898 for its Naval base
Hawaii becomes a territory of the US in
1900, and a state in 1959.


Theme 1: Causes of
American Imperialism

Im perialism : Continuity and

Change O ver Tim e Q uestion
Why did
America move
towards an
foreign policy
at the end of
the 19th and
beginning of
the 20th

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

The M onroe D octrine before the W ar

The Pan-American
Secretary of State James J. Blaine
organized a permanent organization for
international trade and cooperation in
the Western Hemisphere
Lowered tariff rates to encourage trade
within the hemisphere
Europe didnt like this because it made
trading with them more expensive and
increased U.S. power in Latin America
Still exists today

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

Am erican Interest in Cuba

Southern American sugar
farmers were interested in Cuba
Cuban Nationalists were
unhappy with the colonial rule
of the Spanish.
They burned sugar plantations
to push the Spanish out and get
the Americans involved
Spanish sent General Valeriano
Weyler to Cuba with 100,000
Cubans put into prison camps
where more than 20,000
Cubans died

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

Yellow Journalism
To sell newspapers
publishers like William
Randolph Hearst and Joseph
Pulitzer started a practice
called Yellow Journalism
where stories were
exaggerated or even
falsified to make them more
interesting and sellable
Stories about the evil
Spanish filled the papers
and pushed many
Americans to wanting war
with Spain.

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

The D e Lom e Letter

In 1898 while Yellow
Journalism was fanning
the flames of American
involvement in Cuba,
letter from Spanish
Diplomat Dupuy De Lome
was leaked to the press.
De Lomes letter criticized
President McKinley
Americans didnt like
that and pushed further
for War.

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

The Sinking of the U SS M aine

February 15, 1898 the US
battleship Maine suddenly
exploded killing 260 sailors
while anchored in the
Cuban capitol of Havana
The Yellow Press accused
the Spanish of sabotaging
and blowing up the ship
People believed this despite
experts testifying it was an
engine failure

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

M cKinley D eclares W ar
McKinley issued an ultimatum to
Spainthey agreed to end the
prison camps and stop fighting the
Cuban Nationals but remained on
the island
This was not enough McKinley
asked Congress for a declaration of
He got it

Do McKinleys reasons
echo any 20th and 21st
Century Presidents
reasons for war?

McKinleys Reasons for

1. Put an end to the barbarities,
bloodshed, starvation, and
horrible miseries
2. Protect the lives and property of
US citizens in Cuba
3. End the very serious injury to
the commerce, trade, and
business of our people
4. End the constant menace to our

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

The Teller Am endm ent

Passed on April 20th the
Amendment openly
declared war on Spain
It promised that at the
conclusion of the war the
Nation of Cuba would be
entirely in the control of
the Cuban people?
Does this promise
remind you of any
promises made by 20th
and 21st Century

Current U .S. M ilitary D eploym ent

There are currently 196 Countries in
the world today
American Troops are stationed in
152 of them
1,318,428 U.S. Soldiers total
1,145,073 Stationed in the U.S.
173,325 Stationed overseas

Which Country has the most U.S.

troops stationed there?
Japan 47,123
Which country has the second most
U.S. troops?

Current M cD onalds D eploym ent

There are currently
34,000 McDonalds in
the world today
196 Countries in the
world today
There are McDonalds in
113 of them

Why are we talking

about McDonalds?

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

Im perialism : Causation Q uestion

the United
States to
War with
Spain in

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

The Spanish-Am erican W ar in the

After McKinley declared war, Secretary of
the Navy Theodore Roosevelt sent
Commodore George Dewey to the
Philippines to keep the Spanish Navy
contained (the Philippines were also under
the control of the Spanish)
Meanwhile back in the Philippines, Dewey
opened fire on the Spanish navy, defeating
them in a matter of days.
U.S. troops landed on the island and
captured the capitol city of Manila after a
few weeks of fighting.

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

The Spanish-Am erican W ar in Cuba

American forces landed and met with
light resistance from the Spanish.
Disease proved a more formidable
enemy. 5,000 soldiers died from
malaria while only 500 died in battle.
Roosevelt had resigned from the Navy
and took a position as the commander
of a volunteer force of cavalry called
The Rough Riders who became
heroes of the American victory.
The Spanish asked for peace after
only 3 months of fighting

Theme 2: The SpanishAmerican War

The Peace Process

The Spanish and Americans
met in Paris to negotiations
peace in December of 1898
The Treaty was
controversial because while
granted Cuban
independence from imperial
rule it
1. Gave control of Guam and
Puerto Rico to the U.S.
2. And sold the Philippines to
the US for $20 million

Theme 3: Pre-American
Imperialism in Asia

IM PERIALSIM : Synthesis Q uestion

How does
compare to
the foreign
and the

Theme 4: American
Imperialist Foreign

Im perialism : Periodization Q uestion

Why is the
Presidency of

W ednesdays In-Class Assignm ent

Get into groups of 3, pick up a packet
for each of your group members, and
an iPad or two
Once in groups I will come around and
tell you which subject you will cover
Create a quick , simple and to the
point PowerPoint of your subject that:
Explains all the major events, ideas, and
terms of your subject
Relates your subject to the broader
discussion of imperialism
Include pictures or maps to make your
slides come alive!

1. Controversy Over the Treaty of
2. Other Results of the War
3. Open Door Policy with China
4. The Panama Canal
5. The Roosevelt Corollary to the
Monroe Doctrine
6. East Asia
7. William Howard Taft and Dollar
8. Woodrow Wilson and Foreign Affairs

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