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Capstone Topic From

Exit Level (12th)

Topic Submission and Approval

Student name (print): _Gilbert Silva ____________________________________________
Period with Mrs. Sherman: __4th______
Discipline(s) encompassed by topic:
__x__ English language arts and reading
_____ Mathematics
_____ Science
_____ Social studies

_____ Business
_____ Global Discovery
_____ Other

Topic or question to be explored:

The benefits of early education with literacy/literature in schools.
Reasons for selecting this topic:
My internship needed a library to promote reading in the school. By assisting with
this project, I can research and develop conclusions on how a library can benefit the
Explored research resources and have sufficient to write the essay paper:
YES ___x___

NO _______

Resources (facilities, people, and literature) I will need to develop proposal:

I would require inquirys with public libraries, Interviews with librarians and
teachers. I will also require books and scholarly papers to reinforce my conclusions.

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