Trabajo de Investigacion: Differences

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Trabajo de Investigacion

Prepare entre 3 y 5 lineas sobre los siguientes temas

1-Que es un virus Troyano?
Its denominated a horse of Troja or Trojan, like a malicious software that is presented to the
user like a program that is apparently legitimate or harmless, but this trojan attack to the remote
access of the machine.
The Trojans can realize differents works, but in the most of cases, they can create like a
backdoor, that allows remote administration unauthorized user.
2-En palabras sencillas que hace un webmaster?
Is a contraction of the english words web and master, and also can be known with the

denominations web arquitect, web developer, author of the digital site, digital coordinators,
that is the responsible person of maintenance and programming of the web site.
The specific definition of this charge may vary according to the position that the person is
present in most of the cases I mean are responsible for the contents of the sites.
Que diferencia hay entre un Copyright y Copyleft?
* It refers a legal frame that seeks to protect the copyright.
*Practice to exercise the copyright which is to allow free distribution of copies

Control of all activities that can be performed using a content lie a software, videos, books,
photography, or design, etc.
Imposes restrictions to ensure that a content remains with the freedom of use and distribution
for users.

Que es un hacker?
Is someone who discovers the weaknesses of a computer or a computer network, the term can
also apply to someone with an advanced knowledge of computers and computer networks.
Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, including profit, protest or challenge.
Are subject to the old controversy of the definition of hacker about the true meaning of the
term. In this controversy, the term hacker is reclaimed by programmers who argue that
someone breaking into computers is called "cracker or black hat".
A few white hat hackers, affirm that they also deserve the title hacker, and that only black hat
should be called crackers.

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