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Cecilia College
108 Gen. T de Leon, Valenzuela City

Tel. no. 293-60-15

Website: www.santacecilia.com.ph

Lesson Plan for English 3


Learning objectives
At the end of the 50 minutes learning period, the 80% of the pupils with the 80%
proficiency level should be able to:
a. explain the differences between the characters of the story.
b. enrich the vocabulary.


Learning Content
a. Literature: The Butterfly and the Caterpillar
b. Reference: K-12 Learners Materials K-12 Teachers Guide
c. Materials: Sentence strips, word cards, pictures of butterfly and caterpillar,
venn diagram, Learners Materials activities 237-239
d. Value: Empathy


Learning Activities

Teachers Activity
a. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Drill- Spelling
- Good morning class!
- Before we start our
lesson, Let us first spell the following
2. Unlocking/Vocabulary &
Concept Development
1. The boy sipped the cold drink
offered to him on a hot day.

2. My best friend smiled and

exclaimed Wow! when I showed
the dress I wore last Christmas.
3. The boy was ashamed to show his
poor grades to his mother.

4. Sheila munched on some cookies

for snacks.

Pupils Activity

-Great Morning Maam.

a. drank in small quantity

b. ate
c. tasted
a. whispered
b. shouted
c. enjoyed
a. proud
b. embarrassed
c. angry
a. chewed
b. drank
c. sipped
a. stopped
b. paused
c. kept on

Sta. Cecilia College

108 Gen. T de Leon, Valenzuela City

Tel. no. 293-60-15

Website: www.santacecilia.com.ph

5. Even when he was sleepy, Father

continued telling us the story of the

3. Motive Question
I have here a picture. What are in
the picture?
In what ways are the caterpillar and
butterfly similar? Different?

A butterfly and caterpillar






The Butterfly and the Caterpillar

an adaptation by Joseph Lauren

B. During Reading Activities

Read aloud the selection.
The Butterfly and the Caterpillar
an adaptation by Joseph Lauren

One summer morning, a butterfly rested on a

beautiful rose. While she sipped the sweet
nectar from the flower, she saw a caterpillar
crawl up the garden wall.
Horrors! the butterfly exclaimed, Stop! Dont
come near me. Im ashamed to be seen where
you are.

Ask: Why do you think was the

butterfly ashamed?

The caterpillar continued crawling. He

munched on the leaf without listening to
the butterflys cry.
Where are your wings? What are you eating?
the butterfly asked.

Ask: Does the caterpillar have

wings? If he has as the butterfly
claimed then, where are they?
The caterpillar walked ahead. Then he said,
Eight days ago, young butterfly, you were the
same as I am. One night from today, my wings

Sta. Cecilia College

108 Gen. T de Leon, Valenzuela City

Tel. no. 293-60-15

Website: www.santacecilia.com.ph

will grow. I would fly and see all the bright and
beautiful flowers.

Ask: How did the butterfly looks

like eight days ago?

Im sure my wings would be brighter and more

beautiful than yours.
So, go, fly but try not to be so proud. Each
caterpillar is given a chance to become a
butterfly. We are but the same.

What will happen to caterpillar in the

days to come? What should all
butterflies need to remember while
Post Reading Activities
a .Comprehension Check-up
1. Who are the characters in the
2. When did the story happen?
3. Why was the butterfly ashamed to
be seen by the caterpillar?
4. How do you think did the
caterpillar feel when the butterfly
told him not to come near it?
5. What was the response of the
6. Can the caterpillar be like a

2. Practice Exercises
After reading, have the children describe the

Food they


Sta. Cecilia College

108 Gen. T de Leon, Valenzuela City

Tel. no. 293-60-15

Website: www.santacecilia.com.ph

3. Generalization
Using the chart in practice
exercise, explain the differences
between Butterfly and Caterpillar.

4. Application
Group activity
I will divide the group in 5.
Each group will have a construction
paper. You will create your own
butterfly and write what advise you
want to give to butterfly.

IV. Evaluation
Remember the words we learned today? Use them to complete the sentences. Write
your answers in your notebook.
1. Tom ____ an apple.
2. He was _______ when Mother saw his mouth full.
3. When Mother left, Tom _____ to eat the apple.
4. He _____ on a glass of orange juice.
5. To his surprise the juice was hot. He ______, The juice is hot!

Sta. Cecilia College

108 Gen. T de Leon, Valenzuela City

Tel. no. 293-60-15

Website: www.santacecilia.com.ph



V. Assignment
Choose two words from your answer in seatwork . Use each in your own sentence. Write
them in your notebook.
Prepared by:

Jonarie A. Macasling
Student- Teacher

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