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4. Collaboration with Gdocs Complete Student Checklist -

Teacher name:
4. COLLABORATION Gdrive docs QUEST #1: Formatting Tools
Check off


Opened my Google Drive location

Watched Part 1 video (pausing it to complete each step), and/or used the step-bystep directions

Created a new folder with an appropriate name

Created a new document within the folder with an appropriate name

Typed the poem into the document with the error for Nthing

Turned the Spelling tool on and made the correction

Made the formatting changes for Steps 1 - 6 b.

Watched Part 2 video (pausing it to complete each step), and/or used the step-bystep directions

Made formatting changes as instructed

Checked with the teacher about sharing the document or not

Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

4. COLLABORATION Gdrive docs QUEST #2: File Management

Check off


Watched introduction video on Collaboration Q2 File management

Downloaded and Saved file to desktop called RobertFrostbio

Uploaded your own saved copy of RobertFrostbio to your Google Drive

Opened it with Google Drive and fixed the spelling error

Added a citation for the bio in the bottom of the page

Practiced printing (if you teachers requested it to be printed) and downloading the
xxRobertFrostbio doc

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

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4. Collaboration with Gdocs Complete Student Checklist -


Checked with teacher to show this Quest is completed

Checked this Quest off on my Tracking Document

4. COLLABORATION Gdrive docs QUEST #3: Graphics

Check off


Watched the introduction on Collaboration Q3 Graphics video part 1

Opened Formatting Document (Robert Frost Poem) in Google Drive

Downloaded image of leaves to my computer

Inserted the image at top of Poem document

Watched video part 2

Copied image citation from source to google drive document

Saved image to google drive Collaboration folder

Inserted image from Google Drive

Added horizontal line at top and bottom of (Robert Frost Poem) document

Hyperlinked Collaboration Quest 3 to (Robert Frost Poem) document

Checked with teacher to show this Quest is completed

Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

4. COLLABORATION Gdrive docs QUEST #4: Sharing

Check off


Watched introduction video on Collaboration Q4 Share

Shared my Robert Frost document with commenting rights with my teacher

Added a message to the sharing notice to my teacher

Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

4. COLLABORATION Gdrive docs QUEST #5: Tables

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

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4. Collaboration with Gdocs Complete Student Checklist -

Check off


Reviewed the vocabulary and Introduction

Watched one of the videos about marking a poem's rhyme scheme (YouTube
lesson or one from SchoolTube).

Watched the introduction video on Collaboration Q5 Tables

Opened a Google Drive document poem and used the highlight tool to highlight
the word at the end of each line of the poem with similar colors for rhyming

Added a horizontal line

Created a table that is 3 columns wide and nine rows down

Added title headers to the table

Filled in the table and numbered the line numbers in column 1, the last word of
each line into the middle column, and the Rhyme Scheme in the last one

Found a partner to collaborate with and gave commenting rights

Commented on my partners poem document

Looked over the comments in my document (did not resolve them) but may have
made some changes suggested.

Checked with my teacher about turning it in or waiting for the next Quest


Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

4. COLLABORATION Gdrive docs QUEST #6: Headers & Footers

Check off


Watched introduction video on Collaboration Q6 Headers & Footers

Inserted right aligned header into Robert Frost poem document

Inserted page number footer into Robert Frost poem document

Changed the document name of the Robert Frost poem to a new name

Checked with my teacher on how to turn in the Robert Frost poem

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

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4. Collaboration with Gdocs Complete Student Checklist -

Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

4. COLLABORATION Gdrive docs Gold QUEST: This is a new optional Quest not on the
Roadmap yet. You will need to use the Google Chrome Browser and have access to a
microphone to complete this Quest. Check with your teacher.
Check off

Created a new document in Google docs, titled 4.Goldxx (with my initials)
Created a heading titled New Features
Tried out one of the New Features listed on the page, then wrote about: a. what I
tried out, b. how it worked, c. how it could be useful for my class work
Created a new heading titled Exploration and explored one of the menu features
not listed from Add-ons or other menu options. Wrote about:a. what I tried out, b.
how it worked, c. how it could be useful for my class work
Created a new heading titled Innovation and did some brainstorming to identify
one or two features I think would improve Google docs. Wrote a paragraph
describing my idea, and how it will be useful.
Shared my discoveries with a classmate and teacher and checked on how to turn
it in.
Added this to the 21t4s Roadmap since it is new and not listed there

Collaboration Badge
Check off


Took Collaboration Quiz

Created an image capture of quiz results

Shared image capture with teacher

Completed the feedback survey for improving activities

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

Page 4

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