Agriculture Unit Questions: 9. Identify Three Rural Settlement Patterns, and Describe Each. (Ch. 12 - Key Issue 4)

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Agriculture Unit Questions

Answer the following questions based on the agriculture chapter in

your textbook. Your answers should not be one sentence answers.
Instead, they should be paragraphs to give you a foundation for class
1. Describe the development and diffusion of agriculture.
2. Neolithic Agricultural Revolution What was it? When did it
occur? What resulted from it?
3. Second Agricultural Revolution What was it? When did it occur?
What resulted from it?
4. Identify the major agricultural production regions around the
world. A map should be included with your response.
5. For each of the agricultural production regions, identify the bioclimatic zones associated with it.
6. Identify the variations within major agricultural production zones.
Describe how these variations influence (and are influenced by)
economic policies.
7. Describe linkages and flows among regions of food production
and consumption. Where is the most food produced? Where is
the most food consumed? Why?
8. Explain how political systems, infrastructure, and patterns of
world trade affect patterns of global food distribution.
9. Identify three rural settlement patterns, and describe each.
(Ch. 12 Key Issue 4)
Describe models of land use, including von Thunens
model. Does von Thunens model work today? If so, where? If
your argument is no, then why not?
Evaluate how land use and agricultural practices affect
environmental systems in todays world. Provide specific
Identify some current agricultural innovations and the
debates over their use.

Identify and describe the environmental issues related to
agriculture today.
Explain how food-choice issues affect patterns of food
production and consumption.
Identify the major factors influencing the location of food
processing facilities.
Identify and explain the changing roles of women in both
the production and consumption of food.

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