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EDL 680

Jaime Gonzalez
Module 2 Reflection
This weeks reflection focuses on Enterprise Architecture Frameworks. Since this is a new topic for many of you,
think about what you know about Enterprise Architecture Frameworks, move on to what you would like to know
or what you need to know as an emerging leader, then focus on what you have learned during this and the prior
modules. When you have finished with the KWL Chart*, write a summary based on your findings and place your
reflection on your Weebly page.
What I know

Initially, I thought this week's reflection

question was a repeat from last week as I
only zoned in on the words Enterprise
Architecture (EA) and skipped over
Frameworks. After completing the
readings, I began to understand the
difference, EA is a processes that assist
an organization to transform their vision
and mission from their current state and
progressing toward their future state.
Enterprise Architecture Frameworks
(EAF) aligns the vision and mission of an
organization with the IT that supports the
business. Traditionally, Enterprise
Architecture frameworks (EAF) have
been used to facilitate alignment between
the strategic goals and direction of the
organization and the IT that supports the
business units within the organization.

What I would like to know

As a future leader, I would like to know more about

how the EAF works within our organization and
which framework would fit best for our needs as the
readings specify that each framework is industry
specific. I consider myself a kinesthetic learner and
would like to see this framework in action in an
organization to truly understand how to apply it
today and as a future leader. Its extremely important
to have the deeper pedagogy on how to apply the
right framework to ensure the business, applications,
data, and technology side of education are aligned
with the vision and mission.

What I learned

I learned that there are 5 major Enterprise

Architecture frameworks and they are as
follows: Zachman, TOGAF/Open
Group,DoDAF, FEAF and Gartner.
These frameworks are industry specific
and the framework aligns with the
mission/vission of each organization.
Organizations need to create their own
custom framework or variations to the
standard frameworks in the
organizational goals.

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