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Research Submission Form

Name: Helen Casillas

Per. 4th

Internship Location: Fernelius Alvarez Simon PLLC

Scope of Proposed Topic: The study of Law

General areas of study that area closely related to your topic (check all that apply):
Language arts
Computer science
Social studies
X Personal/social development
Other Law

Reasons for selecting this topic:

1. Personally I have always been interested in studying law thinking it would be simple and easy
since I hear everyone talking about how it provides a good income and it would provide a
good future.
2. The statement above is not entirely true, growing up most of the time we hear people telling
us to become doctor or lawyers because its so easy and a good choice but that is not entirely
true there is more to it than what it seems. There are many misconceptions about going to
law and studying it and they need to be addressed.
3. On the other hand there are many benefits from studying law and pursuing a career in it. I
would like to be able to show both the god and bad and educate younger generations so they
truly know what it going on.
Use facilities (libraries, etc.), literature (periodicals, journals, etc.), and technology (computers,
Internet, software) for your primary (5) and secondary resources (10). You also need (4) personal
interviews with experts to conclude your research. These are the minimum requirements. If
using articles, they need to be at least two pages in length. You need to have at least 3 books.
Primary Resources (5): (MLA format, annotated) insert lines as needed
1. Campbell, A. H.. The Modern Law Review 9.3 (1946): 331334. Web
This sources was useful as it offers an overall view point on what it truly is to study law. It is
helpful because its providing a more modern and present take of he studies of law. It reviews
it thoroughly which is needed for this project to be successful.
2. Suggestions to Young Lawyers on Studying Law. Suggestions to Young Lawyers on
Studying Law.The Virginia Law Register 6.2 (1920): 101105. Web...
The source was used as it is a more realistic view and personal accounts and advice from
people who have personally studied law. These personal accounts help understand what is
really taking place and how things actually happen. It is beneficial and helpful for people to
know this information that is provided.
3. Levi, Ron, and Mariana Valverde. "Studying Law By Association: Bruno Latour Goes To The
Conseil Dtat." Law & Social Inquiry33.3 (2008): 805-825. Academic Search Complete. Web.
19 Nov. 2015.

Law students need to read a lot and that is one of the biggest things to know this article
illustrates and shows this. There is definitely an art to managing the reading lists and you will
get all the advice you need from older students when you first arrive, but it does take a while
to get used to the pace of learning.
4. Williston, Samuel. "The Case Method Of Studying Law." Harvard Law Review 43.6 (1930): 972974. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.
Law requires both absolute command of the details of legislation and cases, and a wider view
of how different areas interlock and what they achieve. This goes deeper in to detail of law
studying it shows what it takes to be able to succeed. It is helpful for the reader to know this
5. Vaughan, Steven. "Law As Engineering: Thinking About What Lawyers Do." Legal Studies 34.2
(2014): 353358. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
This article serves a purpose to really break things down into simpler terms. It makes it easier
to understand and makes things more comprehendible. This is extremely beneficiary we have
all heard a little about studying law at university, whether through family, friends or films, it is
difficult to know what it really does involve.

Secondary Resources (10): (MLA format, annotated) insert lines as needed

1. Armstrong, Susan, and Michelle Sanson. "From Confusion To Confidence: Transitioning To Law
School." Queensland University Of Technology Law & Justice Journal 12.1 (2011): 2144. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.
This article serves its purpose to show and explain the change from pre-law studies and or
after your bachelors. As law schools continue to grapple with issues of relevance in the
changing educational landscape, those who work for these institutions have taken to
considering the reason of law school in general.
2. Prigge, George W. "Life Lessons For A Law School." University Of Toledo Law Review 42.3
(2011): 649-656. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
Law school also gives the law student a different lens through which to view the world. The
decisions and assumptions you make become colored by their potential legal consequences.
It is illustrating what lessons are learned thanks to law school. This source offers a unique
insight because it is a source from an actual law school.
3. Larcombe, Wendy, Pip Nicholson, and Ian Malkin. "Performance In Law School: What Matters
In The Beginning?." Legal Education Review 18.1-2 (2008): 95-122. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
This source illustrates how Law school isnt just about learning the mechanics of lawyering.
Law school is about learning to think in a particular way about problems and issues. More
than any other intellectual pursuit in my life, law school taught me to explore the reasons for,
motivations for, and possible outcomes of different courses of action.
4. Baron, Paula. "Sleight Of Hand: Lawyer Distress And The Attribution Of Responsibility." Griffith
Law Review 23.2 (2014): 261-284.Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.

As a new class of future lawyers heads to law school, they do so in the face of statistics that
question whether it's a smart financial move. Despite a recent controversial study that estimates
the lifetime payoff for a law degree at $1 million, critics say the reality is grimmer.
Read more:
Follow us: @Bankrate on Twitter | Bankrate on Facebook
5. Ku, Charlotte, et al. "Exploring International Law: Opportunities And Challenges For Political
Science Research." International Studies Review 3.1 (2001): 3. Academic Search Complete.
Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
The majority of countries offer a Bachelor of Laws (LLB), after which grads take a qualifying
examination in order to become practicing lawyers. This degree -- which takes 3-4 years -- is
often considered interchangeable with both the BA in Law (BL) and the BSc in Law, although
these sometimes involve a broader, more humanities-oriented course of study.
6."The Path Of The Law." Harvard Law Review 10.8 (1897): 457-478. Academic Search Complete.
Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
All law degrees are not created equally. In fact, depending on where you choose to study, there
are many different types of law degrees available. While trying to distinguish between them may
initially make your eyes cross, heres a quick breakdown to help you sort through the options.
7. "Studying Law." Harvard Law Review 59.5 (1946): 829-830. Academic Search Complete. Web.
23 Nov. 2015.
Do not stress about grades and exams. Just work hard and do your best. A relaxed brain is a
happy brain and being exhausted will not improve your chances of success
8. Merry, Sally Engle. "Resistance And The Cultural Power Of Law." Law & Society Review 29.1
(1995): 11-26. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
Overall, most of a law students time is spent reading. For every hour spent in class, one spends
about two to three hours outside of class studying. Obtaining high grades in law school is very
important, especially if you want job offers. The better your rank within the class, the better job
opportunities you will get.
9. Enright, Christopher. Studying law. Gaunt, 1995.
Law school requires an immense amount of work, but it is very intellectually stimulating if you
care about being stimulated. However, thinking about going to law school and thinking about
being a lawyer are two entirely different things. The practice of law is not an extension of law
10.Williston, Samuel. "The Case Method Of Studying Law." Harvard Law Review 43.6 (1930): 972974. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
Many lawyers, unfortunately, believe that the only thing that counts in life is how much money
you make. They are greatly mistaken and are wasting their lives. Dont be one of them. There are
many job opportunities that a law degree can provide, but there are two things that students
should consider before pursuing law school. First are the loans that come with getting the
degree. Law school can cost about $90,000, which doesnt include any costs incurred for
undergraduate school.

Personal Interviews: (Attach your notes from each interview. Include verification of your
interview. Ie picture of you and interviewee, copies of emails, etc.)
1. Name:
# of yrs
How this relates to your topic

2. Name:
How this relates to your topic

3. Name:
How this relates to your topic

4. Name:
How this relates to your topic

# of yrs

# of yrs

# of yrs

Knowledge and/or skills I must improve in order to fully investigate my topic (for example, a new
computer language, how to use a particular library, develop a specialized vocabulary, learn
Which of the following may limit this study? Check any that may apply.
Age restrictions
___ Transportation
Time limits
___ Complexity





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