February 1

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Getting Started

1. Take out your assignment book and copy the

following homework:
Due Wednesday, February 3
Write a REEL paragraph that states the main
idea of the article. Use at least two details from
the article to support your response. You must
have a first draft and a published piece.
Thirteen Colonies Map Quiz.

Students will learn about the health problems

in Flint Michigan by closely reading a
secondary source and discussing the drinking
water crisis there.

Success Criteria

I can closely read a secondary source document.

I can use evidence to make inferences from the
text to discuss a current event.

Health problems that

followed switch in water
supply anger Flint residents
Close Reading, Flints
residents mad over health
problems caused by
changing water
Number paragraphs
Read Flints residents mad
over health problems
caused by changing water
Annotate Flints residents
mad over health problems
caused by changing water

Health problems that

followed switch in water
supply anger Flint residents
Close Reading, Health problems that followed
switch in water supply anger Flint residents
Number paragraphs
Read Health problems that followed switch in
water supply anger Flint residents
Annotate Health problems that followed
switch in water supply anger Flint residents

Popcorn Discussion
One person poses a question.
If you have a point to make regarding the question, you can
just pop up and speak.
Whenever you speak up, be sure to start by clearly stating
your claim.
To be convincing its important to support the claim
youve made with evidence.
When speaking up be sure to link what you say to
something that someone else has already said.

Popcorn Discussion
What is MOST likely the reason why the author
included the story about Ariana Hawk washing
her son in the introduction [paragraphs 1-6]?
What was Pamela Battle's reaction to learning
about the lead poisoning problem?
What is the main idea of this article?
How do you feel about the topic?

Success Criteria

I can closely read a secondary source document.

I can use evidence to make inferences from the
text to discuss a current event.

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