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THE Jewish Encyclopedia A DESCRIPTIVE RECORD OF THE HISTORY, RELIGION, LITERATURE, AND CUS- TOMS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY Prepared by More than Four Hundred Scholars and Specialists UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE FOLLOWING EDITORIAL BOARD Cyrus ADLER, PHD. (Departments of Post Biblical Antiquities the Jews of America). Gorruarn Deurse, Pu.D. History from 1492 t0 1903) (Department of Louis Givznexe, PHD. (Department of Rab- binical Literature). Ricuaxo Gorrnen, PucD. (Departments of History from Esra to r4ga; History of Post- Paimidie Literature). Hy Emu. G. Hinsen, PH.D. LL.D. (Department of the Bible). ISAAC K. FUNK, D.D., LLD. Chairman of the Board JOSEPH Jacous, BLA. (Departments of the Jews ‘of England and Anthropology; Revising Editor) Marcus Jastrow, Pu.D. (Department of the Talmud). Kavewann Konuer, PHD. Tieolagy and Philosophy) (Departments of Henman ROSENTHAL, (Department of the Jews of Russia and Poland IstDORE SINGER, PH.D, (Department of Medern Biography from 1750 t0 1902). CRAWFORD HL Toy, D.D, LLD. (Departments of Hebrew Philology and Hellenistic Literature) FRANK H. VIZETELLY Seoretary ofthe Board ISIDORE SINGER, Ph.D. Projector and Managing Editor ASSISTED BY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOARDS OF CONSULTING EDITORS COMPLETE IN TWELVE VOLUMES EMBELLISHED WITH MORE THAN TWO THOUSAND ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK AND LONDON FUNK AND WAGNALLS COMPANY Mpccccir Wt: THE Jewish Encyclopedia A DESCRIPTIVE RECORD OF THE HISTORY, RELIGION, LITERATURE, AND CUS- TOMS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY Prepared by More than Four Hundred Scholars and Specialists UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE FOLLOWING EDITORIAL BOARD Cornus. Apuen, PHD. (Departments of Past Joserwt Jxcons, B.A. (Departments of the Jevrs Biblicad Antiquities + the Jews of America) “eEnglandand Andhropolegy; Revising Editor) Gorman Daurscn, MHD. (Department of Mangus Jasreow, PD. (Department of ite History from 1492 0 1902) Talmud). Kaurwasn Konter, PHD. (Departments of Lovis GinznEnc, Pad. (Department of Kab- Theology and Philosophy) Ge eee Hieraa RosenrHan (Department of the Jews of RicHann Gorrwett, PID. (Departments of — Rusia and Pelend) Sy foo Berd (0 Tapas Tltory of Pest ysyooRe, SINGER, PHL Taimiudie Literature) Pe . (Department of Modern to 1902) Tne G. Hinsert, PHD, LAD. (Department of Crawwrorn H, Tox, DD. LEAD. (Depertiientt the Bible). Wo Hebrne Philology and Hellenistic Literature) ISAAC K. FUNK, D.D., LD. FRANK H. VIZETELLY Chairman of the Board ‘Seoretany ofthe Board ISIDORE SINGER, Ph.D. Projector and Managing Editor ASSISTED RY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOARDS OF CONSULTING EDITORS VOLUME Ill BENCEMERO—CHAZANUTH NEW YORK AND LONDON FUNK AND WAGNALLS COMPANY MpcCCCCII ae Corvrici, 1902, By FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY All rights of translation reserved Reglstered at Stationers” Hall, London, England [Printed in the United States of America LITERARY DIRECTORATE EDITORIAL BOARD CYRUS ADLER, Ph.D. (Departments of Kost-Bibtieat Antipuities; the Jews of “Ameriea.) Prosident of the American Jewish Mistorieal Sooiety: Lsbra- an, Smitisonian Institution, Washington, D.C. GOTTHARD DEUTSCH, Ph.D. (Department of History from 12210 102.) Professor of Jewish History, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, ‘Obio Edlior of * Deborah.” LOUIS GINZBERG, Ph.D. (Department of Rabbiniea Literate.) Professor of Talmud, Jewish Theologieal Seminary of America, ‘New York: Author of “ Die Hfazgada bel den Kirchenvitera.” RICHARD GOTTHEIL, Ph.D. (Departments of History from Bava to 12; History of Post-taimudie Literature.) Professor of Semitic Langases, Columbia University, New York: Chief of the Oriental Department, New York Public Library ‘President of the Federation of American Zionists, EMIL G. HIRSCH, Ph.D., LL.D. (Department of the Bitte.) Rabbi of Chieago Sinai Congregation, Chieago, 1s Professor of ‘Rabbinical Literatare and Philosophy, University of Chicago; Fatitor of "The Reform Advoeato.” JOSEPH JACOBS, B.A. (Departments of the Jens of England ant Anthropotogy Revising Eattor.) ‘Formerly Present of the Jewish Historical Society of fn Author of "Jews of Anguvin England,” ete, AMERICAN BOARD OF BERNARD DRACHMAN, Ph.D., Rabbi of the Consregation Zichron Ephraim: mstructor in the Bible ad in Hebtew Grammar, Jewish ‘Theologica Semi nary of Ameria, New York. B, FELSENTHAL, Ph.D., Rabbi Bmeritus of Zion Congregation, Chicago; Author of “A Prictieal Grammar of the Hebress Language.” GUSTAV GOTTHEIL, Ph.D., abi! Emeritus of Tempe Bi HENRY HYVERNAT, D.D., Head of the Hepartmont of Sento and Rgyption Literatures, Catholic University of america, Washington, D.C, wi, New York. MARCUS JASTROW, Ph.D. (Department of the atmut.) Rabbi Binerius of the Congreration Itodet Shalom, Philadel- hia, Par author of "Dictionary ofthe Talmud.” KAUFMANN KOHLER, Ph.D. (Departments of Theology; Philosophy.) [Rabbi of Temple Beth:E1, New York t HERMAN ROSENTHAL. (Department of the Jews of Russia and Potand.) CChlf of tue Siayonie Department, New York Library. ISIDORE SINGER, Ph.D. MAxaGiNG EosTOR. (Department of Mdern Biography from 1500 12) CRAWFORD HOWELL TOY, D.D., LL.D. (Departments of Hebrew Philology and Hellenistic Literature.) Professor of Hebrew in Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. ‘Autor of "The Religion of Israel" “Judaism and Christintty," et, K. FUNK, D.D., LL.D. (Chairman of the Boarity Eauorsn-Chlef of te StANDARD DICTIONARY OF THI ENGLISH ° Taxovace, ete 1 VO PRANK H, VIZETELLY. (Scoretary of the Board) Assobintg Baltor of “The Columbian Cyelopetia.” and on the SraNPARD DICTIONARY Editorial Sta, ev CONSULTING EDITORS MORRIS JASTROW, Jr, Ph.D., Profesor of Semitie Languages und Librarian in the University ‘of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.: author of “Re Tigi ofthe Babylonians and Assprians,” ete. J. FREDERIC McOURDY, Ph.D., LLD., Professor of Oriental Languages, University College, Torouto Canada: Author of" History, Prophecy, and the Monuments." H, PEREIRA MENDES, M.D., Rabbi of the Shenrith Teruel Congregation (Spanish and Porta ‘uese), New York; Present ofthe Hoard of Jewish Ministers, New York. MOSES MIELZINER, Ph.D., D.D., President of the Hebresr Union College, Cincinnati, Ohios Author of * Introduction tothe Tulmud." LITERARY DIRECTORATE GEORGE F. MOORE, M.A., D.D., Professor of Biblical Literature aval the Iistory of Religions tm Harvard University, Cambridge, Nass; Author of A Commentary on the Book of Judges,” ee, DAVID PHILIPSON, D.D., Rabbi of the Congregation lene Israel Professor of Homiletis, Hebrew Cnion Coitege. Cincinnatl, Ohio; President of Hebrew Sabet» School Union of Aumerien. IRA MAURICE PRICE, B.D., Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures. University of (Chicago, IL; Author of "Phe Monuments and the Uid Testament,” ete. FOREIGN BOARD OF ISRAEL ABRAHAMS, M.A., Coeditor of “The Jewish Quarterly Reviews"; aumor of * ‘sh Life in the Middle Agen” ete Ree of Rabbis, Cambridge Cniversity, England, W. BACHER, Ph.D., Professor in the Jewish Theoiogteal Seminars, Budapest, Hungary. M. BRANN, Ph.D. the Jewish Theological Seminars, Bred, Gere itor of" Monatsenft fOr Geshe ub ‘Wiseensenat des Jndenthums” H. BRODY, Ph.D., achod, Hoenig, Austria: Coeditor of *ettsebett fhe brische Bibliogmphle.” ABRAHAM DANON, Priveipa of the Jewish Theological Seminuey, Constantinople, "Turkes. HARTWIG DERENBOURG, Ph.D., Professor of Literary Arable a the Special Schoo! of Orlental Languages, Paris Member of the Tnsttut de France. 8. M. DUBNOW, Author of Istoriya Verreyery” Odesss, Russa MICHAEL FRIEDLANDER, Ph.D., ollege, London, England; Authur of The Swish Religion," et, IGNAZ GOLDZIHER, Ph.D., Professor of Semitie Philology, University of Buapest, ‘ungars M. GUDEMANN, Ph.D. ‘Chet Rabbi of Viewna, Austra BARON DAVID GUNZBURG, St Potersing tas A. HARKAVY, Ph.D, Chief of me Hebrew Deyartuentor the Kopral Puc Librars, st Petersbung, sea ZADOC KAHN, Clef Rabbi of France: Hononiry President of the Atiance Isrusite Unversele: Ofte ofthe Legion of Honor, Paris, France M, KAYSERLING, Ph.D., Rabbi, Budapest, Hungary: Corresponding Member of ‘the Royal Academy of Histors, Madrid, Spaiu, Proressor Rabbi Principal of Jews? SOLOMON SCHECHTER, M.A, Litt.D., Proskdentof the Faculty of the Jewish ‘Thoological Seminary of “America, New Yorks author of * Studies in Judatst." JOSEPH SILVERMAN, D.D., Presldent of Centrat Conference of American Rabbis’ Rabbl of ‘Temple Emanu-El, New York. JACOB VOORSANGER, D.D., Rabbs of the Congregation Bmanu-Fl, San Francisco, Ca; Pro- fessor of Senite Languages and Literatures, Ul versity of California, Berkeley, Ca EDWARD J, WHEELER, M.A., Daitorof “he Literary Digest" New York; Author of Stories in Rhyme,” ete. CONSULTING EDITORS MORITZ LAZARUS, Ph.D., Professor tinertus of Psychology, Universty of Berl ‘anata ANATOLE LEROY-BEAULIEU, Member of the Freneh Institute: Professor atthe Free Shoot ‘of Political Selene, Paris, France; Author of "aru chez es Nations.” ISRAEL LEVI, Professor in the Jewish ‘eotogical Seminary Bator of vue des Btues Juives." Pats, France. EUDE LOLLI, D.D., Chief Ravot ot Pudun; Professor of Hebrew at the University, Pada, Hay, IMMANUEL LOW, Ph.D., et Rabbi ot Szegedin, Hunwiry; Authorof Die Arumiisehen Paanvenamen, 8. H. MARGULIES, PhD. Prinetpat of the Jewish Theotogien! Seminary; Chief Rabbl of| Florence lly. H. OORT, D.D., Professor uf Hebrew Language anil Archeology at the State University, Lest, Holland ABBE PIETRO PERREAU, Formerly Librarian of the Reale Isimoteea Patatina, Parma, Maly. MARTIN PHILIPPSON, Ph.D., Formerly Professor of History at the Vniversities of Bonn and Brussels: President of the Deutsch-Jisehe Gemelndebund, Berlin, Germany. SAMUEL POZNANSKI, Ph.D., abhi in Wasa, Russa E. SCHWARZFELD, LL.D., ‘Seeretary-General of the Jewish Colontzation Assoetation, Pars, France LUDWIG STEIN, Ph.D., Professor of Philasoity, University of Hera, Switzerland of " Archit fle Geschichte der Philosophie,” ete HERMANN L. STRACK, Ph.D., Professor of Old ‘Testament Exegests nd Semitic Languages, University of Berlin, Germany. CHARLES TAYLOR, D.D., LL.D., Master of St, Jotn's College, Cambridge, England; Balior of ‘sayings of he Jowish Fathers," ete, Mer, Haltor SYSTEMS OF TRANSLITERATION AND OF CITATION OF PROPER NAMES* A.—Rules for the Transliteration of Hebrew and Aramaic. 1, All important names which occur in the Bible are cited as found in the authorized King James version ; ¢9-, Moses, not Mosheh; Isaac, not Vizhak; Saul, not Sha’ul or Shaill; Solomon, not Shelomoh, ete. 2, Names that have gained currency in English books on Jewish subjects, or that have become familiar to English readers, are always retained and cross-references given, though the topic bbe treated under the form transliterated according to the system tabulated below. 8B, Hebrew subject-headings are transcribed according to the scheme of transliteration ; cross-refer~ ences are made as in the case of personal names. A. The following system of transliteration has been used for Hebrew and Aramaic: N Not noted at the beginning or the end of a word ; otherwise’ orby dieresis; e.g., Ze'eb or Meir. ab be bu B with dagesh, p w sh a9 nh pm 5 without dagesh, fF ve na be an ve nt nh ty Ds pe iw ak ye qr Nors: The presence of dagesh lene is not noted except in the case of pe. Dagesh forte is indi- cated by doubling the letter. 5, The vowels have been transcribed as follows : u a we io e =o wi e sa a4 ‘Kamer hafuf is represented by 0. ‘The so-called * Continental” pronunciation of the English vowels is implied. 6, The Hebrew article is transcribed as ha, followed by a hyphen, without doubling the following letter. [Not hak-Kohen or hak-Cohen, nor Rosh ha-shshanah.) B.—Rules for the Transliteration of Arabic. 1, All Arabic names and words except such as have become familiar to English readers in another form, as Mohammed, Koran, mosque, are transliterated according to the following system : he tin Lash em wr ed od ws wit ah ot oa we be au wh Lor be WE ood Ti je be J cs ms a en 2. Only the three vowels—a, i, u—are represented : aora tort wort No account has been taken of the émdlah; i has not been written ¢, nor u written 0, ~~ ¥ inal other matters of ortnography the spelling preferred by the StaNDAnD DICTIONARY has usually been followed. TpO- ‘erapbieal exigencies nave rendered oosasional deviations from these sVStous necessary. viii SYSTEMS OF TRANSLITERATION AND OF CITATION OF PROPER NAMES 8, The Arabic article is invariably written al; no account being taken of the assimilation cf the 1 to the following letter; e.g., Ab@ al-Salt, not Abwl-Salt; Nafts al-Daulal, not Nafts ad-Daulah, The article is joined by a hyphen té the following word. 4. At the end of words the feminine termination is written ak; but, when followed by a genitive, at ; eg, Risalah dhat al-Kursiyy, but Hat al-Aflak, 6, No account is taken of the overhanging vowels which distinguish the cases; ¢.g., ‘Amr, not ‘Amru or ‘Amrun; Ya'akad, not Ya‘akibun; or in a title, Kitab al-amanat wal-'itikadat, C.—Rules for the Transliteration of Russian. All Russian names and words, except such as have become familiar to English readers in another Fores ae Coan. attananider, deoiatins. Moscow, are transliterated according to the following system + Aa a Ho n uy sheh BO b 00 ° be mute Bo » ug Pp Bin v Tr hye, org Pp r bs halfmute Ax a Co s BS ye Ee e and ye Tr. t Bo e beginning. is ah Vy u 0» ye 33 a oh t fa ya Ha 7 Xx kh Oe F Ke & tn te Vy © ax 1 a ch hit a Mat m Wa sh Rules for the Citation of Proper Names, Personal and Otherwise. 4A, Whenever possible, an author is cited under his most specific name; c.g., Moses Nigtin under Nigrin; Moses Zacuto under Zacuto; Moses Rieti under Rieti; all the Kimhis (or Kamas) under Kimi; Israel ben Joseph Drohobiczer under Drohobiczer. Cross-references are freely made from any other form to the most specific one ; e.g., to Moses Vidal trom Moses Narboni ; to Solomon Nathan Vidal from Menahem Meiri; to Samuel Kansi from Samuel Astruc Daseola ; to Jedaiah Penini, from both Bedersi and En Bonet; to Joln of Avignon from Moses do Rogquemaure, 2, When a person is not referred to as above, he is cited under his own personal name followed by his official or other title; or, where he hes borne no such title, by “of followed by the place of his birth or residence; ¢.g., Johanan ha-Sandlar ; Samuel ha-Nagid ; Judah ha-Hasid; Gershom of Metz, Isaac of Corbeil. @, Names containing the word @', de, da, di, or van, von, y, are arranged under the letter of the name following this word; eg. de Pomis under Pomis, de Barrios under Barrios, Jacob @Mescas under Iescas, 4, In arranging the alphabetical order of personal names ben, dit, de, di, ha-, ibn*, of have not been taken into account, ‘These names thus follow the order of the next succeeding capital letter : Abraham of Augsburg Abraham de Balmes Abraham ben Benjamin Aaron Abraham of Avila Abraham ben Baruch Abraham ben Benjamin Ze'eb Abraham ben Azriel Abraham of Beja Abraham Benveniste 5, In order to facilitate reference, complete groups of all persons bearing such common names as Aaron, Abraham, Jaoob, are given in small type in a group immediately under the first key-word, + When Taw has come to bea specie part of « name, as Iny Band, euch name is treated in its alphabetical place under “1.* LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS [Self-evident abbreviations, particularly those used in the bibliog AD sceegieeeeessseeAboty Pls Re ‘Nhat de-fabbs Nathan, Xb, Zana. ‘Abodty ara ditto. the pe rae the Seat of the Hest i a ‘iigeneine Zeige des Judentbums ie Jew. Mist Soe’ Amteriean Jewish Historleal Soelety Jour. Semi American Journal of Semite Languages pelea Association TAtbery ha “Apostolic Conatitations pat Dns Alte Testament “Authorized Verso ‘um rae bor Dubit Babylonian ‘almud) pacer a derHaonsenen Atmorier [cer ata der Pastinenssen Se da der Tannatten achor, a Tara ‘ekorot (Tuan) Bee Bening,” ANch.~ enzhiger, Hebratsehe Aretiologte Ber erakor Chaim) Beniners (/Bertiner's Magn fr die Wissensehatt des une oon ude -Bikkuein (Calg) - Pk aba am CP oo a Az ge ia storia {Bolt df Het Academin do ia so Bota scat merino ‘points Jahrb... | nile Intrbieher fOr Ihaisene Gesebiehte ‘Bulletin AU, fe ind itteratar lei ofthe Allancetsmdite Universe Gini ‘Cantteles one of Solomon) cane: ‘Cantieles Rania Gat angidciew" {Catalogue OF Anglo-Tewish Historical Bx. Tat Bash nnn ert ehapter ov chapters i in biog ie i i Bic Cyesne and Dine, Enesctopedla Dibicn pus inseriptionum Atticaram rput Hiserptionuin Grevearut Corpus fuserfoniun Mebralearuam ceorpas Unsersptionam Zamna ‘Corpus Inseepionutn Sefuearum ‘Cotassats| ‘Corinthians ied Deuteronoaist “Dante “ipteeataetes Rabb Hesksinteus Satuyyot (Palma) t¥elupmodia Britannica Rois Fplistins inianins, Adversns Waereses ruin (radi) "Tre tad rer, al Eneysonde dor Faken ai i Heche ich Epes Eni phy, are not included here.] ‘ysdias, His Rel Buses, Historia Retestastlca Exodus Rabban Haokiel Frankel, Mebo Yerushaiml rst, sibiothees Judalea rst, Bib. ud PU, Gest USS Paes, Geschichte des Rarlerthams ariere: gate Galatians Ole USE” Fost, eve tarts atemorat volume ger, Urseurilt.4 "Bibel iy mer Abbie Wot de TH oe Ce ie Geiger's 3d, Zeit. | eT ee eben, Gojger'swWie, | GelgersWissenschatiche Zeltser fr “Zt, J0d. Theo. |" uaisehe Thedlogle gem Geman Gen ‘Genes Gen, ‘Genesis Ramat ese Gesehnente Geseniiss Ge Gesenits. Th Uibbon, beetig’”'Giubon, History of tue Decline and Fal of ‘nd falls. [the Rowan Fipire Gtosburg’s ible 4 Geral Matec! ation ot Gt. Grate, Gene tie Hebrew sible ssseleta (alma) “Griet History of tbe Jows (Grit, Geschichte der Jaden Habahue “Haggat Hawtean (Talmud) li ral) fanivurver, ealeneyetopiie fOr Bibel tnd atm tact Doar the Bt st tees rade ec aarne Br rnc Bieeh, Biot. Lex. : nder Acre Aller Zelten und Valker i ie Hom .---cseeeeeeutfanileties oF Homtly Hor 20 Henayoe Cralmd) Hu ‘Ceuttn traamad) te ‘sie place en ‘ame author isa ‘aa i Inmelitisehe Letzerbode Bed Jains rien corde irvelten tn Sern ‘Jacobs, Taquiry to the Sourees Jacobs, Sourees. 4 Few HIStory agate and Well sacouana Wolf Biblotbeen Auglo-udalea {EE It sanraueh tr de Geseicte der Jaden und im eee ee ojo Beta of tho Targum, ele Sastrow, Diet 7 mudin, and Midrashim. eek Hf et as jernes Seren tek ei “uroniie, London JON Mle ig ISO treat Sey r gtana eke: Qua Wer ne Jouieh Gunny Meview Jor Ron mi Lomo Sexi Ai eats she Jens Sees: """"Saseps, de ett Suda Desepins Cath Yoseptus, Contra Apionewn ee oan JERS Ahi Joe ageeene snnaten Jour ae uaa of Moe Uterine Sian Dial: ii ssein, Dito cum Trsphone Juco Kanfinaiiit Ge-| Gedenkbuch zur Erinnerung an David Kant- ‘teh oss | san sae ing. Biblioteca Fspatlole-Portugueza- Sudaie -Kentot haimad “Reto Catt) ‘Ridlosin amd) ‘nga CTA) ‘Sinniun tli) ager, 1 ESpsPortau.

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