Postsecondary Student Success Guidebook

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Supporting Postsecondary

Student Success
Authors: Bob Coffey, Ph.D., and Julie Ajinkya, Ph.D.

Strong support systems are necessary to help students complete their postsecondary programs, and these supports
must come from both inside and outside the classroom. As communities work together to ensure that all students
succeed in college, they must prioritize creating a completion culture with a sense of shared responsibility among
different community stakeholders and they must target supports to underserved student populations to eliminate
equity gaps in student retention and success.
Academic supports, such as advising and tutoring, can help students remediate needs and ensure that they
will succeed in subsequent coursework instead of stopping out. Career supports, such as career counseling,
mentoring, and work experience, can help articulate how coursework translates into high-quality employment after
graduation. Personal supports, such as learning communities and comprehensive first-year experiences, can
ensure that underserved students feel a sense of belonging as they adjust to an unfamiliar campus culture. And
financial supports should not be limited to financial aid counseling but include supports for housing, transportation,
legal services, and other holistic needs that realistically determine how affordable college is for low-income students.
But cross-sector partnerships that aim to improve rates of persistence and completion, particularly among
underserved students, can be difficult to manage and maintain unless communities have clear guidance, objectives,
and strategies. Community partners must work together to assess what kinds of programming and initiatives
work best for the various student populations within their communities. In an effort to support community-based
collaborations on postsecondary student successeducation, business, policy, and nonprofit and community
organizationsthe Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) has developed this tactical guidebook with support
from Lumina Foundation. The guidebook explains how some communities within the Community Partnership for
Attainment (CPA) network use cross-sector partnerships effectively to improve student outcomes.
We hope you will use this guidebook to learn more about different practices and tools communities are using to
improve academic system alignment and support college readiness for all students, and to learn how you can
adopt these practices and tools in your own communities. Our guidebooks opening infographic outlines different
types of supports that community actors can provide to students to help them along their path to completion.
Each subsequent chapter takes a deep dive into these distinct academic and nonacademic supports and includes
interviews* with community leaders about their community partnership strategies and practices; tactical tools
(such as online coaching platforms, sample strategic plans, pathway design recommendations, first-year
experience seminar workbooks, and career supports brochures) that could help your community adopt these
practices; and additional resources that provide more information for you to examine at your leisure. Finally, we
introduce Beyond Financial Aid, a guidebook produced by Lumina Foundation that addresses college affordability
and features an institutional self-assessment that can help campuses assess existing efforts and identify strategies
to build their capacity to strengthen students financial stability.
* Please note that all interviews are summaries of conversations and not verbatim records.

The Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to promoting access to and success
in higher education for all students. Based in Washington, D.C., IHEP develops innovative policy- and practice-oriented research to guide
policymakers and education leaders, who develop high-impact policies that will address our nations most pressing education challenges.

Supported by Lumina Foundation



F inanci al S up p o rt s
Ac ad e mi c S up p o rt s
Persona l S up p o rt s
C areer S up p o rt s



Success Street

Lot B

Lot A






ence D
s i st



Lot C




Lot D


C o m m u n i ty Pa r t n er s h i p B o u



Financial Aid Office



Financial Aid
and Literacy
Financial Aid
Counseling and Literacy
Parental Engagement


Degree Mapping Advising

Math and English


Remedial Advising and


Online and Technology


Technology Supports

Writing Center

Writing Tutors

Math Center

Math Tutors

Student Affairs Office

Academic Advising

First Year Experience

Family Engagement


Residence Halls



Early Warning Systems

Intrusive Advising
First Year Experience
Flexible Scheduling
Transfer Advising




Testing Office




Prior Learning
Flexible Scheduling
Work Experience


Career Center

Career Counseling

Executive Office

Articulation Agreements

High Schools

Remedial Advising and


Diversity Office

First Year Experience


Office For Military


Support for Military



Counseling Center

Personal Counseling

Childcare Center


Faculty Offices





Institutional Research

Early Warning Systems


English Language
Learning Center

Language Supports

Table of Contents
Chapter One:
How can community partners provide
completion rates?

Chapter Three:
How can community partners design
underserved students adjust well to
college and are more likely to succeed?

Interview: Learn how community leaders


in Boston, Massachusetts, work together

to provide navigational coaching to
Bostons students in order to improve
their postsecondary completion rates.

Tool: Learn about an online platform

that helps provide data-driven insights to

create differentiated coaching plans and
help improve student outcomes.

Additional Resources

leaders in Cleveland, Ohio, worked
across campus divisions to develop a
comprehensive First-Year Experience
to improve student success rates for
underserved student populations.

Tool: Learn how a First-Year Seminar

workbook helps students learn important

skills such as time management, testtaking and study skills, career exploration,
wellness, and money management.

Additional Resources

Chapter Two:
How can community partners ensure
that college success includes CAREER
SUPPORTS, particularly for disconnected

Chapter Four:
How can communities provide holistic
financial support for low-income students?

Interview: Learn how community leaders


in Durham, North Carolina, assess the

needs of disconnected students and
design intervention strategies that improve
their college and career prospects.


Learn about program design

recommendations for the development of
education-to-career pathways, including
goals, outcomes, structure, strategies,
and prospective partners.

Profile: Learn how

the Beyond Financial Aid guidebook
helps campuses assess existing efforts
and identify strategies to build their
capacity in order to strengthen students
financial stability.

Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Chapter One:

How can community partners

provide academic supports
that improve underserved
student retention and
completion rates?
Efforts to widen postsecondary participation in urban
communities necessarily start well before senior year. It takes a
villageor a citypulling together to raise and sustain student
aspirations for college. Robust partnerships involving colleges
and universities, school districts, government, foundations,
nonprofit organizations, and businesses can be important
catalysts for change.

connect students with resources, help them with career

exploration, and help them stay on track to graduate. Employers
can invest in career coaching programs that help students
develop resumes, prepare for interviews, and secure interviews
and job-shadowing opportunities. Nonprofits with roots in the
community can often provide holistic support for students from
underserved populations.

Moving the needle on postsecondary completion requires

intervention at every stage of the college process. School
districts, colleges, and nonprofits can partner early on to ensure
students prepare for the application process and are familiar with
placement tests. Nonprofit organizations can invest in providing
students with coaching and support before, during, and after the
college search. Students benefit when this coaching continues
into college in support of a successful transition to campus life.
The business community can play a part by helping students
find their way to internship opportunities during college and
to employment after graduation. Below are a few examples of
intervention strategies that campuscommunity partnerships
can use to support student college readiness, persistence,
completion, and, ultimately, the transition into the world of work.

Learn While You Earn: Does your community want to identify

and develop opportunities for students to work in paid internship
positions while earning college credit? Credit-bearing internships
allow students to explore a potential career path and continue
progress toward graduation while earning money to support
themselves. With paid internships, work doesnt distract students
from focusing on their academics; rather, it can help sharpen and
refine that focus.

College Readiness Programs: Does your community want to

invest in programs and events that help prepare students for the
application process, placement tests, and college-level work?
These programs can familiarize students with postsecondary
options, help them apply, and reinforce the norms of a collegegoing culture. Local colleges and universities as well as nonprofit
organizations with a focus on college access can be important
partners for school districts at this stage.
Navigational Coaching: Does your community want to provide
students with one-on-one coaching and support as they navigate
the college-to-career pathway? Nonprofit organizations can
partner with school districts and other community organizations
to provide coaching aimed at college-bound students.
Navigational coaches can partner with host institutions to

This chapter features an interview with the vice provost for

academic support services and undergraduate studies at the
University of Massachusetts Boston. She explains how the
Success Boston partnership came together in response to a low
postsecondary completion rate for Boston Public Schools (BPS)
graduates. This chapter also includes several resources that
this partnership used to organize its work, set goals, and deploy
resources. These resources include a set of plans drawn up by
the coalition and by individual campuses to positively affect
completion by BPS students and an annotated bibliography on
widening participation by underserved students.
This chapter ends with a list of additional resources you can
use to find more information about designing programming to
promote first-year student success.

Success Boston, Boston, Massachusetts: Widening

College Participation Among Boston Public Schools
Dr. Joan Becker, Vice Provost for Academic Support Services and Undergraduate Studies, University
of Massachusetts Boston; Strategy Group Member, Success Boston
IHEP spoke with Dr. Joan Becker from the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB) to learn about
the coalition of higher education institutions, community organizations, and foundations that built the
Success Boston initiative. Becker describes how this initiative developed, outlines its four primary
components, and provides evidence for the programs effectiveness in improving the completion rate
for Boston Public Schools (BPS) students. The interview provides an example of synergy between
higher education, government, foundation, and nonprofit partners, and describes an intervention
strategy that is making significant inroads in improving outcomes for urban high school students.

IHEP: What is the Success Boston partnership, and how and
why did it develop?
Success Boston is a citywide college completion initiative. The
Boston Foundation, BPS, the City of Boston, nearly 40 colleges
and universities, and several nonprofit organizations are working
together to double the college completion rate for BPS students.
We have a long and deep history in Boston of collaboration
between the higher education sector, the business community,
and the K-12 system, beginning with the Boston Compact,
which was in signed in 1982. In place for over 20 years, the
Compact first took shape during the desegregation era. During
that time, many local colleges stepped up to the plate to work
with the K-12 system, not only to ease the transition related to
desegregation, but also to help improve the outcomes for BPS
students. We had formal agreements in which BPS committed
to improve students preparation, the colleges agreed to admit
more BPS students and put more scholarship money on the
table, and the business committee committed to hiring more
BPS students. All along, our focus was on graduating more kids
from high school, getting more kids enrolled in college, and
getting more students hired into jobs.
In 2009, Northeastern Universitys Center for Labor Market
Studies released a report that said were doing a fabulous job
of getting students into college, but theyre not completing.
This was no surprise to me, nor to others who had been doing
college access work. Its great to get students into college, but
if they dont finish, what have we really done? Tom Menino
Bostons mayor at the timecared deeply about education and
wanted to do something to improve retention. He held a press
conference at which the Success Boston initiative was launched,
with a commitment of $5 million over five years from the Boston

in which 37 local higher education institutions committed to

implementing strategies aimed at increasing the completion
rates of BPS students on their campuses and have expanded
campus-based supports for students. In addition, the colleges
that enroll large numbers of BPS students partner with nonprofit
organizations to provide students with coaches to help
them thrive and graduate. The newest component is Getting
Connected, led by the Private Industry Council (PIC), which
looks at the question of employment after graduation.

IHEP: Besides the Northeastern report, did you find any other
research useful in developing the Success Boston strategies?
We were already looking at our own retention rates as a campus
around the time Success Boston launched. A report published
by the Education Trust called Advancing by Degrees was very
important for us at UMB. It described a framework for thinking
about what we came to call on-track indicatorsaccumulating
at least 30 credit hours a year, maintaining a certain grade
point average, taking first-year courses in the first year, and
completing math requirements earlythe benchmarks that must
be completed to get a degree. The report found that students
who successfully complete these benchmarks when theyre
meant to be completed are much more likely to finish on time.
We developed a whole on-track framework and launched a
messaging campaign to students: Start on Track, Stay on
This also influenced development of the Success Boston
strategies when we came to the table. Rather than only ensuring
that students persisted, stakeholders focused instead on
identifying the key, campus-specific benchmarks that students
need to complete, and when they need to complete them.

Success Boston has four componentsGetting Ready is led

by BPS and involves improving student readiness for college.
A network of nonprofits led by the Boston Foundation support
students through and after the college application process in
the Getting In stage. UMB is lead on the Getting Through stage,

IHEP: Has the partnership focused on specific student

The initial report by Northeastern found a persistent
achievement gap with regard to BPS students of color and white
students. Specifically, college graduation rates for black (28.2%)
and Hispanic (23.9%) BPS students are substantially lower than
those for white (53.3%) and Asian (52%) BPS students. This
population is a high priority for us, and through Success Boston
weve started to move the needle. Black and Hispanic BPS
students who worked with a Success Boston coach showed
gains in one-year persistence rates of 17% to 22% over peers
who didnt participate.
Given how effective the coaching intervention is, weve
started to focus on the gaps and how we can make sure were
connecting all of our BPS students with a coach. Early in
the initiative we were able to garner institutional funding that
enabled us to hire our own navigational coach. As a result,

since 2010, we have been able to provide all incoming first-time

students with a coach. Approximately 50% of UMB students
are transfer students, so were developing coaching support
for BPS students who start elsewhere and transfer here. Many
BPS students start at community colleges and then go on to
four-year institutions, and that transition can sometimes be less
than successful.
At UMB, our work with Success Boston occurs in conjunction
with several other initiatives that target specific student
populations. We have the Federal TRIO Student Support
Services Program and a Federal Asian American, Native
American, Pacific Islander Serving Institution Grant. We also
have an ongoing partnership with the Dana-Farber/Harvard
Cancer Center, which is working with us to provide opportunities
for underrepresented minority students with an interest in
biomedical careers to get involved in research projects involving
cancer health disparities.

IHEP: How did UMB work with Success Boston partners to
develop its intervention strategies?
This was an area of challenge at first. We needed to find the
best way for nonprofits to support, extend, and expand the
work that campuses were doing to support students. If you look
at the literature on retention, making connections to people on
campus is crucial, particularly for low-income, first-generation
students. We wanted to ensure that our nonprofit partners were
flying in formation with usthat they were well connected to
people and programs on our campus, that they understood how
we were organized, and that we had an ongoing opportunity to
provide guidance and insight. Further, nonprofits could have
found themselves supporting students and hiring coaches to

Boston is perhaps the most

competitive higher education

market in the world. Even
though we compete with one
another for students, we were
able to park our self-interests
at the door. Those meetings
were about the success of
Boston kids, and we kept our
focus on how we collectively
and individually could
do that.

work on campuses all over the region. That didnt seem to be an

efficient use of resources. Instead, we made a critical decision
to concentrate these nonprofit resources at specific campuses
rather than have all nonprofits working everywhere. Further, I
assigned someone in our Advising Center to be a single point of
contact for nonprofits working on our campus. I wanted to make
it easy for us to quickly problem-solve and troubleshoot what
issues needed to go where.
With additional funding from the Boston Foundation, I convened
a committee and invited representatives from colleges and
universities across greater Boston to participate. We made
use of a team of consultants to help each campus develop a
strategy to improve persistence to graduation specifically for
BPS students. Each campus identified specific goals, new
or repurposed funds to support those goals, and what more
they could do with additional funding. We also held annual
meetings with all of the campuses to provide updates and
share best practices. Occasionally our nonprofit partners or
BPS participated as well. These meetings were really useful
in strengthening our partnership. Remember that Boston is
perhaps the most competitive higher education market in the
world. Even though we compete with one another for students,
we were able to park our self-interests at the door. Those
meetings were about the success of Boston kids, and we kept
our focus on how we collectively and individually could do that.

IHEP: What challenges did you first encounter when

developing the Success Boston partnership?
One challenge we encountered early on involved the extent to
which campus-level data are publicly shared. In the run-up to
the release of the Northeastern report, each campus had been
given its institutional data. We understood that these data were
for our own purposes and would not be made public. In its
study, the Center for Labor Market Studies reported the data in
the aggregate. Later on, the Center released individual college
data in response to repeated queries from the Boston Globe.
The campuses werent trying to hide behind bad outcomes.
Rather, we worried that the Globe wouldnt provide the
appropriate context for the information. Further, were enrollment
driven. Publishing a story at a crucial time in the enrollment

cycle can really hurt our ability to do the things were trying to
do to improve. Im not reluctant to share data. I share data about
UMB all the time. But context is important. Data are the data,
but the story you tell about the data is a different matter. This

IHEP: Can you describe the four stages of the Success Boston
initiative and how coalition partners led at each stage?
Getting Ready
As Ive mentioned, BPS led the Getting Ready stage, but other
partners played key roles in helping prepare students for the
application process. The Boston Foundation funded a full-time
staff position to help BPS organize and deliver college and
career readiness programs. BPS also worked to help familiarize
more students with the placement tests that colleges are using.
UMB faculty worked with their counterparts at Bunker Hill to
codevelop a course with teachers in one high school. Were in
the process of rolling it out to other schools in the district. We
also took advantage of a BPS-sponsored program for parents
called Parent University to deliver presentations on Success
Boston to BPS parents. Obviously its critical for student success
to help get parents on board as partners in this process.
As I mentioned earlier, Success Boston benefits from
longstanding partnerships between the higher education
sector, the business community, and BPS around improving
outcomes, but these pre-existing partnerships can also pose a
challenge. Any individual school in Boston may have multiple
partners representing the business community, communitybased organizations, and higher education partners, and it
can be challenging to harness all that energy in service of a
common agenda.

continues to be a point of tension for our coalition. I think people

would be more than willing to sign a data-sharing agreement
if we had language in the agreement that obliged us to reach
consensus as to the story were going to tell.

The nonprofits provide really

good navigational coaching.

Their job is to teach the
students how to navigate
higher educationjust like
the old adage of teaching
someone how to fish. These
coaches are grounded in the
community and thus have
access to supports and
resources that can address
non-school-related problems
students encounter.

Getting In
Were fortunate to have many nonprofit organizations in greater
Boston that focus on college access and widening participation.
They were in the lead with this stage of Success Boston. Several
of them received funding from the Boston Foundation to provide
what weve come to call navigational coaching. They ideally start
working with students in high schoolif not from the beginning,
then by senior yearand continue to provide support over the
summer and into the first two years of postsecondary schooling.
The nonprofits provide really good navigational coaching. Their
job is to teach the students how to navigate higher education
just like the old adage of teaching someone how to fish. These
coaches are grounded in the community and thus have access
to supports and resources that can address non-school-related
problems students encounter. For example, a student completes
financial aid paperwork and is selected for verification. Dads
been laid off from his job, so his financial circumstances have
changed, but neither parent speaks English. We dont always
have the capacity as an institution to meaningfully intervene.
Thats where the nonprofits can have a significant impact and
why our partnership is so important. The nonprofits have the
resources, the reach, and the relationships to really make a
substantive and meaningful difference in students lives. Many
of our nonprofit partnerslike Freedom House or the Hyde
Square Task Forcehave missions focused on community
development. Freedom House was founded during the civil

rights movement. It has a deep, historic commitment to social

justice and community development, and its work with students
is grounded in that history. Partners like Freedom House are
incredibly helpful because they really know our students and
their families. They really are of the community, and thats
usually really helpful.

Getting Through
The Boston Foundation made a strategic decision early
on to concentrate coaching resources at the colleges and
universities that enroll the largest number of BPS students:
UMB; the Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology; and Bunker
Hill, Massachusetts Bay, and Roxbury Community Colleges.
Someone on my staff manages the coaches deployed to
my institution. Shes very clear with them about their role.
They arent meant to be academic advisors or financial aid
counselors. Their job is to ensure that students work with their
advisors and that the relationship is productive. She also plans
regular meetings and activities for the coaches.
Initially, some of the nonprofits really struggled to connect with
students. They had the capacity to serve more students than
those they were currently working with, but FERPA [the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act] prevented us from simply

assigning them a caseload. After the first year, they asked

us to help them find more students. Eventually we found a
solution. The University of Massachusetts has a category in its
employment system for people who serve as unpaid contingent
workers. For nonprofits with which weve had a longstanding
relationship, we agreed to hire their coaches. The coaches
sign an ethics agreement and receive an institutional e-mail
account. In exchange, they agree to be supervised by the
director of the Advising Center.

Getting Connected

We were also able to get internal funding to hire more senior

BPS students to serve as peer mentors. They help us get
students to events on campus. And we got Admissions to code
the incoming BPS students, so we can run lists and balance
out caseloads. By the end of our second year, we were able to
assign every single incoming BPS student to a coach.

In January 2015, the PIC hired a postsecondary employment

specialist through a one-year grant secured by the Mayors
Office of Workforce Development from the U.S. Department of
Labor. The PIC has committed to maintaining this position as
the grant expires in early 2016. The postsecondary employment
specialist currently works with two Bunker Hill Community
College career navigators to provide enhanced career advice
and employment support to 125 BPS graduates attending
Bunker Hill Community College. The PICs postsecondary
employment specialist will continue to provide employment
support to these students and will work with Success Coaches
to support additional students in 2016.

The coaching is very important and very effective, but its

also very expensive. Depending on the agency, coaches have
caseloads of approximately 75 to 100 students. If the staff in
my Advising Center had caseloads that low, we wouldnt need
coaches. We dont have a lot of places in the institution where
we have that kind of capacity. I worry about this tremendously,
because its not clear how weboth the campuses and the
nonprofitsare going to sustain this program over the long haul.

The PIC is leading this next phase of Success Boston, which

focuses on work-based learning and career connections. The
PIC, the citys Workforce Development Board, already plays a
significant role by connecting Boston high school students to
jobs and internships. The PIC is extending its school-to-career
strategy to include jobs and internships for community college
students and eventually increased hiring upon graduation.

These early efforts are teaching us what it means to extend our

goal beyond college completion to getting graduates connected
to the career opportunities that a postsecondary education
makes possible.

IHEP: What outcomes indicate that Success Boston
is improving the postsecondary completion rate for
BPS students?
The 2009 Northeastern University report found that only 35%
of BPS students who enrolled in college or university had
earned a degree within seven years of graduating from high
school. Success Bostons goal was to increase the six-year
postsecondary completion rate for the BPS Class of 2009 from
35% to 52% and to double that same rate for the Class of 2011
to 70%. A 2013 report published by the Boston Foundation
found that the Class of 2005 had achieved a six-year college
completion rate of 47.4%. Ive looked at some preliminary data
and I think were going to make our goal of 52% for the Class
of 2009.

IHEP: So whats next?

I think getting to the goal of 70% is going to be a lot harder.
Weve already picked most of the low-hanging fruit. I think well
still see increases in retention and graduation rates, but were
going to level off unless we can start tackling some of the more
thorny issues like affordability. Were committed to doing our
best to get there, but I do think its going to take some strategies
that were not currently using. Going forward, weve identified
several areas of focus that are critical for us to tackle if were to
provide additional momentum for Success Boston.
First, affordability and degree completion will continue to be
critical issues for us. I have a student Ive been working with
for a long time. Shes trying to graduate, and were at that
point in the semester where shes falling apart because shes
overwhelmed. Shes working 40 hours a week while taking
classes and shes exhausted. She cant do both, so shes
going to have to either slow down at school or reduce her work

schedule. Its always a trade-off. Lots of people think its a

good cost-saving strategy for students to start at a community
college. But if youre at a community college and you get stuck
in developmental education and you blow through your Pell
eligibility, then it actually isnt affordable for you.
Second, creating opportunities for students to acquire the
experience that gets them out of the trap of a job and onto a
career path is a big nut that we have to crack. Bunker Hill has
an initiative called Learn and Earn. Its a relatively small program,
but its a credit-bearing paid internship program thats within
particular fields. Students can find a paid internship related to
their field of study and career goal while earning academic
credit. It stops being an either/or, like Ive got to go to work or
Ive got to go to class.
Third, we need more seamless pathways between K-12,
community college, and four-year institutionsnot just
articulation agreements, but true integration. What you do at
Bunker Hill in your first two years shouldnt look very different
from if youd done those first two years at UMB. That way, when
you arrive at UMB, youre a true junior, not a student with 60
credits who still hasnt attained junior status in your major.
Finally, we havent engaged policymakers and lawmakers in
a strategic way about these issues. Thats become part of the
discussion now, in terms of how we begin to think about that
part of the equation. The buying power of the Massachusetts
state scholarships has eroded significantly. Twenty-five years
ago these scholarships covered 80% of tuition and fees at a
public four-year college in Massachusetts; today they cover
only 9%. Good public policy can also help incentivize things
like credit-bearing paid internships, which can give students the
financial freedom to figure out their career aspirations.

IHEP: Finally, what advice do you have for other communities

hoping to learn from or reproduce what Success Boston
has achieved?
Youve got to be in it for the long haul. The work is not easy. I
think its really important that people create safe spaces and are
honest with each other, so that if one partner in the initiative is
doing something that feels hurtful to another partner, they can

speak up and talk about it. I think our students deserve and
need us to be the best we can be. That means we cant afford
to make nice at the expense of making progress. It doesnt
mean that we dont behave civilly and that we yell and scream
at each other, but it does mean we sometimes have to have
difficult conversations.

Getting Through: Higher Educations Plan to Increase
the College Completion Rates of Boston Public
Schools Graduates
This report describes a regionwide strategic planning process
in which participating campuses created plans to improve
persistence and completion rates, along with estimates of funding
needs. The report includes summaries of 25 campus plans as
well as an annotated bibliography of college success studies.

Beyond 12
This online platform provides college coaching and student data
tracking analysis aimed at increasing the number of underserved
students. The system improves the retention work of colleges
and universities by sharing longitudinal data across K-12 and
higher education and deriving data-driven insights that shape
differentiated coaching plans.

Page length: 42

Additional Resources
Effective College Access, Persistence, and Completion
Programs, and Strategies for Underrepresented Student
Populations: Opportunities for Scaling Up [2010: Center for
Evaluation and Education Policy]
This 2010 study published by Indiana Universitys Center for
Evaluation and Education Policy reviews current research on
the outcomes achieved by postsecondary persistence and
completion programs targeting students from underrepresented
populations, identifies and describes promising intervention
strategies, and reviews current programs at postsecondary
institutions in Indiana.

The Effects of Student Coaching in College: An Evaluation of a

Randomized Experiment in Student Mentoring [2011: Stanford
University School of Education]
This study by two Stanford researchers investigated the
effectiveness of individualized coaching provided to students
at public, private, and for-profit postsecondary institutions.
Coaching topics included goal setting, academic skill building,
time management, and self-advocacy. The study found that
involvement with a coach improved student persistence and was
a more cost-effective retention strategy when compared with
increased financial aid.

Chapter Two:

How can community partners

ensure that college success
includes career supports,
particularly for disconnected
For regions to thrive and grow, they require an educated
workforce whose skills align with available job opportunities
and meet employer demands. The quality of life these
places afford residents also make them strong attractors for
talented newcomers.
Yet even successful regions often include thousands of people
who find themselves disconnected from the education-to-career
pathway. Failure to complete high school or stopping out from
college restricts many people from job opportunities that provide
a path to the middle class and wages able to support a family.
Efforts to re-engage these students can result in significant
dividends for students, their families, and their communities.
Educators, civic leaders, and regional employers can cocreate
education-to-career pathways that offer people the chance to get
back on track. Below are a few examples of pathway components
that can help once-disconnected students thrive and grow.
Flexible and Accessible Pathways: Does your community want
to promote access to education and training opportunities for
people who are disconnected from school and career? Many
people experience personal, financial, or other barriers that may
hinder their ability to re-engage. Think about designing flexible
pathways that offer multiple onramps to help students get back
on track. Be sure to consider student input when developing
strategies to widen access.
Work-Based Learning: Does your community want to provide
young people with opportunities to explore the world of work
while still in school? Job tours, internships, job shadowing,
and apprenticeships offer multiple benefits to students. These
programs can provide the opportunity to explore prospective
career paths, make connections with employers, and learn more
about workplace norms. Involvement may also further encourage
student persistence. The business community can help by
identifying and sponsoring internship placements, hosting job
shadowing and tours, and providing coaches to help students
hone interview skills and develop resumes.

Align Pathway Destinations With Employer Needs: Does

your community want to help disconnected students acquire the
training and skills needed to access high-need job opportunities?
Regional employers can play an important role in cocreating
pathways that deliver graduates prepared to respond to
employer demands. Consider how available data sources on
high-growth job areas and labor market needs can inform your
decision making.
Provide Adult Learners With Accelerated Pathways to
Postsecondary Credentials: Does your community want to
help adult learners earn college credit while completing GED
requirements? Adult education programs that allow students to
enroll in courses at technical colleges while completing their GED
speed the time to degree while accelerating access to jobs in a
range of high-demand fields.
This chapter features an interview with leaders from Made
in Durhama publicprivate partnership in Durham, North
Carolinawho work to re-engage young people who are
disconnected from both school and career opportunities. This
chapter also includes several resources that this partnership
used to organize its work, set goals, and deploy resources. These
resources include a 2012 report that described the problem of
disconnected youth in the Durham region and a policy brief
outlining Made in Durhams education-to-career strategy.
This chapter ends with a list of additional resources you can
use to find more information about intervention strategies that
respond to disconnected students as well as how best to develop
education-career pathways.

Made in Durham, Durham, North Carolina: Building

Community Partnerships in Support of Connecting
Young People With Careers
Lydia Newman, Youth Transitions Strategist,

Made in Durham

Laura Wendell, Business Engagement Strategist,

Made in Durham

IHEP spoke with Lydia Newman and Laura Wendell from Made in Durham to learn about how their public
private partnershipmade up of educators, civic leaders, and the business sectoris working to ensure
that all of Durhams young people have graduated college and found career employment by age 25. Newman
and Wendell describe the catalyst for this partnership, how it uses data to develop education-to-career
pathways, and its focus on re-engaging young people who are completely disconnected from school and
career opportunities. The interview illustrates an example of a promising practice in developing intervention
strategies informed by assessment of a targeted populations needs.

IHEP: Can you explain why the Made in Durham
initiative developed?
[Lydia Newman] Made in Durham is a community partnership that
brings together educators, the business community, government
leaders, and community organizations. Weve mobilized around
an ambitious shared vision: that all young people in Durham will
complete a postsecondary credential and earn a wage sufficient
to support a family by age 25.
A 2012 report by a community organization called MDC provided
the initial catalyst for our work. This report found that approximately
40% of Durhams young people were outside what weve come
to think of as the education-to-career system. This population
includes students who have dropped out of high school or are
at risk of doing so, as well as young people who arent currently
pursuing any further education, training, or employment. Durham
is in a fast-growing region with great alternative educational
programs, colleges and universities, and job opportunities. We
estimate that employers will create more than 23,000 middle-skill
jobs over the next 10 years. If we dont act, these young people
wont be able to take advantage of the opportunities Durham has
to offer them.
We created a task force made up of civic, community, and business
leaders to tackle the problem. They decided what was needed

was better coordination and alignment between educational

institutions; data-supported decision making; career, internship,
and training programs; and employment opportunities. And thats
why Made in Durham was created.

IHEP: Does Made in Durham focus on supporting any

specific student populations?
[Lydia Newman] Weve been very intentional in stating that we
serve all Durham young people, with special attention to what
we call opportunity youthyoung people between the ages of
14 and 24 who are really disconnected from both school and
career employment.
Were in the process of developing a re-engagement strategy
to better serve these students. To that end, we want to better
understand the students currently served by Durhams alternative
education programs. What kinds of students are thriving in these
programs and who isnt being served as well? What do we need
to do to re-engage our opportunity youth? Is it just a matter of
adding capacity to existing programs, or do we need to imagine
something entirely different? We dont want to be in the business
of creating solutions that dont fit the population were trying
to serve.

IHEP: Can you explain how Made in Durhams partners are
working together to build education-to-career pathways?
[Laura Wendell] Its an incredibly exciting time for this initiative.
NCWorks (our regional workforce group) has just issued a set of
criteria for certifying education-to-career pathways. Its having a
tremendous impact on how Durham works with other communities
to develop more regionally focused pathways aligned to employer
needs. Made in Durham is helping by bringing together education,
workforce development, and business partners from throughout
the region to support the pathway initiative. Were also involving

young people as cocreators. We have a youth network made up

of about 20 young people who will help shape the pathways were
developing. So far, their insights have been especially helpful with
regard to how young people learn about the world of work, who
their key influencers are, and how their families, schools, and
communities can best support them.
[Lydia Newman] Weve learned from this youth network that these
pathways need to be flexible to be responsive to young peoples
circumstances. We need multiple access points so that a young
parent who left high school early can return, graduate from high

Employers really are key partners for us in a lot of ways. Their

perspective absolutely informs pathway design, training, and

program criteria. Success here absolutely relies on developing
pathways that produce graduates who employers actually want
to hire.
school, go on to college, and start a career. And I agree with Laura:
Feedback from engaged employers is really critical so that we can
provide students with the training and experience that make them
good hires. Right from the start weve had a huge commitment
from the business community to generate work-based learning
opportunities. Employers really are key partners for us in a lot
of ways. Their perspective absolutely informs pathway design,
training, and program criteria. Success here absolutely relies on
developing pathways that produce graduates who employers
actually want to hire. If were successful, the curriculum informing
these pathways wont look all that different from what employers
would have created themselves in developing the kind of
employee theyre looking for.
[Laura Wendell] The program is growing really quickly. We
started with one initial pathway in Durham linking four schools
(an elementary school, middle school, high school, and
community college) and focused on health and life science.
As we expand into a more comprehensive, regional program,
were also identifying best practices for how employers engage
with schools and communitiesfrom mentoring, afterschool
programs, and community lab programs to job shadowing,
company tours, internships, and apprenticeships. We are doing
this through mapping the landscape of companies offering workbased learning opportunities. The first step will be a meeting
with our education partners to determine which companies are
most deeply engaged in their programs right now. We will use
the results from that process, as well as the connections we have
made through our work to date, to identify companies leading
the way in work-based learning. We will then assemble an action
team of those groundbreaking employers to help us develop a
strategy for supporting, expanding, and scaling their work-based
learning. The action team will also help us promote the benefits
of work-based learning to other companies through established
peer networks and other channels. Its exciting to see our
community invest in the intersection between classroom learning
and the world of work, and how that investment will motivate our
young people.
[Lydia Newman] In time, we intend for Made in Durham to be
a central point of contact between employers and education/
training providers. Our staff will play a facilitative role at every
stage of the pathwayeducating stakeholders about labor
market trends, working with employers to identify and build
work experience opportunities, and helping employers become
youth ready.


IHEP: How are you using data to inform development of

these pathways?
[Lydia Newman] Many of our partners already gather data that
they use to track student progression and graduation rates. They
made these data available when we first started another program
called Durham Futures and weve used it when weve applied
for grants.
[Laura Wendell] Ensuring our education-to-career pathways are
data informed is one of NCWorks certification criteria. In this
context they mean data on labor markets and projections as to
future high-growth job areas. We pull data from labor reports
available from North Carolinas Department of Labor. We also
run focus groups with area employers to complement what the
reports tell us. The focus group participants talk with us about
their most pressing labor needs, how they account for the
difficulty in filling these positions, the positions salary ranges, and
their future projections for the labor market. We use these data
to help us zero in on the focus and destination of the pathways
were developing.
Our pathways are structured around particular occupations within
career clusters or sectors. An ongoing challenge for us is getting
to the right level of granularity in identifying a set of competencies
and skills with sufficient labor market demand to justify including
a credential in the pathway.
We also want to measure the impact work-based learning has
on skill development for young people. Specifically, does the
experience influence career exploration, how students make
meaning of the skills and experience theyre developing, and
how they present themselves on resumes and in interviews? We
know testing can help assess how well students have mastered
content, but measuring skills acquisition and meaning making is
more complex. Wed really welcome ideas and suggestions for
how best to gather that kind of data.
All this matters because employers often use an earned credential
plus so many years of experience as shorthand for the skills
theyre looking for. I think this approach overlooks people who
lack the credentials but have the skills and experience, and vice
versa. So when we think about moving the needle on widening
participation by young people, we have to think about assessing
and improving soft skills and interviewing skills, and providing
opportunities to address deficiencies.

IHEP: How is Made in Durham working to improve outcomes
for young people?
[Lydia Newman] Made in Durham includes an opportunity youth
action team, which we call Durham Futures. The team consists
of three executive directors from three alternative education
programs, senior-level administrators with the public school
system, and representatives from our local community college.
We have about 250 students enrolled in the alternative education
programs. Our job is to help them navigate the education-tocareer system.
Two previous reports helped guide our decision making as to
how best to re-engage disconnected youth. The first report was
released in 2008. It called attention to the degree to which young
people in Durham are disconnected from education and career
opportunities. The report provided specific data on population
distribution, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, educational
attainment, and unemployment. We used these data to identify
demographically vulnerable groups and the circumstances
correlated with disconnection. The report concluded that finding
a way to help disconnected youth attain a postsecondary
credential was our regions ultimate challenge.
I previously mentioned the second report, which led to the
creation of Made in Durham. It specifically recommended the
development of an education-to-career system, led by a broad
coalition of community partners and responsive to employer and
labor market demand.
Weve identified three intervention strategies to help us reach that
goal. The first is to connect students with work-based learning
opportunities, like an internship or a job tour. Seeing what its
like to work at a company can help them better understand how
classroom learning can affect life after high school and college.
We started this program this past summer with 15 students. Well
use what weve learned to grow the program this coming year.
The second strategy involves using funds from the United
Way to create two positions. One position will be an employer
engagement associate. This persons role will be to ensure our

young people are getting the work-based learning experiences

they need, and that were building lasting relationships with
employers and helping employers connect with educators.
Were also hiring a resource specialist who can provide career
and college guidance and supportanything that can help
students successfully transition to college, and then to persist
and graduate. Three Durham alternative education schools will
share these two positions. Thats an unprecedented arrangement
for us. These schools hadnt been working together prior to the
formation of Made in Durham. Finally, were launching a program
to identify peer and adult mentors who we can match with
students in these three schools.

IHEP: What challenges have you encountered in developing

the Made in Durham partnership?
[Laura Wendell] One challenge is that our partners collectively
have a broad range of different interests and focuses involving our
target population. Some focus specifically on court involvement
and what to do about youth involved in the justice system.
Others think about career and technical education and how to
encourage students into careers in construction. Others want to
focus on college access. Incorporating all of these perspectives
into a shared vision for Durhams young people is tricky, but each
organization has a role to play.
[Lydia Newman] On a more day-to-day level, sometimes we
encounter challenges in getting access to the data we feel we
need to move the needle. The Durham Public Schools have to
be mindful of FERPA [Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act]
when sharing data. Were also working through issues in getting
data from our community college partners. But its nothing we
cant resolve because we have so many of the right people at the
table. For example, our board and action team talked about the
need to understand how and if young people are more successful
when they receive more career counseling. The superintendent
of schools, who is on the board, is now looking into how to use
National Student Clearing House data to find more answers.

IHEP: What is your plan for assessing the effectiveness
of Made in Durhams efforts to improve outcomes for
young people?
[Laura Wendell] Its still early days for us in terms of assessment.
Were still developing and implementing our initial strategies. Of
course, within our Durham Futures work, we can measure success
by assessing student completion of a high school credential, then
a postsecondary credential, and then getting a job. So there are
some really nice, measurable outcomes there. As a whole, were
looking at how we can incorporate continuous improvement
practices, both into our work organizationally and into the work
of the partnership across the board. We dont want to wait until
its time to publish an annual report before we learn how well
were doing.
[Lydia Newman] Our partners were already doing their own
individual evaluation work before Made in Durham began. Now
that we have a collective vision, we need to determine the way

were measuring our progress. We dont want to be comparing

apples to oranges. Our evaluative process still very much a work
in progress.

IHEP: So whats next?

[Laura Wendell] I think one important next step for us is to get
vertical and horizontal alignment with our partners. Weve got a
clear vision with some important pieces in place, and Made in
Durham is bringing partners to the table. But I think theres work
left to do with regard to complete system alignment. Were hoping
to access some technical assistance from Lumina to help us
build deeper understanding among our partners of how to work
in a collective impact environment. I sometimes feel like were
building a bridge by starting at both banks, and now weve got
to get that bridge to meet in the middle. And were pretty sure
well get there, but until then we need to continue evaluating and
measuring our progress.

[Lydia Newman] Weve had boots on the ground from the

beginning, so its important for us to help our partners also see
themselves in this work and the contributions they can make. I
think its going to take a lot for people to fully understand the
system change that will be necessary. And that isnt just the view
from the top, like when a CEO says she understands what role her
organization can play. We need to help that CEO figure out how to
lead the change so that the entire organization is invested.
[Laura Wendell] Exactly. When we have leaders around the table
thinking about this problem, we need to ensure they have what
they need to build our shared goals into their organizations
planning processes. We havent fully accomplished this yet.

IHEP: Finally, what advice do you have for other communities

hoping to learn from Made in Durham?
[Lydia Newman] Its going to take a whole community pulling
together to get us to our goal. I think its been extremely important
to make sure to get buy-in, to make sure everyone feels like
theyre a part of the process. Conversely, leaving some groups
with the sense that they werent part of the process will cost you
down the road. Right from the start, Made in Durham involved lots
of different stakeholders across the board. When youre trying to
develop a collective impact organization, you spend a lot of time
investing in the partnership and mobilizing the people involved.
Thats really critical work. Youre going to need buy-in from
your high schools, your community colleges, and the various
organizations that touch the populations of interest if you want to
move the needle.
Ill also say that although its important to ensure everyones on
the same page, feeling included, and being heard, its essential
that you keep a laser focus on a shared vision that everyone is
committed to working toward.

Working through dissent is

a real strength of collective

impact organizations. I think
the end result is greater trust
and investment. Its not always
comfortable, but if you dont
have someone in the room
in dissent and asking hard
questions, you probably
dont have all the right people
around the table.
[Laura Wendell] I think thats absolutely right. Were working
toward consensus, but its important to be prepared to sit with
the dissenting voice in the room. Weve learned so much from
partners who were in disagreement. Working through dissent is
a real strength of collective impact organizations. I think the end
result is greater trust and investment. Its not always comfortable,
but if you dont have someone in the room in dissent and asking
hard questions, you probably dont have all the right people
around the table.

Disconnected Youth in the Research Triangle Region: An
Ominous Problem Hidden in Plain Sight
This 2008 report by MDC investigates the phenomenon of
disconnected youthindividuals ages 14 to 24 who are
disconnected from both school and career opportunities.
Researchers conducted an environmental scanincluding
interviews with civic, education, business, and government
leaders and surveys of frontline social service providersto
better understand the problem. The report concludes with a set
of recommended action steps to re-engage young people in
education-to-career pathways.
Page length: 44


Made in Durham: Building an Education-to-Career System

Taking the recommendations from Disconnected Youth as a
starting point, this 2012 policy paper provides program design
recommendations for the development of education-to-career
pathways, including goals, outcomes, structure, strategies, and
prospective partners. The report serves as a useful blueprint for
communities interested in developing publicprivate partnerships
to re-engage disconnected youth.

Page length: 58

Additional Resources
Mentoring: At the Crossroads of Education, Business, and
Community [2015: Ernst & Young & MENTOR: The National
Mentoring Partnership]
This study reports on the benefits of business-sector involvement
in mentoring programs for young people, provides a business
case for corporate engagement, identifies promising practices
and case studies drawn from current programs, and outlines a
set of recommendations for future mentoring initiatives.
Education to Employment: Designing a System That Works
[2012: McKinsey Center for Government]
This report takes an international and comparative approach to
seeking better understanding of the problem of disconnected
youth, including an analysis of over 100 education-to-career
initiatives in 25 countries.

Findings From the Field: Regional Pathways to Prosperity

Model Development [2014: North Carolina New Schools]
This brief describes efforts to develop pilot education-to-career
pathways in two North Carolina regions. Each regional profile
includes a list of key partners, initial findings, and lessons learned
that are informing continued program development. The authors
recommend using relevant data metrics and investments in
cross-regional networks to share promising practices as future
areas of focus.
Improved Adult Education Support Critical to Georgias
Bottom Line [2015: Georgia Budget and Policy Institute]
Intended for policymakers, this report makes the case for
additional public investment in adult education programs as a
strategy to improve Georgias competitive economic standing
while addressing a pervasive opportunity gap for adult learners.
Included is a description of an initiative that provides students
who lack a high school diploma the opportunity to enroll in
technical college while completing the requirements for a GED.


Chapter Three:

How can community partners

design personal supports
that ensure underserved
students adjust well to
college and are more likely
to succeed?
Colleges play a critical role in providing access to career
advancement through a postsecondary credential for a diverse
spectrum of learners. These learners often face significant
academic, financial, and logistical barriers that may constrain
persistence to completion. Competing responsibilities, financial
constraints, and other challenges may compel students to stop
out for a semester or longer. Failing to return can leave students
saddled with college debt while still lacking the credential that
could otherwise help them advance.
Students arrive on campus at varying stages of preparedness
for college-level work. Academic pathways that allow students to
quickly resolve deficiencies and move on to the next level can
help students stay engaged, progress to completion, and save
time and money. Incoming students benefit from a campuswide
focus on quickly orienting them to campus, integrating them
into campus life, and connecting them to faculty mentors in their
chosen discipline.
More broadly, postsecondary partnerships with upstream (e.g.,
school districts) and downstream (e.g., employers) stakeholders
can help provide holistic support for students before, during,
and after collegefrom presearch coaching and advising to
internships, job shadowing, and career skill development. These
community partnerships are essential to intervention strategies
intended to boost postsecondary completion for all students.
Below are a few examples of student support programs and
courses that advance a persistence and completion agenda
through targeted interventions and partnership building.
First-Year Success Programs as an Intervention in Support
of Equity and Inclusion: Does your institution want to reimagine
how it welcomes, integrates, and supports incoming students
as a strategy to support broader equity and inclusion goals?

Initiatives aimed at helping incoming students adjust and get

connected to campus life can also advance institutional equity
and inclusion goals. Consider programs that specifically target
student populations (e.g., students from low-income households,
first-generation students) that may face additional barriers to
persistence and completion.
Convocation: How can your institution celebrate entry for
incoming students in a way that helps them feel involved in campus
life and excited for the challenges ahead? Convocation exercises
and other welcome rituals for new studentsa common feature
at traditional, four-year institutionsmay be even more critical for
students from underserved communities. Convocation can be a
powerful way for institutions to inspire new students to connect
and engage.
Success Seminars: Does your institution want to offer courses to
students that introduce student support services, academic skill
building, and budgeting, while also helping reduce their time to
degree? Credit-bearing courses can help students acquire the
academic, career planning, and budgeting skills that position
them for success in college right from the start. Such courses
also provide additional opportunities to connect students to
critical college support people and services (e.g., writing centers,
career development centers).
Intensive Bridge Courses: Does your institution want to offer
short-term, intensive Bridge courses that can help students
both address academic deficiencies and quickly progress?
Many students test at the high end of a range of English or
math proficiency while still not quite crossing the threshold to
the next level. Two-week, intensive Bridge courses can quickly
prepare some students to move to college-level English or math
without requiring an entire semester of remedial coursework.

These pathways allow students to make quick progress on their

academic plan, saving them time and money.
Mentoring and Coaching: Does your institution want to seek
community partners to support student success through mentoring
and coaching programs? Research suggests that mentoring can
have a significant impact on student engagement, integration,
and persistence. Consider developing or leveraging relationships
with community partners (e.g., employers, civic and professional
organizations) to identify prospective mentors. Mentorship
programs should be responsive to institutional characteristics
and demographics. Adult students will likely have very different
needs and expectations than traditionally aged students will.
Community college students timelines will differ from that of
students enrolled in four-year programs.

This chapter features an interview with the vice president for

access and completion at Cuyahoga Community College
(Tri-C), who describes her institutions First-Year Experience
(FYE)an intervention strategy intended to increase completion
rates. We include a student workbook developed by Tri-C faculty
and administrators for use in a credit-bearing First-Year Success
seminara component of the FYE initiative. An FAQ document
(designed for a student audience) also identifies and explains
the FYE program goals and describes its five components. We
also include a brief that summarizes Tri-Cs strategic plan. This
chapter ends with a list of additional resources you can use to
find more information about designing programming to promote
student success.

Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, Ohio:

A Campuswide Commitment to Helping All First-Year
Students Thrive, Progress, and Complete
Dr. Karen Miller, Vice President for Access and Completion, Cuyahoga Community College
IHEP spoke with Dr. Karen Miller from Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) to learn about the institutions
First-Year Experience (FYE) programa comprehensive suite of programs, events, and courses designed
to positively impact completion rates for new students. Miller recalls how Tri-C faculty, administrators, and
students collectively shaped development of FYE, describes FYEs specific components, and explains the
rationale for making student participation mandatory. The interview suggests a promising strategy for getting
students off to a great start, with completion as their ultimate goal.

IHEP: What is the FYE program, and why did it develop?
FYE is the umbrella title weve given to several interrelated
programs that are required for all new students at Tri-C. These
programs have been designed to help new students start their
college career on the right path. The four major goals of FYE are
to help students connect, engage, plan, and succeed. Students
navigate a series of programs and activities that are customized
to each persons needs and designed to help them succeed.
A critical catalyst for FYE was the arrival of our new president
(Dr. Alex Johnson) in summer 2013. Dr. Johnson had been
very involved in the national conversation on the importance
of completion in the community college sector. Even as wed
already been active on this front, he really changed the culture
and the tone at Tri-C. He took every opportunity to raise the
issuein small gatherings, at town hall meetings on campus,
and at convocation. Everyone quickly got the message that this
was going to be a critical area of focus for us. He created the right
environment for us to advance the systemic change necessary to
get the results we needed.
State officials were also very interested in completion. They
asked us to put together a plan for increasing completion levels.
We knew we needed to move the needle on this, and that it likely
meant shifting people and fiscal resources around to support the
work we knew was important.

IHEP: Does Tri-C focus on supporting specific student

Well, weve been focused on some populations for quite a while.
For instance, students who come to us at a developmental level
have been a population of concern for some time. When we
first started as an Achieving the Dream institution several years
ago, we were focused on first-time students, students of color,
and underprepared students. That focus absolutely informed
our decision to develop and commit resources to a reimagining
of FYE.
Equity is an important value for us. We continue to experience an
achievement gap between our students of color and our white
students. Our students of color are not progressing at the same
rate as other students. Were also concerned about our Pelleligible students and our adult students. Tri-Cs new strategic plan
explicitly commits us to finding ways to close this gap in hopes of
making completion attainable for all students, regardless of age,
race, or economic standing. With this end in mind, were currently
developing new persistence, retention, and completion goals for
these three populations of concern and what the plan will be to
get us there.


IHEP: I know Tri-C involved the entire campus in developing
the program. Can you describe how you built this
partnership? Were off-campus stakeholders involved?

to discern our vision of what FYE might include, what the

student experience of FYE should deliver, and what the desired
outcomes were.

We used an appreciative inquiry (AI) approach to collectively

build the FYE initiative. Rather than focusing on problems to be
solved, AI starts with what works well within an organization
what is critical about what we doand then leverages that
experience to imagine where we want to go.

We also included representatives from the Cleveland

Metropolitan School District (CMSD) in our AI process to
develop the FYE initiative. We frequently work collaboratively
with them to ensure student success, as they are one of our
biggest supporters and provide a direct pipeline for students
to the college. Their input, as well as the input of our students,
faculty, staff, and administrators, collectively contributed
to the final product. I believe it was well worth the time and
effort we put into the process, and I think our CMSD partners
would agree.

We pulled hundreds of people together from across Tri-C

to engage in this process. We invited representatives from
every constituency on campus. Tri-C faculty and staff were
integrated into the cross-functional teams of stakeholders that
we developed. We particularly wanted to hear from everyday
students about their experiences and what they wanted Tri-C
to be like. We also held several collegewide meetings that
attracted about a hundred people each. We used this process

We rolled out the newly imagined FYE program components in

August 2014.

IHEP: Can you explain how the specific components of the
FYE program came about?
Development of the FYE initiative took place as we were
developing a new strategic plan for the institution. Through
that process we identified several key metricstotal degrees
and certificates awarded every year, our three-year Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) graduation rate,
the fall-to-spring retention rate, the fall-to-fall retention rate, the
percentage of students who complete gateway English and
math in one year, and the percentage of students who complete
FYE in their first term. These metrics all fit into the broader
conversation were having about equityensuring that all of our
students persist and complete.
The components we built into FYE were very much shaped by
the thoughts, concerns, and desires of the constituencies who

Research suggests that

students benefit from

early connections to their
disciplines. Thats what gets
them excited. We know
thats why theyre here. With
convocation we saw an
opportunity to connect them
with people in their program
right from the start.

participated in the process. For example, our counseling faculty

feels very strongly about the value of orientation for students.
Without orientation, they dont get to develop relationships with
key people who can help them succeed. They also dont get a
feel for the culture of the campus theyre going to attend. For
these reasons, we knew it was important to embed new-student
orientation into the FYE initiative.
We also piloted a one-credit success seminar that covered
topics like time management, financial responsibility, and
good study skills. We found that students who had taken the
seminar persisted at a higher rate and had higher GPAs than
students who hadnt taken the course. These First-Year Success
seminars also became a component of FYE. Incoming students
now have to register for an FYE course. We offer a number of
options to make the course fit students schedules easily, but it
is a requirement. Through the course, they learn about Tri-Cs
student success resources, they develop an academic plan, and
they connect with a faculty member and peer mentors. Theres a
financial literacy component as well. By the time they complete
the course, students know what resources we offer to help them
manage their money as well as how the choices they make now
will impact them when they leave us.
We also tried something different with our convocation
exercises. We hold campus convocations, which are more
similar to what youd find at a traditional four-year institution.
We wanted to get students excited, not just about participating
in orientation or starting at Tri-C. We wanted them to keep the
end in mindto get excited about graduation. The message we
hoped to send is that we want them to graduate just as much as
they do, and that were going to help them stay on that path.
Convocation also helps connect students with their disciplines.
Research suggests that students benefit from early connections
to their disciplines. Thats what gets them excited. We know
thats why theyre here. With convocation we saw an opportunity
to connect them with people in their program right from the start.
Like most community colleges, we use math and English tests
at entry to place new students. We often find that some students
will test at the highest end of a range but not quite cross the
threshold into the next-higher level. In addition to FYE, weve

created two-week Bridge courses in intensive math and English

for students who fall into this category. We retest them at the
end of the course. About half of the math Bridge students move
to the next-higher level, while 75% of English Bridge students
move to the next-highest level.
Wed always offered math and English placement practice tests,
but students seldom took them. Now, weve started requiring
students to complete these practice tests and weve seen great
results.. For instance, preintervention, 72% of students tested
into developmental English. After we started requiring students
to take the practice test, 70% of students were placing into
college-level English. Accelerating the pace at which students
successfully meet program criteria means we can quicken
the time it takes them to complete their degree and enter
the workforce.

[American Association of Community Colleges], and the broader

conversation about the importance of completion. We decided
we needed to be much more intentional in designing a first-year
experience for students, rather than have them experience the
college by chance. We knew we needed additional structure
and intentionality on the front end with college-readiness and to
tighten up the experience on the back end with career readiness
if we wanted to affect persistence and completion. MDRCs
research has found value in connecting students with academic
pathways right from the beginning. My dissertation research
found that students who are satisfied, engaged, and feel like
part of the campus culture tend to be retained at higher levels.
And then, of course, the positive outcomes we saw from piloting
the FYE course made an impact. At the end of the day, we
believed making participation mandatory and creating change
at scale were necessary to make a significant difference in
our outcomes.

IHEP: Did implementing FYE require additional resources?

Well, it mostly involved reallocating existing dollars. There was
no new money. We already had a team of people working on
orientation, so that didnt really change. We had faculty teams
working to create the FYE success seminars. Once we made
the seminars mandatory, enrollment in these courses jumped
from a few hundred students to a couple thousand. That meant
adding additional sections and hiring adjuncts, although our
full-time faculty and then our counseling faculty had first right of
refusal. Of course, if we succeed in retaining more students, we
gain revenue.

IHEP: Participation in FYE is mandatory. Can you explain the

rationale for that decision?
We took note of what other colleges were doing through our
affiliation with Achieving the Dream, our involvement with AACC

IHEP: What challenges did you encounter in implementing

the FYE program?
We struggled with compliance during our first year. Roughly 900
of 3,500 incoming students didnt complete the required FYE
course. We expect students to register for an FYE course and
for convocation, but when they dropped one, the system didnt
always catch it. These technological loopholes make monitoring
student progress time intensive for our staff. We have a lot of
people in our student affairs offices assigned to triaging the FYE
groups. Students who fail to complete the FYE program have
holds applied to their student accounts, so they cant register
without intervention. This kind of case management requires a
lot of staff time. Were committed to continuous improvement,
making adjustments as we go. Were especially interested in
closing loopholes and finding ways to use technology to reduce
staff time on triage.

IHEP: What outcomes indicate that participation in FYE is
improving the completion rate for Tri-C students?
I think the initial impact has been tremendous with regard to
improved outcomes for students. As you know, community
college students are quite different from students at a traditional
four-year college. Theyre at great risk with regard to attrition.
They dont enroll continuously until graduation. They start,
stop out, return, and leave again. Not surprisingly, weve really
struggled with our completion rate. We dont always agree with
how the measure is determined, but we dont make excuses.
When we started, our IPEDS rate for first-time full-time students
starting in the fall was 4.2%. Our president challenged us to do
better, and in our first year we got the rate up to 5.5%. Our thirdyear goal was 8%we hit 9.2%. This year, hes challenged us
to improve to 15% by the end of summer 2016. Given our total
population of 25,00029,000 students, thats no small number.
Success requires us to be very intentional about that work.
It means getting everyones eyes on our numbers. Not only at
the highest level, but with our faculty, in all leadership groups,
across all campuses. Everybody knows where we are with our
key metrics at the end of every semester.

This experience also sets an important precedent for us. We

now know that when we all pull together across the institution,
we can make some pretty significant changes in a short amount
of time. I think we realize now the power that we have to make
a difference, and thats exciting. Everyone at Tri-C knows the
direction were headed in. No one is unclear about his or her
role with regard to promoting student success and completion.
Our president recognizes our accomplishments, but he hasnt
let up on us in terms of the ongoing challenges. And thats a
good thing.

IHEP: So whats next?

Were focusing now on students who havent been as
successful. Were targeting not only the first-years and the
completers, but also the students who are somewhere in the
middle. As we continue to fine-tune FYE, were now talking
about redefining our student population. We think now in terms
of first-year students, sophomores, and upper-class students.
For us, sophomores are any students with two semesters
under their belt but who have yet to complete college-level
math and English. And thats where the majority of our students
are. Weve got to do what we can to move those sophomores

You must have engaged

leadership from the top

down. Everyone needs to be
focusing on the same thing. If
you get mixed messages from
leadership about what the
priorities are, you wont be able
to get everyone on the same
page. You need someone at
the top who knows exactly
where you need to go and
can effectively convey that
message to leadership at all
levels of the institution.
along. Its important to us that all our students succeed and
that were moving the dial for everybody in terms of retention
and completion. Its a question of equity for us, and that value is
driving the conversation.

Were also working on reshaping the student experience of

academic majors by developing metamajors. Metamajors are
an array of academic programs with common or related content.
Were creating what we call care teams of support made up
of faculty, counseling faculty, and support staff, all clustered
around students in the disciplines. Were still figuring out what
thats going to look like.
Were still engaged in the same campuswide process we used
to develop FYE. Our efforts are now focused on how we can
continue to reshape the Tri-C student experience to ensure
everyone is both engaged from entry and guided on a direct
path to completion.

IHEP: Finally, what advice do you have for other communities hoping to learn from what Tri-C has achieved?
You must have engaged leadership from the top down.
Everyone needs to be focusing on the same thing. If you get
mixed messages from leadership about what the priorities
are, you wont be able to get everyone on the same page. You
need someone at the top who knows exactly where you need
to go and can effectively convey that message to leadership at
all levels of the institution. You need very specific targets, very
specific outcomes, benchmarks, and a realistic timeline. Once
you have buy-in on the plan and campus constituencies start
driving the conversation, collecting feedback, encouraging
involvement, and keeping it positive, you can achieve some
incredible things.
I dont mean to suggest this was easy. Its definitely not easy.
Were a large institution: four campuses, two corporate colleges,
and a district office. Its a big ship to turn. I dont think any of us
thought that we could have moved so quickly. But if we can do
it, then with the right leadership anybody can do it.

Tri-C Challengers Guide: Practical Advice for College Success
and Personal Growth

First-Year Experience Program: Frequently Asked Questions

Designed for a student audience, this publication uses an FAQ

This workbook was developed by Cuyahoga Community College format to provide introductory information about Tri-Cs First(Tri-C) faculty and administrators for use by students enrolled in Year Experience (FYE)a suite of programs, courses, and
the colleges credit-bearing First-Year Success seminars. Topics events designed to support, integrate, and retain incoming
include time management, test-taking and study skills, career students. Topics include program components, eligibility, cost,
exploration, wellness, and money management. Learners are and deadlines.
also encouraged to make connections with student support
Page length: 4
advisors and programs at the college.

Page length: 63


Sharpening Focus: Strategic Plan FY1618

Job Link Services

This publication outlines Tri-Cs six strategic focus areas, which This brochure describes Tri-Cs Job Link Servicesa student
include student completion, student experience, and equity in support service that works in partnership with local employers
outcomes. The document provides a critical institutional context and civic and community organizations to provide career
for the development of the FYE program, objectives, intended coaching and skill building.
outcomes, and target population.

Page length: 2
Page length: 2

Additional Resources
A Matter of Degrees: Promising Practices for Community
College Student Success [2012: Center for Community College
Student Engagement]
This report describes promising practices intended to advance
engagement, persistence, and completion for underprepared
and underserved students; identifies design principles for
effective intervention strategies; and includes perspectives
from students and faculty on student engagement and the
college experience.
Unheard Voices: First-Generation Students and the
Community College [2015: Pacific Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers]
The author (a community college administrator) reports the
results of a qualitative research study that investigated the
experiences of first-generation students enrolled at one of
several Oregon community colleges. Students reported that offcampus employment often inhibited campus engagement and
academic success (a finding in line with prior studies of student
attrition). Female students circumstances (e.g., caregiving
responsibilities) often imposed additional barriers that their male
counterparts did not face. Older students often reported that
their experience was not validated in the classroom. The study
provides useful insight into the experiences of an understudied
setting for first-year success.
Community College Orientation Basics: How to Structure a
New-Student Orientation Program [2008: National Academic
Advising Association]
Intended for community college administrators tasked with
developing an orientation program for new students, this article
provides a set of organizing questions to help identify goals,
desired outcomes, and resources; develop a schedule; and
determine a format. The authors also provide case studies
that detail how orientation programs were developed at two
community colleges in the Midwest.

Urban Colleges Dealing With Unique Retention Issues [2015:

Diverse Education]
Published in Diverse Education, this article profiles the
challenges public and private urban institutions face in
promoting student persistence and completion. Large
populations of part-time and commuter students often mean
that students time on campus is limited, which restricts
their access to student support services and diminishes
engagement. The article also describes how one university
is using student data to develop intervention strategies, while
another is building high-impact educational practices into its
core curriculum.
Is College Worth It for Me? How Adults Without
Degrees Think About Going (Back) to School [2013:
Kresge Foundation]
Postsecondary administrators interested in reimagining how
their institutions engage with and support adult student success
may find this report helpful. Researchers identify and describe
expectations, attitudes, and needs of prospective and incoming
adult students. Although respondents reported less concern
about social integration than their traditionally aged peers, they
are less convinced of their potential to succeed and are less
likely to have concrete plans for college.
The Pell Partnership: Ensuring a Shared Responsibility for
Low-Income Student Success [2015: The Education Trust]
This report provides graduation rate data for Pell Grant
recipients at over 1,100 four-year public and private nonprofit
postsecondary institutions and argues that closing the
achievement gap between Pell and non-Pell students will require
focus on both access and outcomes. Examples of successful
intervention strategies from a range of institution types provide
helpful suggestions for promising practices.


Chapter Four:

How can communities

provide holistic financial
support for low-income
College affordability is central to any discussion about the
completion agenda. Although nearly all households worry about
how to pay for college, costs pose an even higher hurdle for lowincome students. Although traditional financial aid resources like
grants, scholarships, and loans can address tuition and fees,
they fail to holistically address the costs students incur before
they even set foot on campus. Housing, food, transportation,
and childcare are all significant expenses that many students
must consider in order to make college a realistic option. Class
schedules also limit the hours that students can work to cover
these costs, which can stop students in their tracks just as much
as tuition bills do.
Improving postsecondary access and success requires
reimagining financial supports for low-income students. Campuses
can work to better understand who their low-income students
are, what financial hurdles those students routinely encounter,
where institutional resources can best be targeted, and how their
institutional processes and policies may have unintended impact
on low-income student access and persistence.
Institutions can also help connect students with public and
community resources that can fill in the gaps. Nonprofits working
with low-income communities should consider extending their
reach to students on campus. Below are a few examples of
intervention strategies that stakeholders can use to make college
more affordable for low-income students.
Linking Campus and Community Resources: Does your
community want to bundle critical financial resources to improve
access for low-income students? Bundling resources like food
assistance and family health care with campus services like
legal aid and career coaching can provide students with holistic
supportin both their on- and off-campus livesand may make
them more likely to access services.


Audit Institutional Policies and Processes: Does your campus

want to evaluate its administrative processes to identify any
unintended financial barriers to low-income students? Student
academic or financial policies, processes, and deadlines may
have unintended consequences for low-income students. Review
your institutions administrative practices from the lens of a
low-income student and consider updates or modifications as
appropriate to respond to needless barriers.
CampusCommunity Partnerships to Support Low-Income
Student Well-Being: Does your community want to develop
a coalition of campus, civic, and nonprofit organizations in
support of low-income students? Consider investing the time in
developing a coalition of campus, civic, faith-based, and nonprofit
organizations with a shared interest in low-income student wellbeing. Partnerships like these can further strengthen and expand
networks of care and make it more likely that low-income students
wont fall through the cracks.
This chapter profiles the Beyond Financial Aid guidebook, a
resource developed by Lumina Foundation that helps campuses
build their capacity to strengthen the financial stability of students.
This chapter ends with a list of additional resources that you
can use to find more information about making college more
affordable for low-income students.

Resource/Tool Profile
Beyond Financial Aid:

An Approach to Meeting Students Unmet Financial Need

Even after receiving financial aid, many low-income students have an unmet financial need that can significantly contribute
to their failure to complete educational goals. Institutions can mitigate this unmet financial need by integrating supports
that enable students to address the broader spectrum of financial hardshipsnutrition, housing, transportation, and
childcare, as well as financial, tax, and legal serviceswhile providing greater academic supports.
The Beyond Financial Aid (BFA) guidebook is designed to support community colleges and four-year institutions
in facilitating discussions about strengthening students financial stability in order to improve student success and
completion. The centerpiece of BFA is an institutional self-assessment that can help campuses assess existing efforts and
identify strategies to build their capacity to strengthen the financial stability of students.
In addition to the self-assessment, BFA includes a primer that makes the case for broader financial supports and lays out
a framework of six concrete strategies for providing this support strategies distilled from best and promising practices
at colleges across the country.


Know the low-income students at your institution by reviewing quantitative and qualitative institutional
data to better understand their experiences.


Provide supports to help low-income students overcome practical barriers by bundling diverse oncampus and off-campus resources and centralizing their access.


Leverage external partnerships for service delivery by connecting with groups that have shared missions
and values and can help bring services to students.


Empower low-income students to use available resources by normalizing the use of financial supports.
Also, consider opt-out versus opt-in models.


Review your internal processes from the students perspective. This can uncover unintended impacts
and suggest ways to revise and streamline processes and policies.


Implement other effective practices that strengthen the academic progression of all students, knowing
that these practices can make a greater difference for low-income students.

To learn more, visit the BFA website at where you can (1) browse the BFA website
and materials, (2) sign up for periodic updates delivered straight to your inbox, (3) join the BFA electronic mailing list, (4)
listen to archived webinars and obtain resources, (5) provide feedback on BFA through a brief survey, and (6) share your
college story. Please e-mail if you have any questions or would like assistance in adopting and
implementing BFA strategies.


Additional Resources
College Affordability and Transparency Center [2015: U.S.
Department of Education]

College Affordability for Low-Income Adults [2014: Institute

for Womens Policy Research]

This resource spotlights institutions with the highest and lowest

tuition and net price. Students and families can also search
for costs across several types of institutions, including public
and private, for-profit and nonprofit, and four-year and twoyear programs.

This report argues that affordability must expand beyond a

singular focus on cost to reflect the variety of circumstances
that may affect low-income students decisions to enter college
and succeed. As low-income students are more likely to be
financially independent, to be first-generation students, to be
students of color, and to be parents, they have greater time
constraints, less access to relevant postsecondary information,
more unmet needs, more health challenges, and a higher
likelihood of serious material scarcity.

College Affordability: What Is It and How Can We Measure It?

[2014: Lumina Foundation]
This paper takes a student-centered approach at moving
toward a more meaningful understanding of financial
accessibility of postsecondary education for students in
different circumstances. It proposes defining and tracking
an integrated set of metrics over time to monitor changes in
college affordability.


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