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Contoh Greeting card

Contoh kartu ucapan bahasa Inggris Mother Day

Hem Bagi seorang anak yang baik, Ibu adalah segalah-galahnya. Luangkan waktu untuk sekedar
menulis ungkapan terimah kasih kepada ibu yang telah memberikan perhatian yang begitu besar
kepada anaknya. Say!
Im so thankful, Mother!
Meski kartu ucapan sebagus apapun tidak akan bisa mengganti apa yang telah diberikan ibu dan
orang tua kepada anaknya
2. Contoh cautions / notice / warning

3. Contoh advertisement

Just go to :
you will be able to speak
just after three months learning.
ELC is at Damai,
Menteng Square no.27
Mekarsari Housing Area
Phone. 024-7543553

4. Contoh Letter
Bandar Lampung, February 27, 2015
Abraham Saputra
Ocean Street, No. 2
Bandar Lampung, Lampung, 41725
Dear Sir,
We have received your resignation letter on February 25, 2015. With this letter we inform you
that we accept your resignation. This is a great loss for Two Brothers Company because our best
employees had gone. However, we will pray for the best for your career further. We are also

grateful for the cooperation and dedication that you had provided to Two Brothers Company for
5 years back. I will send you severance pay as compensation and our gratitude.
If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone number. We hope
you can get the successful wherever you are. Thanks for your attention.
Hidayat Santoso
5. Contoh Announcement
To all students of Al-Azhar Junior High School
Lets participate in anniversary of Al-Azhar 20th
It will be held Saturday-Sunday, 15-16 March 2014
This event will be held at all purpose space of Al-Azhar junior high school
Hope all students can participate to celebrate this event
Many prizes can you get if you follow this event
Make a good prepare to welcome this event
Dont forget and happy have fun!

6. Contoh invitation
To: All my lovely friends
Please, Come to my 17th Birthday Party! And dont forget to bring your sincere gift or present.
Place: My House
Dress Code: Casual Dress
Time: 09.00 a.m 13.00 a.m
Day/Date: Sunday/15th April 2015
Games: Clown & Special Performances from Acetic Band!
Im waiting for your coming! Come before 09.00 am and wear your casual dress!
My sincere greeting,

7. Contoh Label

Purpose (tujuan) dari teks label diatas adalah :

To give detailed information about Nutrition Facts (memberikan informasi rinci tentang
Informasi gizi).
Detailed informations (informasi rinci)nya adalah tentang Jumlah kalori (150), Jumlah lemak (0),
kolesterol (0), jumlah karbohidrat 13g (4.7%), Serat/Fiber 8g (40%), protein 1g.

8. Contoh manual
How to operate a mobile phone [English version]

If you want to call someone, follow the following instructions:

First, press the "power" button.

Second, wait until the signals are full.

Third, press the number you want to call.

Fourth, wait until the other says "Hello".

Fifth, start the conversation.

Sixth, press the "Call Off" button to end the conversation.

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