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Stephan Huber & Michael Lopinto

ECE 121
Lab 6 3/10/14
Professor Haller

We used the curve tracer by placing the Zener diode in the in the emitter and collector terminals,
adjusting the scale of the voltages and currents and observing the forward bias threshold voltage.
We then took the Zener diode out and reversed the polarity. We readjusted the voltage/current
scale and observed the reverse bias zener region.

Draw the large signal model of the zener diode and explain for each region.

1. For the 2nd experiment

Include the measurements for VL and IRs

Present all the measurements that you took between 9 to 11 volts.
Show how you calculated the minimum value of the resistance that you connected across
the circuit and you still measured VL approximate to the zener voltage
Present the table that justifies your calculations above

See Attached lab

2. For the 3rd experiment

Explain what loosing regulation means.

Loosing regulation means that the Zener diode isnt able to maintain a constant voltage to the

Present the way you calculated the current through the resistor RREG.
Present the way that you calculated RLmin and explain why the value is defferent, or the
same as before.

This circuit was different because the source was a sine wave with a 10 volt peak or a 10/(2)^1/2
usuable DC voltage.

Explain how you would be able to predict that you lost regulation by looking at different
voltages in the rest of the circuit.

Your load voltage would be below the breakdown frequency of the Zener diode.

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