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Apart from the efforts of us, the success of any project depends largely on the encouragement
and guidelines of many others. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the people
who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. We are firstly, thankful
to Almighty who has blessed us with completing this project and secondly we are grateful to our
subject teacher, Miss Anum Hameed for the guidance, inspiration and constructive
suggestions that were helpful to us in the successful completion of this project. The guidance and
support received from all the members who contributed and who are contributing to this project,
was vital for the success of the project.


Project Scope
Nowadays gaming is the most selected option for spending a leisure time which is liked by
everyone. And internet is providing free online gaming by just signing in or signing up to the
websites. A guessing game is a game in which the object is to use guessing to discover some
kind of information, such as a word, a phrase, a title, or the identity of an object. A guessing
game has as its core a piece of information that one player knows, and the object is to coerce
others into guessing that piece of information without actually divulging it in text word.
Many of the games are played co-operatively. In some games some players know the answer, but
cannot tell the others, instead they must help them to guess it. Guessing games are "readily
adaptable for classroom use", as such a game "creates just enough tension to remain exciting,
challenging, and competitive" for children, as long as the teacher designs effective rules "to
eliminate unruly or sportsmanship behavior". It has been noted, however, that children
in therapy may initiate guessing games as a way to avoid talking about distressing issues, and
that therapists who are using other kinds of games to facilitate communication should avoid
being drawn into them.

Project Description
We have made this project of Word Guessing Game according to the theme of online gaming.
Our project is created by NetBeans IDE 8.1 using Java Programming techniques. It has some
levels and only by playing all the levels the user can win the game. In this game of Word Guess,
the application has some secret words which are hidden from the user and for completing each
level, user have to fill the columns by guessing different alphabets at random boxes from a given
list of words. The word in each level is picturized combining four pictures for the help of user
and we can say that the picture has the answer. The player then tries easily to guess the word, by
guessing one letter at a time. Whenever the user guesses a correct letter it will directly go to the
empty text box and when the user completes word in each level he/she can go to the next level
with the gained scores. The game ends when the user has guessed every letter in every level, he
can win before he reaches the allowed number of strikes. Every level will have different number
of counts by losing the counts the user cannot play the next level and user will have to play the
same level again.

Chapter # 01
1.1 Project Overview
The focus is to create a gaming application for the users who like to play online. The game is
simple and easy to play. The NetBeans IDE is used to create this project by java programming
techniques. We create a secret word for which the game player has to guess the word. Our
program gives the player some feedback on their guess. Based on that feedback, the player can
go to the next level and makes another guess. Guessing continues until the levels end or until the
maximum number of tries is reached.
Our responsibility in this program is to provide a suitable GUI of the game, that our program will
provide interaction with the game user and the game player. Ideally, but for purposes of testing,
we will be both the developer and the player.

1.2 Features

Provides online free gaming onto the website.

Online Signup/Registration.

Online Login for playing Game.

Chapter # 02
2.1 Tools and Technologies
Following are the tools and technologies that are used in this project.
1. NetBeans IDE 8.1
2. Object Oriented Problem Solving Techniques (Java Programming)
3. MS-Word (for Project Report)

2.1.1 NetBeans IDE 8.1

NetBeans is a software development platform written in Java. The
NetBeans Platform allows applications to be developed from a set of modular software
components called modules. Applications based on the NetBeans Platform, including the
NetBeans integrated development environment (IDE), can be extended by third party
The NetBeans IDE is primarily intended for development in Java, but also supports other
languages, in particular PHP, C/C++ and HTML5.
NetBeans is cross-platform and runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS
X, Linux, Solaris and other platforms supporting a compatible JVM.

2.1.2 Object Oriented Programming Solving Techniques

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of
"objects", which are data structures that contain data, in the form of fields, often known
as attributes; and code, in the form of procedures, often known as methods. A

distinguishing feature of objects is that an object's procedures can access and often
modify the data fields of the object with which they are associated (objects have a notion
of "this" or "self"). In OO programming, computer programs are designed by making
them out of objects that interact with one another. There is significant diversity in objectoriented programming, but most popular languages are class-based, meaning that objects
are instances of classes, which typically also determines their type.
Many of the most widely used programming languages are multi-paradigm programming
languages that support object-oriented programming to a greater or lesser degree,
typically in combination with imperative, procedural programming. Significant objectoriented languages include Python, C++,ObjectiveC, Smalltalk, Delphi, Java, Swift, C#, Perl, Ruby and PHP.

2.1.3 MS-Word
MS-Word stands for Microsoft Word. It is Microsoft's flagship word processing software.
It was first released in 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word for Xenix
systems.Microsoft Word (often called Word) is a graphicalword processing program that
users can type with. It is made by the computercompanyMicrosoft. The purpose of the
MS Word is to allow the users to type and save documents.

Chapter # 03
3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Our project is an application of game which does not have any ERD.

3.2Data Dictionary
Our project is not connected with any Database so it has no any data dictionary.

Chapter # 04
4.1 Game title page

4.2 Online SignUp form

4.3 Online Login Form

4.4 Play Game Page


4.5 Level 1


4.6 Level 2

4.7 Level 3

If turns over

Game will be over

4.8 Game Over



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