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Authorization check for the condition screen

1) After the ABAP changes have been done, a new role has to be created for authorization
object Z_KONH_KLS. In the authorizations tab select manually and enter the object
name as Z_KONH_KLS. System will give the screen as below:

2) Here, give full authorizations and save the role. This role has to be assigned to all the
users. Note that once the ABAP changes are done as per the note none of the users will
be able to view the rates/values/amount in the conditions screen. Hence, the new role
with full authorizations has to be given to all users. Later, for the users who should not
be given the authorization to view the rates/values/amount, this role has to be deleted
and a new role has to be created and assigned.
3) Authorizations can be given based on pricing procedure and step number. So for
whichever pricing procedure and the relevant step number in that pricing procedure, the
user should be able to view, the role has to be created and assigned.
4) Once the ABAP changes have been done, this will effect the MM pricing also as the
condition table and fields are the same for both SD and MM. Hence, MM roles also have
to be created and assigned to the relevant users.

5) For a user who has full authorization, the item conditions screen will be as below:

6) The user will be able to view all the price amounts and values as the authorization is

7) For a user to whom restricted authorization is given, the conditions screen will be as
below. Note that the user has not been given authorization to view the step number
where ZP01 is present and hence user can only see the condition type and condition

8) Also, user cannot select the condition type. However, user can view the condition details
but again the price will not be displayed to the user. The screen will be as below:

9) For a user to whom no authorization is given, the conditions screen will be as below.
Note that the user has not been given authorization at all and hence no condition
amount or value can be viewed.

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