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Cesar P.

ABCs of Career: Transportation Managers
A Arkansas average pay yearly is $88,210.
B Bachelor degree or any other degree higher is needed.
C Communicate with people who have complaints over a
particular driver.
D Develop new policies for operations if improvement is needed.
E Education and training is required for this occupation.
F Face to face frequently with customers.
G Good communicating skills are important.
H - Human Resources are great to have knowledge of.
I Implement schedule or policy changes for transportation
J Justify schedules when traffic is a big problem for a driver.
K - Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer
and personal services.
L Leadership is important for your work style.
M Make decisions and problem solve when they are in a bad
N Negotiate sales or lease agreements for products or services
O Out of college training is needed.
P - Plan, organize, or manage the work of subordinate staff to
ensure that the work is accomplished in a manner consistent with
organizational requirements
Q - Quickly plans schedules for drivers.
R - Requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying
a good-natured, cooperative attitude
S - Serve as contact persons for all workers within assigned
T - The ability to read and understand information and ideas
presented in writing.
U- Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work
related documents
V Values to allow employess to work on their own.

W Working conditions are usually in an office.

X Extra trainging is needed during and after college
Y - You will work around 40 hours a week
Z Zero performance in driving a semi truck (people might

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