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The running on of the thought from one line,

couplet, or stanza without using a
terminating punctuation mark.

1. "I think that I shall never see

A poem as lovely as a tree." Kilmer, "Trees"
2. Or gazing on the new soft-fallen masque
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors John Keats's Bright Star
3. As the sheep grazed
Their white wool contrasting with the green grass.

Kayla Willis
Curmano 7
Adv. Language Arts
13 January 2015
Works Cited, n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. <
"Enjambment Examples." Enjambment Examples. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.

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