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July 7, 2014
Group 2
11.Labra: The added effect of epinephrine to local anesthesia
a. decrease *something*
b. Enhance block quality****
c. High Failure rate
d. Neurotoxicity
12. Otico: Stimulation of sciatic nerve at popliteal fossa?
A. Dorsiflexion of foot
B. Dorsiflexion of toes
C. Plantarflexion of foot
D. Plantarflexion of toes
13. Tajada: The orientation of the femoral nerve at the inguinal area is:
a. below the femoral artery
b. lateral to the femoral artery ^^
c. medial to the femoral artery...
D. medial to femoral vein
14.Bavia: Four finger rule in femoral nerve block:
a. 2 fingers from pubic tubercle
b. 3 fingers from pubic tubercle
c. 3 fingers from ASIS
d. 4 fingers from pubic tubercle
15. Catague: Which will be your landmark when you consider doing psoas
compartment block?
a. L2
b. L3
c. L4
d. L5
16. Dolendo: Which of the following is the action of opioids?
a. biliary pressure
b. caliber of smooth muscle vessels***
c. interstitial
d. All

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