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JSTOR Citation List

@comment{{ These records have been provided through JSTOR.

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {1-3},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {Front Matter},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Einar Torfi Einarsson},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {5-30},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {Desiring-Machines: In between Difference and Repetition, Performer and
Conductor, Cyclones and Physicality, Structure and Notation},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Michael C. Gardiner},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {31-76},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {The Theoretical Improvisation of (and within) Possible Worlds},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Sam L. Richards},

journal = {Perspectives of New Music},

number = {1},
pages = {77-97},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {From Quotation, through Collage, to Parody: Postmodernism's Relationsh
ip with Its Past},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Michael McInerney},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {99-120},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {New Notational Strategies for New Interpretative Paradigms: Revisiting
the Scores of Anestis Logothetis (1921 1994)},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Scott Gleason},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {121-141},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {Analysis as Improvisation: A Phenomenology of Otomo Yoshihide's <em>An
ode 2</em>},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Hyunree Cho},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {143-187},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {Music Analysis as Poetry},
volume = {53},

year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Pete Steele},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {189-217},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {Split Centers: Gamelan Fusion Post-Multiculturalism},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Brian Hulse},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {219-237},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {Becoming-Composer},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
author = {Heather Hutchison, Brian Borrello, Stuart Buehler, Brad Johnson, Cyri
lla Mozenter},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {4-218},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {Graphics},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}


ISSN = {00316016},
URL = {},
journal = {Perspectives of New Music},
number = {1},
pages = {238-246},
publisher = {Perspectives of New Music},
title = {Back Matter},
volume = {53},
year = {2015}

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