Amherst School Survey Backstory

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Mon, 4 Jan 16 07:36:10

Subject: Re: please fix the survey before sending it out
From: Katherine Appy
To: Laura Quilter
Dear Laura,
I am sorry that you believe that the current surveys are not adequate. After working on the surveys
since our last school committee meeting, with input from multiple stakeholders including school
committee members, community members and the professional survey company, I feel that, although
brief, the surveys are able to gather helpful information for the school committee. There is a great deal
of information on which school committee members will base their votes regarding what option they
believe is best for educating students starting in 19. The survey results will be one of multiple factors
that school committee members will consider.
I also believe that the end of the survey open response allows respondents to voice whatever
questions, responses or critiques they may have that go beyond the survey design itself.
All best,
On Sun, Jan 3, 16 at 4:57 PM, Laura Quilter wrote:
Dear Amherst School Committee,
I've been working with Catherine Corson and a number of other parents on developing a well-written
survey that would provide useful information about the opinions of parents.
As you all know, the School district did a number of surveys last fall, including one about the so-called
"Wildwood Building Project." That survey was by any measure terrible -- the questions were unhelpful
and jargon-laden, and it was lacking the critical comparative questions; it was also long and
administered in a way that contributed to survey fatigue among some parents, and at the same time did
a terrible job of outreach to the relevant populations. I am sorry to say that surveys like this give the
impression of incompetence, and either bias or indifference to the results.
We desperately need surveys of parents, teachers, and community members, and accordingly, several
of us really pressed community members who are in fact experts at research methodology to work on
this task, and help demonstrate what was needed. It's not actually that complex of a task, but it does
need a neutral, well-qualified designer. Typically a well-designed survey instrument would have a
number of people reviewing it to pick out errors, ambiguous phrasings, etc. Unfortunately, it looks like
the commissioned survey has taken some of the concepts, but just smushed them together, leaving a
rather mangled survey with real problems in question design and options, and one that has obviously
not been carefully reviewed.
Again, I see the simple process of conducting a well-designed survey to elicit opinion is being done in a
way that renders the results meaningless.
I honestly cannot begin to express how frustrated I am with the continued difficulty we are having in
moving ahead in good faith and cooperation.
I urge the School Committee to hold off on administering the current draft survey until it can be carefully
vetted to be neutral and professional, and, INFORMATIVE. The current survey has obvious problems

that run the risk of replicating problems from the earlier survey. Please, let's not repeat the mistakes of
the past.
Laura Quilter
101 Red Gate Lane
parent 2d grader, Wildwood
---------------------------------Laura Markstein Quilter /
Attorney, Geek, Militant Librarian, Teacher
Copyright and Information Policy Librarian
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lecturer, Simmons College, GSLIS

Mon, 28 Dec 15 18:56:42

Subject: Re: Draft parent survey
From: Maria Geryk
To: ""
Cc: "", Michael Morris

You are welcome. I just hope people review the full chart of pros and cons. Absent that full information,
the options can seem overly simplistic.
On Monday, December 28, 15, wrote:
That's a good point. Thanks.
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 28, 15, at 6:28 PM, Maria Geryk wrote:
I am wondering about the language used to describe each option. I wonder if instead of "no changes to
----"would it be better to say --- remains a pre-k -6 or k-6? I say this because, while they remain the
same grade levels, the student and staff would be affected by re districting. This will be true for options
A and B.
On Monday, December 28, 15,
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Dan McMurrer"
December 28, 15 at 1:13:11 PM EST

Subject: RE: Draft parent survey

Hi Katherine,
Thanks for sending this along. Please thank Catherine for taking the time to put this together.
Given the looming deadlines during this short work week (e.g., final version of survey due to translator
by noon on Tuesday), it possible to redesign the entire survey structure (and have it re-vetted by the
various reviewers). In addition to other changes you and I already discussed, however, I would suggest
making the following changes to the existing survey based on elements included in Catherines survey
(Items 2-4 are designed to improve the user-friendly nature of the survey by ensuring that the basic
information provided to the respondent is as clear as possible, especially for respondents who have not
closely followed the project discussion.)
I still think its important to have both surveys ask the same questions, so the information presented to
the school committee is comparable and easily understood. All of the proposed changes below would
thus be made to both surveys.
(1) Change the final required question to ask respondents to rank their preferences from 1 to 4, rather
than asking only for their top choice. (Some of this information is already captured in the unfavorable to
favorable question, but I think it would be valuable to have specific ranks 1 to 4 from all respondents.
Thus, the question Of the four building options, which would be your first choice? would be changed
to Please rank the four options from your most preferred option (on top) to your least preferred option
(bottom). The question would be configured as a drag/drop question like the one on the three factors.
(2) As we discussed earlier, add a bulleted list with a brief description of whats meant by each of the 12
possible factors. Im almost finished with the draft list and will send it along to you shortly.
(3) Add a bit more background information at the beginning of the survey describing what the building
project is. The current opening paragraph is as follows:
Welcome! The Amherst School Committee is seeking thoughts and opinions from current and future
elementary school parents and guardians regarding the Amherst Elementary School Building Project.
Id suggest changing it to the following. (If this is acceptable to you, please confirm that the content is
all correct.)
Welcome! The Amherst School Committee is seeking thoughts and opinions from current and future
elementary school parents and guardians regarding the Amherst Elementary School Building Project,
which includes four options for renovating and/or reconfiguring the Amherst elementary schools. The
construction work is expected to begin in 17, with the new school or configuration taking effect in Fall
(4) Slightly reword the descriptions of the four options, to remove some of the short-hand wording
currently used and to improve the definition of Option C. (Ive made these changes in Word using
Track Changes; I dont think the changes are visible in the email so Ive also attached this content as a
Word document.)
Option A: Replace Wildwood with a new building (360 K-6 students); no changes to Crocker Farm or
Fort River
Option B: Replace Wildwood and Fort River with a single new building that contains two separate K-6
wings (670 students); no changes ton Crocker Farm

Option C: Replace Wildwood and Fort River; reconfigure the district to have a new unified building
containing 2 separate Grade 2-6 wings for all ARPS Grade 2-6 (750 students); Crocker Farm becomes
PreK-1 Early Childhood Center
Option D: Replace Wildwood and Fort River; reconfigure thedistrict to have a new unified building (750
students) containing one wing for Grades 2-4 and one wing for Grades 5-6; Crocker Farm becomes
PreK-1 Early Childhood Center
Please let me know what you think on the 4 points above. Thanks!

From: []

Sent: Monday, December 28, 15 11:15 AM
To: Dan McMurrer
Subject: Fwd: Draft parent survey
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Catherine Corson
Date: December 28, 15 at 10:23:34 AM EST
To: "", Jean fay, Laura
Subject: Draft parent survey
Dear all,
I have attached a suggested parent survey that tries to ask a balanced but detailed set of questions in
order to give you information to help you make your ultimate decision on the elementary schools.
Per my earlier email conversation with Katherine, I feel strongly that it is important 1) to have more
detailed/explained "factors," which respondents will understand, than those originally proposed in Dan's
first cut at it, and 2) to have separate surveys for parents and educators as they have different sets of
knowledge and interests. I have asked a few parents for input on the types of issues they thought it
would be important to ask other parents about, and I have incorporated their ideas, while also trying to
maintain a balanced set of unbiased questions.
I am happy to answer any questions and/or provide additional information/suggestions, and I look
forward to providing input on the final drafts of two surveys and helping to circulate them.
Happy holidays to all!
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 15 08:54:54 -0500
Subject: Re: finalizing parent survey for translation
From: Katherine Appy
To: Michael Morris
Cc: Dan McMurrer, Maria Geryk

Dear Dan,
Sorry for not responding to the 1:13pm email (tough technical day for me at my father's house!). I would
incorporate Maria's clarification that it is not a "no change to Crocker, but rather remains a pre-k to 6.
The only change I would make in the intro is in red below. The reconfiguration does not necessarily
include a new building:
renovating or building new and/or reconfiguring the Amherst elementary schools. The construction
work is expected to begin in 17, with the new school and/or reconfiguration taking effect in Fall 19.

On Tue, Dec 29, 15 at 8:32 AM, Michael Morris wrote:

Just one question--in terms of reaching out to future Amherst school parents, should we plan to send
email with link to day care and PreK directors in town in addition to ARPS elementary school parents?
On Dec 29, 15, at 8:28 AM, Dan McMurrer wrote:
Hi Katherine, Maria, Mike,
Thanks very much for all the helpful changes and comments from yesterday we will incorporate all the
changes received yesterday from the three of you before sending the parent survey off for translation at
mid-day today. In addition, in response to Marias point below, we also add a quick link to the chart on
every page where the four options are described, so its readily available in case respondents miss the
link the first time its presented.
Katherine, before we finalize the parent survey, I wanted to confirm that the changes proposed in items
1 to 4 (in my 1:13 pm email to you included below) are all okay? (I dont think I saw a specific
response to those in all the emails going back and forth yesterday, so wanted to double-check.)
Thanks to everyone!
From: Maria Geryk []
Sent: Monday, December 28, 15 6:57 PM
Cc:; Michael Morris
Subject: Re: Draft parent survey
You are welcome. I just hope people review the full chart of pros and cons. Absent that full information,
the options can seem overly simplistic.
On Monday, December 28, 15, wrote:
That's a good point. Thanks.
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 28, 15, at 6:28 PM, Maria Geryk wrote:

I am wondering about the language used to describe each option. I wonder if instead of "no changes to
----" would it be better to say --- remains a pre-k -6 or k-6? I say this because , while they remain the
same grade levels, the student and staff would be affected by re districting. This will be true for options
A and B.
On Monday, December 28, 15, wrote:
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Dan McMurrer" "Dan McMurrer"
Date: Dm
Date: December 28, 15 at 1:13:11 PM EST
Subject: RE: Draft parent survey
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for sending this along. Please thank Catherine for taking the time to put this together. Given
the looming deadlines during this short work week (e.g., final version of survey due to translator by
noon on Tuesday), possible to redesign the entire survey structure (and have it re-vetted by the
various reviewers). In addition to other changes you and I already discussed, however, I would suggest
making the following changes to the existing survey based on elements included in Catherines draft.
(Items 2-4 are designed to improve the user-friendly nature of the survey by ensuring that the basic
information provided to the respondent is as clear as possible, especially for respondents who have not
closely followed the project discussion.)
I still think its important to have both surveys ask the same questions,so the information presented to
the school committee is comparable and easily understood. All of the proposed changes below would
thus be made to both surveys.
(1) Change the final required question to ask respondents to rank their preferences from 1 to 4, rather
than asking only for their top choice. (Some of this information is already captured in the unfavorable to
favorable question, but I think it would be valuable to have specific ranks 1 to 4 from all respondents.)
Thus, the question Of the four building options, which would be your first choice? would be changed to
Please rank the four options from your most preferred option (on top) to your least preferred option
(bottom). The question would be configured as a drag/drop question like the one on the three factors.
(2) As we discussed earlier, add a bulleted list with a brief description of whats meant by each of the 12
possible factors. Im almost finished with the draft list and will send it along to you shortly.
(3) Add a bit more background information at the beginning of the survey describing what the building
project is.
The current opening paragraph is as follows:
Welcome! The Amherst School Committee is seeking thoughts and opinions from current and future
elementary school parents and guardians regarding the Amherst Elementary School Building Project.

I suggest changing it to the following. (If this is acceptable to you, please confirm that the content is all
Welcome! The Amherst School Committee is seeking thoughts and opinions from current and future
elementary school parents and guardians regarding the Amherst Elementary School Building Project,
which includes four options for renovating and/or reconfiguring the Amherst elementary schools. The
construction work is expected to begin in 17, with the new school or configuration taking effect in Fall
(4) Slightly reword the descriptions of the four options, to remove some of the short-hand wording
currently used and to improve the definition of Option C. (Ive made these changes in Word using
Track Changes;
I dont think the changes are visible in the email so Ive also attached this content as a Word
Option A: Replace Wildwood with a new building (360 K-6 students);no changes to Crocker Farm or
Fort River
Option B: Replace Wildwood and Fort River with a single new building that contains two separate K-6
wings (670 students); no changes to Crocker Farm
Option C: Replace Wildwood and Fort River; reconfigure the district to have a new unified building
containing 2 separate Grade 2-6 wings for all ARPS Grade 2-6 (750 students); Crocker Farm becomes
PreK-1 Early Childhood Center
Option D: Replace Wildwood and Fort River; reconfigure the district to have a new unified building (750
students) containing one wing for Grades 2-4 and one wing for Grades 5-6; Crocker Farm becomes
PreK-1 Early Childhood Center
Please let me know what you think on the 4 points above thanks!
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 28, 15 11:15 AM
To: Dan McMurrer
Subject: Fwd: Draft parent survey
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Catherine Corson
Date: December 28, 15 at 10:23:34 AM EST
To: "", Jean fay Laura Kent,,,,
Subject: Draft parent survey
Dear all,
I have attached a suggested parent survey that tries to ask a balanced but detailed set of questions in
order to give you information to help you make your ultimate decision on the elementary schools.
Per my earlier email conversation with Katherine, I feel strongly that it is important 1) to have more
detailed/explained "factors," which respondents will understand, than those originally proposed in Dan's
first cut at it, and 2) to have separate surveys for parents and educators as they have different sets of

knowledge and interests. I have asked a few parents for input on the types of issues they thought it
would be important to ask other parents about, and I have incorporated their ideas, while also trying to
maintain a balanced set of unbiased questions.
I am happy to answer any questions and/or provide additional information/suggestions, and I look
forward to providing input on the final drafts of two surveys and helping to circulate them.
Happy holidays to all!

Date: Mon, 28 Dec 15 18:28:32 -0500

Subject: Re: Draft parent survey
From: Maria Geryk
To: Katherine Appy AppyK@ARPS.ORG,
Cc: Michael Morris MorrisM@ARPS.ORG
I am wondering about the language used to describe each option. I wonder ifinstead of "no changes to ---" would it be better to say --- remains a pre-k -6 or k-6? I say this because , while they remain the
same gradelevels, the student and staff would be affected by re districting. Thiswill be true for options A
and B.
On Monday, December 28, 15, wrote:
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Dan McMurrer"
Date: December 28, 15 at 1:13:11 PM EST
Subject: RE: Draft parent survey
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for sending this along. Please thank Catherine for taking the time to put this together.
Given the looming deadlines during this short work week (e.g., final version of survey due to translator
by noon on Tuesday), its not possible to redesign the entire survey structure (and have it re-vetted by
the various reviewers). In addition to other changes you and I already discussed, however, I would
suggest making the following changes to the existing survey based on elements included in Catherines
survey draft.
(Items 2-4 are designed to improve the user-friendly nature of the survey by ensuring that the basic
information provided to the respondent is as clear as possible, especially for respondents who have not
followed the project discussion.)

I still think its important to have both surveys ask the same questions, so the information presented to
the school committee is comparable and easily understood. All of the proposed changes below would
thus be made to both surveys.
(1) Change the final required question to ask respondents to rank their preferences from 1 to 4, rather
than asking only for their top choice. (Some of this information is already captured in the unfavorable to
favorable question, but I think it would be valuable to have specific ranks 1 to 4 from all respondents.)
Thus, the question Of the four building options, which would be your first choice? would be changed
to Please rank the four options from your most preferred option (on top) to your least preferred option
(bottom). The question would be configured as a drag/drop question like the one on the three factors.
(2) As we discussed earlier, add a bulleted list with a brief description of whats meant by each of the
12 possible factors. Im almost finished with the draft list and will send it along to you shortly.
(3) Add a bit more background information at the beginning of the survey describing what the building
project is.
The current opening paragraph is as follows:
Welcome! The Amherst School Committee is seeking thoughts and opinions from current and future
elementary school parents and guardians regarding the Amherst Elementary School Building Project.
suggest changing it to the following. (If this is acceptable to you, please confirm that the content is all
Welcome! The Amherst School Committee is seeking thoughts and opinions from current and future
elementary school parents and guardians regarding the Amherst Elementary School Building Project,
which includes four options for renovating and/or reconfiguring the Amherst elementary schools.
Theconstruction work is expected to begin in 17, with the new school or configuration taking effect in
Fall 19.
(4) Slightly reword the descriptions of the four options, to remove some of the short-hand wording
currently used and to improve the definition of Option C. (Ive made these changes in Word using
Track Changes;
I dont think the changes are visible in the email so Ive also attached this content as a Word
Option A: Replace Wildwood with a new building (360 K-6 students); no changes to Crocker Farm or
Fort River
- Option B: Replace Wildwood and Fort River with a single new building that contains two separate
K-6 wings (670 students); no changes to Crocker Farm
- Option C: Replace Wildwood and Fort River; reconfigure the district to have a new unified building
containing 2 separate Grade 2-6 wings for all ARPS Grade 2-6 (750 students); Crocker Farm becomes
Early Childhood Center
- Option D: Replace Wildwood and Fort River; reconfigure the district to have a new unified building
(750 students) containing one wing for Grades 2-4 and one wing for Grades 5-6; Crocker Farm
becomes PreK-1 Early Childhood Center
Please let me know what you think on the 4 points above thanks!

Sent: Monday, December 28, 15 11:15 AM
To: Dan McMurrer
Subject: Fwd: Draft parent survey
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Catherine Corson
Date: December 28, 15 at 10:23:34 AM EST
To: ";, Jean fay;, Laura Kent;;;;
Subject: Draft parent survey
Dear all,
I have attached a suggested parent survey that tries to ask a balanced but detailed set of questions in
order to give you information to help you make your ultimate decision on the elementary schools.
Per my earlier email conversation with Katherine, I feel strongly that it is important 1) to have more
detailed/explained "factors," which respondents will understand, than those originally proposed in Dan's
first cut at it, and 2) to have separate surveys for parents and educators as they have different sets of
knowledge and interests. I have asked a few parents for input on the types of issues they thought it
would be important to ask other parents about, and I have incorporated their ideas, while also trying to
maintain a balanced set of nbiased questions.
I am happy to answer any questions and/or provide additional information/suggestions, and I look
forward to providing input on the final drafts of two surveys and helping to circulate them.
Happy holidays to all!

Date: Mon, 4 Jan 16
Subject: Fwd: please fix the survey before sending it out
From: Kimberly Stender
To: Michael Morris MorrisM@ARPS.ORG, Maria Geryk GerykM@ARPS.ORG, katherine Appy
AppyK@ARPS.ORG, Vira Douangmany douangmanyv@ARPS.ORG, Rick Hood HoodR@ARPS.ORG,
Kathleen Traphagen TraphagenK@ARPS.ORG, Phoebe Hazzard hazzardp@ARPS.ORG
Kimberly Stender
Community Liaison
Office of the Superintendent
Amherst, Pelham & Regional Public Schools

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Laura Quilter

Date: Sun, Jan 3, 16 at 4:57 PM

Subject: please fix the survey before sending it out
To:, "", Vira
Douangmany, Phoebe Hazzard, Rick
Hood, Kathleen Traphagen
Cc: Catherine Corson
Dear Amherst School Committee,
I've been working with Catherine Corson and a number of other parents on
developing a well-written survey that would provide useful information about the opinions of parents.
As you all know, the School district did a number of surveys last fall,including one about the so-called
"Wildwood Building Project." That surveywas by any measure terrible -- the questions were unhelpful
jargon-laden, and it was lacking the critical comparative questions; it was also long and administered in
a way that contributed to survey fatigue among some parents, and at the same time did a terrible job of
outreach to
the relevant populations. I am sorry to say that surveys like this give
the impression of incompetence, and either bias or indifference to the
We desperately need surveys of parents, teachers, and community members, and accordingly, several
of us really pressed community members who are in fact experts at research methodology to work on
this task, and help demonstrate what was needed. It's not actually that complex of a task, but it does
need a neutral, well-qualified designer. Typically a well-designed survey instrument would have a
number of people reviewing it to pick out errors, ambiguous phrasings, etc. Unfortunately, it looks like
the commissioned survey has taken some of the concepts, but just smushed them together, leaving a
rather mangled survey with real problems in question design and options, and one that has obviously
not been carefully reviewed.
Again, I see the simple process of conducting a well-designed survey to elicit opinion is being done in a
way that renders the results meaningless.
I honestly cannot begin to express how frustrated I am with the continued difficulty we are having in
moving ahead in good faith and cooperation.
I urge the School Committee to hold off on administering the current draft survey until it can be carefully
vetted to be neutral and professional, and, INFORMATIVE. The current survey has obvious problems
that run the risk of replicating problems from the earlier survey. Please, let's not repeat the mistakes of
the past.
Laura Quilter
101 Red Gate Lane
parent 2d grader, Wildwood
---------------------------------Laura Markstein Quilter /
*Attorney, Geek, Militant Librarian, Teacher*
Copyright and Information Policy Librarian
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lecturer, Simmons College, GSLIS
Ive been working with Catherine Corson and a number of other parents on developing a well-written
survey that would provide useful information about the opinions of parents. As you all know, the School
district did a number of surveys last fall, including one about the so-called Wildwood Building Project.
That survey was by any measure terrible -- the questions were unhelpful and jargon-laden, and it was
lacking the critical comparative questions; it was also long and administered in a way that contributed
to survey fatigue among some parents, and at the same time did a terrible job of outreach to the
relevant populations. I am sorry to say that surveys like this give the impression of incompetence, and
either bias or indifference to the results.
We desperately need surveys of parents, teachers, and community members, and accordingly, several
of us really pressed community members who are in fact experts at research methodology to work on
this task, and help demonstrate what was needed. Its not actually that complex of a task, but it does
need a neutral, well-qualified designer. Typically a well-designed survey instrument would have a
number of people reviewing it to pick out errors, ambiguous phrasings, etc. Unfortunately, it looks like
the commissioned survey has taken some of the concepts, but just smushed them together, leaving a
rather mangled survey with real problems in question design and options, and one that has obviously
not been carefully reviewed. Again, I see the simple process of conducting a well-designed survey to
elicit opinion is being done in a way that renders the results meaningless.
I honestly cannot begin to express how frustrated I am with the continued difficulty we are having in
moving ahead in good faith and cooperation. I urge the School Committee to hold off on administering
the current draft survey until it can be carefully vetted to be neutral and professional, and,
INFORMATIVE. The current survey has obvious problems that run the risk of replicating problems from
the earlier survey. Please, lets not repeat the mistakes of the past.
Laura Quilter
101 Red Gate Lane
parent 2d grader, Wildwood
Received: by 10.36..134 with HTTP; Sun, 3 Jan 16 13:57:40 -0800 (PST)
From: Laura Quilter
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 16 16:57:40 -0500
Subject: please fix the survey before sending it out
To:, "", Vira Douangmany, Phoebe Hazzard, Rick Hood, Kathleen
Cc: Catherine Corson
Dear Amherst School Committee,
I've been working with Catherine Corson and a number of other parents on developing a well-written
survey that would provide useful information about the opinions of parents.
As you all know, the School district did a number of surveys last fall, including one about the so-called
"Wildwood Building Project." That survey was by any measure terrible -- the questions were unhelpful
and jargon-laden, and it was lacking the critical comparative questions; it was also long and
administered in a way that contributed to survey fatigue among some parents, and at the same time did
a terrible job of outreach to the relevant populations. I am sorry to say that surveys like this give the
impression of incompetence, and either bias or indifference to the

We desperately need surveys of parents, teachers, and community members, and accordingly, several
of us really pressed community members who are in fact experts at research methodology to work on
this task, and help demonstrate what was needed. It's not actually that complex of a task, but it does
need a neutral, well-qualified designer. Typically a well-designed survey instrument would have a
number of people reviewing it to pick out errors, ambiguous phrasings, etc. Unfortunately, it looks like
the commissioned survey has taken some of the concepts, but just smushed them together, leaving a
rather mangled survey with real problems in question design and options, and one that has obviously
not been carefully reviewed.
Again, I see the simple process of conducting a well-designed survey to elicit opinion is being done in a
way that renders the results meaningless.
I honestly cannot begin to express how frustrated I am with the continued difficulty we are having in
moving ahead in good faith and cooperation.
I urge the School Committee to hold off on administering the current draft survey until it can be carefully
vetted to be neutral and professional, and, INFORMATIVE. The current survey has obvious problems
that run the risk of replicating problems from the earlier survey. Please, let's not repeat the mistakes of
the past.
Laura Quilter
101 Red Gate Lane
parent 2d grader, Wildwood
---------------------------------Laura Markstein Quilter /
*Attorney, Geek, Militant Librarian, Teacher*
Copyright and Information Policy Librarian
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lecturer, Simmons College, GSLIS
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 15 14:23:09 -0500
Subject: Re: Elementary reconfiguration meeting follow up
From: Phoebe Hazzard
Dear Lisa,
Thank you so much for your follow up email and for attending the meeting on Monday. I really
appreciated the chance to meet a group in a less formal setting where there was some opportunity to
hear different opinions and perspectives and have some discussion. I definitely understand your
perspective on the k-6 twin building option, and many parents that I've spoken with agree. It solves the
problem of ensuring that all students are in a high-quality building while maintaining k-6 communities,
as well as addressing numerous other issues. I currently feel (though I think survey results will be
helpful) that this option would be the least disruptive and most widely accepted by our community. I do,
however, want to help people have a better understanding of the superintendent's perspective, which I
genuinely believe is not based primarily on trying to make things easier for the administration. Right
now, and with a twin k-6 plan, kids may be in a special education program located in a school that is

different from their assigned school. They are thus "set apart" from their local community, and may go
to a different school from their neighbors and siblings. As I'm sure you know, there are "islands" of kids
in the middle of the Crocker Farm district that are currently bused to Fort River and Wildwood in order
to better equalize the economic demographics of the
different schools. If the schools were to change to a reconfigured pre-k-1 and 2-6 model, all kids would
be going to school with their neighbors and siblings and concerns about redistricting to would be
eliminated. Also, programming options could be more equalized if all the kids were in the same building
with the same resources, and more affordable preschool spots could open for kids who might not
otherwise be able to attend preschool.
As the superintendent expressed last night, she sees this as the option she must support because it is
the only one that she believes truly gives every child an equal opportunity, and that is her job. I'm not
expecting this to change you mind (and I'm not saying that I necessarily believe that this is the option
that is most acceptable to and supported by our community) but I hope it helps you better understand
her perspective.
In terms of the survey, I'm very pleased to report that at the meeting last night we agreed to hire an
independent surveyor (a parent offering us a vastly reduced rate) who will be conducting an
anonymous survey of the staff and teachers as well as an anonymous survey of the school parent
community. We are hoping to have it launched by the Monday after break.
Thanks again for all your involvement and your perspective, and I'd be happy to talk to you more if
there's anything you'd like to discuss. Have a wonderful holiday break!
All the best,
On Mon, Dec 21, 15 at 10:12 PM, wrote:
Dear Phoebe,
Thank you for taking the time to meet with everyone at Maria Kopicki's house this evening. There was
a lot I wanted to say but didn't feel comfortable saying it because I felt as though most of those parents
would prefer to keep three schools (on three separate sites). I on the other hand, realize that both
schools are in need of major work and we cannot just leave out Fort River. It's clear to me that the
obvious solution would be the newest approved option of building the twin k-6 school. I am also
speaking for every other Amherst preschool parent that I have spoken to on this topic. I honestly don't
know anyone who is in favor of grade reconfiguration now that this option is on the table. Most people
assume this is now what is happening and aren't paying attention anymore. It baffles me as to why
Maria Geryk would not want to support this logical compromise as most reasons given previously to
support the grade reconfiguration are solved by the twin k-6. Clearly, in the long run, grade
reconfiguration makes the administrations' life easier but changes our school system for the next 50 or
more years. This is all happening too quickly with too little input from the public. It makes no sense to
me that the administration claims they've made all attempts to keep the public in the loop but are
unwilling to conduct a town poll due to the town being uniformed.
Anyway, thank you again. I really appreciate all the time and careful thought you have put in for our
children and realize you are in a difficult position.
Lisa Raine
Crocker Farm preschool parent
Subject: Fwd: Elem. Sch. Bldg. Proj - concerns/feedback on communication/survey/options
From: Kimberly Stender

To: Maria Geryk GerykM@ARPS.ORG, Phoebe Hazzard hazzardp@ARPS.ORG, Rick Hood

HoodR@ARPS.ORG, Kathleen Traphagen TraphagenK@ARPS.ORG, Vira Douangmany
douangmanyv@ARPS.ORG, katherine Appy AppyK@ARPS.ORG
Kimberly Stender
Community Liaison
Office of the Superintendent
Amherst, Pelham & Regional Public Schools

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Nicola Mare Usher

Date: Wed, Dec 23, 15 at 12:51 PM
Subject: Elem. Sch. Bldg. Proj - concerns/feedback on
Cc: Michael Morris

Dear School Committee:

I am writing to express my concerns and share feedback on three elements of
the on-going elementary school building project: continued lack of representation of families with Pre-K
and younger children; the upcoming survey, specifically related to "equity"; and my perspective on the
option that seems to me to make the most sense.
While I am thankful for your continued to efforts to engage the community in discussions on the future
of our elementary schools and appreciate that
you are facing a complex and challenging decision, I remain dismayed at the
lack of involvement of parents of children 0-5. Families with FUTURE elementary school students are
arguably most heavily impacted by the changes being proposed yet we are largely left out of the
discussion. One reactive, not proactive meeting specifically designed for preschool families planned
less than a week in advance while appreciated just doesn't cut it. Despite repeated suggestions by
myself and other parents it does not appear that information has made it into the hands or inboxes of
parents at area preschools and the Amherst Family Center beyond an
unanswered email to a center director. Cushman Scott, the preschool at ARHS, and the preschool at
Crocker are the only schools that have had so much as a flyer on a bulletin board from what I gather.
My understanding is that a survey is going to be conducted. Ideally I think this survey should extend
beyond K-6 families in the district but understand that time is an issue. I would like to stress that it is
absolutely crucial that the survey be anonymous and confidential and take into account and report on
relevant demographic information. The survey needs to ask about race/ethnicity, income level,
education level, ages of children, ELL, and SPEC. "Equity" issues have been referenced by both the
district and the community in arguments in support of or against the various options being proposed yet
there seems to be a lack of
representation from the so-called "vulnerable," "disadvantaged," "under-served," or "at-risk" populations
everyone claims to be so concerned about. I cannot speak to what input you have received directly
from various parts of the community but I have attended a lot of official (meaning SC, PGO, and public
forums) and unofficial meetings (meaning organized by small groups of parents) and the presence is
overwhelmingly white, affluent people discussing what is best. It feels rather paternalistic. This survey

seems to me to be an opportunity to get actual hard data on where the people we refer to when we
toss around the terms "equity" and "social
justice" lie on this particular issue. I am especially concerned since the district somewhat recently
conducted a "climate" survey that did not account for respondents race, making it significantly less
effective in achieving one of the presumably intended goals of the survey.

Lastly, while many parents continue to advocate for so-called "walk-able neighborhood schools" even if
it means keeping things as is, I on the other hand, realize that both schools are in desperate need of
major improvements and we cannot just leave out Fort River in hopes that funding is found some other
way. To me, and many parents I have spoken with, the obvious solution would be the newest approved
option of building a "twin" K-6 school. I cannot understand why the district continues to push for grade
reconfiguration when the twin K-6 option it seems would meet more of the needs and desires of the
community when it comes to elementary education.
Thank you for your consideration of these points.
I appreciate your work and that you find yourselves in a very difficult position and I am confident that we
all want what is best for our children even when we don't always agree on how to achieve it. I hope you
all have a happy new year.
Nicola Usher, parent to a 3.9 year old preschool student currently "zoned"
for Wildwood
"I am writing to express my concerns and share feedback on three elements of the on-going
elementary school building project: continued lack of representation of families with Pre-K and younger
children; the upcoming survey, specifically related to equity; and my perspective on the option that
seems to me to make the most sense. "While I am thankful for your continued to efforts to engage the
community in discussions on the future of our elementary schools and appreciate that you are facing a
complex and challenging decision, I remain dismayed at the lack of involvement of parents of children
0-5. Families with FUTURE elementary school students are arguably most heavily impacted by the
changes being proposed yet we are largely left out of the discussion. One reactive, not proactive
meeting specifically designed for preschool families planned less than a week in advance while
appreciated just doesnt cut it. Despite repeated suggestions by myself and other parents it does not
appear that information has made it into the hands or inboxes of parents at area preschools and the
Amherst Family Center beyond an unanswered email to a center director. Cushman Scott, the
preschool at ARHS, and the preschool at Crocker are the only schools that have had so much as a
flyer on a bulletin board from what I gather. My understanding is that a survey is going to be
conducted. Ideally I think this survey should extend beyond K-6 families in the district but understand
that time is an issue. I would like to stress that it is absolutely crucial that the survey be anonymous and
confidential and take into account and report
on relevant demographic information. The survey needs to ask about race/ethnicity, income level,
education level, ages of children, ELL, and SPEC. Equity issues have been referenced by both the
district and the community in arguments in support of or against the various options being proposed yet
there seems to be a lack of representation from the so-called vulnerable, disadvantaged, under-served,
or at-risk populations everyone claims to be so concerned about. I cannot speak to what input you have
received directly from various parts of the community but I have
attended a lot of official (meaning SC, PGO, and public forums) and unofficial meetings (meaning
organized by small groups of parents) and the presence is overwhelmingly white, affluent people
discussing what is best. It feels rather paternalistic. This survey seems to me to be an opportunity to get
actual hard data on where the people we refer to when we toss around the terms equity and social
justice lie on this particular issue. I am especially concerned since the district somewhat recently
conducted a "climate survey that did not account for respondents race, making it significantly less
effective in achieving one of the presumably intended goals of the survey. Lastly, while many parents

continue to advocate for so-called walk-able neighborhood schools even if it means keeping things as
is, I on the other hand, realize that both schools are in desperate need of major improvements and we
cannot just leave out Fort River in hopes that funding is found some other way. To me, and many
parents I have spoken with, the obvious solution would be the newest approved option of building a
twin K-6 school. I cannot understand why the district continues to push for grade reconfiguration when
the twin K-6 option it seems would meet more of the needs and desires of the community when it
comes to elementary education.
Thank you for your consideration of these points. "I appreciate your work
and that you find yourselves in a very difficult position and I am confident that we all want what is best
for our children even when we dont always agree on how to achieve it. I hope you all have a happy
new year.
Nicola Usher, parent to a 3.9 year old preschool student currently zoned for Wildwood
Subject: Draft parent survey
From: Catherine Corson
To: "", Jean fay,
Laura Kent,,,,
Dear all,
I have attached a suggested parent survey that tries to ask a balanced but detailed set of questions in
order to give you information to help you make your ultimate decision on the elementary schools.
Per my earlier email conversation with Katherine, I feel strongly that itis important 1) to have more
detailed/explained "factors," which respondents will understand, than those originally proposed in Dan's
first cut at it, and 2) to have separate surveys for parents and educators as they have different sets of
knowledge and interests. I have asked a few parents for input on the types of issues they thought it
would be important to ask other parents about, and I have incorporated their ideas, while also trying to
maintain a balanced set of unbiased questions.
I am happy to answer any questions and/or provide additional information/suggestions, and I look
forward to providing input on the final drafts of two surveys and helping to circulate them.
Happy holidays to all!
Dear all, I have attached a suggested parent survey that tries to ask a balanced but detailed set of
questions in order to give you information to help you make your ultimate decision on the elementary
schools.Per my earlier email conversation with Katherine, I feel strongly that it is important 1) to have
more detailed/explained factors, which respondents will understand, than those originally proposed in
Dans first cut at it, and 2) to have separate surveys for parents and educators as they have different
sets of knowledge and interests. I have asked a few parents for input on the types of issues they
thought it would be important to ask other parents about, and I have incorporated their ideas, while also
trying to maintain a balanced set of unbiased questions.
I am happy to answer any questions and/or provide additional information/suggestions, and I look
forward to providing input on the final drafts of two surveys and helping to circulate them. Happy
holidays to all!
Subject: Re: Amherst School Committee Agenda Packet 12.22.15

Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 17:30:34 -0500

Hi Vira,
The motion will be something like "we move to approve a teacher and staff survey about the Wildwood
Building project" or something along those lines. Because there is a cost, I will make sure the motion
includes that as well.
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 21, 2015, at 4:41 PM, wrote:
Hi Katherine,
Regarding agenda item 4B--is there a motion to vote on?
Vira Douangmany Cage
Amherst School Committee
Term 2015-2018
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 15:44:41 -0500
Subject: Re: Amherst School Building Survey
From: Laila Di Silvio <
To: Michael Morris <
Cc:, Maria Geryk <
Thank you, this is great news!
On Jan 6, 2016 3:23 PM, "Michael Morris" < wrote:
Dear Ms. Di Silvio,
Thank you for your email. All families were contacted with the survey link with the email address(es)
they shared with their child's school on Monday morning. Flyers for all students, PreK-6, were
delivered to each
school on Monday for distribution to families.
Yes, a robocall is planned for tomorrow afternoon with the information you listed in your email.
On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Laila Di Silvio <
Dear Mr. Morris,
I am writing to inquire if robocall might go out to parents and guardians in all three elementary
schools in regard to the Amherst Elementary Building Project survey. Though I received both a notice
in my sons backpack (he is a first grader at Wildwood) and the email link, other parents have not. My
understanding is that the survey is trying to elicit feedback from all parents, but especially those whose
voices have not yet been heard. It feels as though a phone call with details about the survey, how to
fill it out, where one can go if he/she doesnt have computer access or needs assistance (translation or
other) would be helpful. Also, though there have been welcome attempts to overturn the idea that the
renovation/building options only would affect Wildwood families, it would be another forum to reiterate

that all families may be impacted depending on the decisions our larger community makes going

Laila Di Silvio
-Michael Morris
Assistant Superintendent
Amherst, Pelham, and the Amherst-Pelham Regional School Districts

From: "Dan McMurrer" <

To: "'Michael Morris'" <
Cc: <, <
Subject: parent survey to daycare/PreK
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2015 08:51:18
Hi Mike,
That sounds like a fantastic idea to me in terms of being able to reach future parents!
From: Michael Morris []20
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 8:32 AM
To: Dan McMurrer <
Subject: Re: finalizing parent survey for translation
Just one question--in terms of reaching out to future Amherst school parents, should we plan to send
email with link to day care and PreK directors in town in addition to ARPS elementary school parents?
On Dec 29, 2015, at 8:28 AM, Dan McMurrer <
< wrote:
Hi Katherine, Maria, Mike,
Thanks very much for all the helpful changes and comments from yesterday-- we will incorporate all the
changes received yesterday from the three of you before sending the parent survey off for translation at
mid-day today.
In addition, in response to Marias point below, well also add a quick link to the chart on every page
where the four options are described, so its readily available in case respondents miss the link the first
time its presented.
**Katherine, before we finalize the parent survey, I wanted to confirm that the changes proposed in
items 1 to 4 (in my 1:13 pm email to you thats included below) are all okay? (I dont think I saw a

specific response to those in all the emails going back and forth yesterday, so wanted to doublecheck.)**
Thanks to everyone!

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