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Amanda, Raquel. "The Blogfather." The Blogfather. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2016.

This blog is an in depth exploration study on La Cosa Nostra. Helped us get a lot of facts
on La Cosa Nostra and background information about what they are all about and what
they do and also where they originate from.
Anderson, Annelise G. The Business Of Organized Crime. Stanford: Hoover Institution,
1919. Print.
This source tied directly to our thesis about the effects the Mafia had on America.
It helped us with making our thesis, because after reading this book we realized
the main impacts that the Mafia had on America.
Bacchi, Umberto. "Italian Mafia: Who Are Cosa Nostra, Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and Sacra
Corona Unita?" International Business Times RSS. IBTimes Co., Ltd., 07 May
2015. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.
Shows different types of Mafia in Italy including where they originated in, most wanted
men in each mafia, and their types of illegal activity. We used this just as a base line to
help us get more background information.
Benson, Michael, and John L. French. Organized Crime. New York: Chelsea House,
2008. Print.
A book talking about the different organized crime including the different activities of the
La Cosa Nostra. Gave us more of a detailed idea of the crime they were committing and
how they managed to not get caught for so long. Editors. "Lucky Luciano Biography." A&E Networks Television,
n.d. Web. 3 Jan. 2016.
This is a biography of Lucky Luciano known as the father of organized crime in America.
Lucky Luciano is someone we focused on a lot in our project so it was important we knew
as much as we could about him. Editors. "Meyer Lansky Biography." A&E Networks Television,
n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
This source is a biography about Meyer Lansky the Russian man working with Lucky
Luciano to gain control in America. Taught us how the planned to gain control and what
they did do to gain control.
Block, Lawrence. Gangsters, Swindlers, Killers, and Thieves: The Lives and Crimes of
Fifty American Villains. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. Print.

A book going over many mafia members. A chapter on Lucky Luciano talks about where
he got his name how he gained power, and what direction he moved the mafia towards.
Very important to our project to know specific members and how they affected the Mafia.
Bonanno, Joseph. FBI Chart of American Mafia Bosses across the Country in 1963.
2016. N.p.
Picture we used on our website of the bosses in each country for the Mafia.
Consolo, Vincenzo, and Margarite Shore. BLOOD TIES: THE MAFIA. N.p.: Aperture
Foundation, 1993. Print.
This book is about the ties between the families in the Mafia which will give us more detail
about how the Mafia got into America with the five different families.
"Cosa Nostra News." Sicilian Mafia Moving in on America's Cosa Nostra? Blogger, 1
June 2012. Web. 4 Jan. 2016.
A blog on Cosa Nostra and the Italian Mafia, helped us get information and also see
different perspectives.
Day, Michael. "Sicilian Mafia Now Outgunned by Calabria's Cocaine-trading Mobsters
'Ndrangheta." The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, 25 Feb.
2015. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.
How Calabrian crime syndicate Ndrangheta has beaten Sicilian Mafia for control of
organized crime in Northern Italy.
Dickie, John. Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilian Mafia. N.p.: St. Martin's Griffin, 2005.
This source is a book that covers Sicilian mafia dating back to 1860s and how it gained
so much power. It helped us noticed how fast the power was gained and what they Mafia
did to gain the power.
Dimico, Arcangelo, Alessia Isopi, and Ola Olsson. "The Sicilian Mafia: The Business of
Private Protection." Journal of Criminal Justice 22.3 (1994): 292+. 31 Dec. 2012.
Web. 20 Nov. 2015.
This is an overview of the origins of the Sicilian mafia and how they worked from the very
beginning. This is helpful for us to see how it all became so big and moved into other
Facaros, Dana. Flag of Sicily. 2000. N.p.
Photograph on website of the Sicily flag.

FBI. Italian Immigrants on Their Way to the United States. 1934. N.p.
Photograph used on website of Italian immigrants on their way to the United States.
Fitch, Daine. "The Sicilian Mafia History of Cosa Nostra Crime Documentary." YouTube.
YouTube, 20 June 2015. Web. 10 Dec. 2015
Documentary of different types of crime in La Cosa Nostra. This documentary helped us
figure out how all the different crimes affected people and also more importantly- what the
crimes La Cosa Nostra did.
"Five Families of New York City." : Charles "Lucky" Luciano A Fake Mobster?N.p., 6 Jan.
2011. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.
This was an article on Lucky Luciano and how we formed the Commission (The 5 families
involved in the Mafia). It also talked about how once he was arrested he had no part in
the Mafia anymore and how it was ran without him. This helped us learn about how it all
went about and the later life of the Mafia.
Five Mafia Families- Rise and Fall of New York's Mafia Families. Youtube, 2014.
This source was a video of the rise and fall of the 5 families when in NY. Showed us their
most successful moments and then showed us when they started getting caught and
when it started going downhill.
"Gambino Crime Family." Mafia Wiki. Wikia, n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.
This article is on the Gambino family. Even though our project is not focusing on the
Gambino family specifically, the Gambino family is a huge part of the Mafia and they are a
huge reason that the mafia expanded into the US.
Gardiner, Sean, and Pervaiz Shallwani. "Mafia Is Down-but Not Out." WSJ. NY Crime, 18
Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
This article is on how the Cosa Nostra has been weakened in America but still present in
NY. For our project we were trying to look at how the Mafia affected America, and this
article helped us figure out how it started to become less of a problem, and also figure out
what is still going on.
Gotti, Victoria. This Family of Mine: What It Was like Growing up Gotti. New York: Pocket,
2009. Print.
This book written by Victoria Gotti, a daughter of John Gotti, a present day Mafia father
who is currently imprisoned. Tells the raw story of the Gotti family and gave us a good
idea of how life really was growing up in the Mafia or having one of your family members
be in it. Gotti told a lot of personal stories that were eye opening to us.

Grabianowski, Ed. Lucky Luciano. 2005. N.p

This is a picture we used on our website of Lucky Luciano.
Greaves, Joseph C. The Making of a Mobster. 2003. N.p.
Photograph used in website to show the kind of crime the Mafia performed.
Hammer, Joshua. "In Sicily, Defying the Mafia." Smithsonian. N.p., Oct. 2010. Web. 27
Nov. 2015.
This is an article on citizens rising up against organized crime in Sicily. Shows us how the
community reacted to the Mafia and their thoughts and feelings on what the Mafia was
Herald Standard. Charles "Lucky" Luciano Pours Himself an Imported Beer. 2001. N.p.
Photograph of Lucky Luciano Staff. "American-Italian Mafia." A&E Television Networks, n.d.
Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
All that this source was, was to help us with visuals on our website. It had a lot of good
pictures of the main members of the Mafia. Staff. "Mafia in the United States." A&E Television Networks,
2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.
This is just a short clip on the Mafia and how it came to the United States which is our
thesis question. Staff. "Origins of the Mafia." A&E Television Networks, 2009.
Web. 27 Jan. 2016.
Facts and a summary of the origins of the Italian mafia as well as how they came to
America and interviews with people associated. Staff. "Omerta: Code of La Cosa Nostra Video." A&E Television
Networks, n.d. Web. 3 Jan. 2016.
Video on La Cosa Nostra and its impact in the US. Thesis is how it effected America so
this video really helped us with the exact statement we are making.
History of the New York Mafia. Dir. John Gotti. 2013. Documentary.

Very reliable source which was a documentary on the history of the New York Mafia and
the 5 families. Gave us a lot of inside on the families which allowed us to know each
family specifically more.
Inside The American Mob. National Geographic Channel, 2013.
This document series shows the inside of the American Mafia. It includes interviews with
former mob members, FBI members, and mobsters talking about the true meaning of La
Cosa Nostra and what they did.
"Italian Organized Crime." Italian Organized Crime. FBI, 27 Aug. 2010. Web. 12 Dec.
FBI website on the Italian Mafia including all of the different mafias in Italy and also a brief
summary of labor racketeering and how the mafia used it as a domination technique
Jacob, James B., Christopher Panarella, and Jay Worthington. Busting the Mob: United
States V. Cosa Nostra. N.p.: NYU, 1996. Print.
This is a book documenting the US Governments attacks on organized crime in the last
15 years and how they have weakened La Cosa Nostra. Not only did it help us with more
details of what America did about the Mafia but it showed us why they did it and their
thoughts/motives to stop La Cosa Nostra.
La Cosa Nostra State of New Jersey Commission of Investigation. Rep. N.p.: State of
New Jersey, 1989. Print.
This is a report that the State of New Jersey did on the 5 different families. Great
background information and very reliable source that knows all the information we needed
on the families.
Lupo, Salvatore. History of the Mafia. New York: Columbia UP, 2009. Print.
Looks at the history behind the Mafia. Not only do we need to know whats going on right
now and how the Mafia is still affecting American, but we need to know how we got to
how it is today and all the small events and details.
Newark, Timothy. Mafia Allies: The True Story of America's Secret Alliance with the Mob
in World War II. St. Paul, MN: Zenith, 2007. Print.
This helps us with our website because it looks at the Mafias allies in America so looking
into this book, it will give us a better idea of how the Mafia got into America and who the
Mafias ties were here.
Office of Public Affairs. "Justice News." 91 Leaders, Members and Associates of La Cosa
Nostra Families in Four Districts Charged with Racketeering and Related Crimes,

Including Murder and Extortion. Department of Justice, 20 Jan. 2011. Web. 27 Jan.
Overview of 91 Cosa Nostra members who were charged with racketeering and other
related crimes. Gave us more background on each person, and which family they came
from. Showed us a little bit about what each family contributed in.
Organized Crime - American Mafia." - York, Families, Mob, and Family. N.p., 2005. Web.
13 Nov. 2015.
Origins of the American mafia including detailed family meetings, feuds, etc. This gave us
a good idea of which families had the most influence on the others and which families
were more powerful.
Reppetto, Thomas A. American Mafia: A History of Its Rise to Power. New York: Henry
Holt, 2004. Print.
This source is a book on how the Mafia became so prominent in America from a police
officers perspective. It is good for us to see the two different sides on how the Mafia was
important in America and how they affected the economy, culture, and community.
Revilla, Mauricio. Original Mafia Commission 1931. 1997. N.p.
Photograph of the 1931 original Commission.
Rollins, Peter C. The Columbia Companion to American History on Film: How the Movies
Have Portrayed the American past. New York: Columbia UP, 2003. Print
Section in book about crime and the mafia, this will help us look at how it affected crime
rates in America.
Rovner, Eduardo Senz. The Cuban Connection: Drug Trafficking, Smuggling, and
Gambling in Cuba from the 1920s to the Revolution. Chapel Hill: U of North
Carolina, 2008. Print.
This book focuses on Lucky Lucianos and the Mafias relations with Cuba. Although we
arent focusing on Cuba for our website it still is important for us to look at his connections
with Cuba and how they compare and contrast with Americas.
Sabali Co. Luciano Arriving in Sicily. 2016. N.p.
Photograph after Charles Luciano being deported back to Sicily.
Sabetti, Filippo. Village Politics and the Mafia in Sicily. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP,
2002. Print.

La Costa Nostra originated from Sicily and this article is focused on all the different mafia
families that came out of Sicily. It is helpful for us to know what makes La Costa Nostra
different from the others.
Scherer, Steve. "Italy Arrests 11 in Search for Sicilian Mafia Boss of Bosses." Reuters.
Thomson Reuters, 03 Aug. 2015. Web. 28 Nov. 2015.
This is a story of how the Italian police arrest 11 people just to find the boss of the Sicilian
mafia. This helps us with our project because it gives us a better look at how people get
caught in the Sicilian mafia and shows us all the police will do just to catch them.
"Site Map." Site Map. Timelines, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.
This source is just a simple timeline of the Mafia. How it started and what led up to all the
Telegraph Media Group Limited. On Sicily's Mafia Trial. 2007. N.p.
Picture we used in our website to show Lucky Luciano and his crew leaving his court
The American Mafia Uncovering the Five Families. Dir. Samuel Fly. Youtube, 2015.
This documentary revealed secrets of the Mafia and how they finally got caught. Gave us
a better indication on what they all did wrong to get caught and how the police started
finding out about the Mafia moving into America.
"The Sicilian Mafia Yesterday and Today - Best of Sicily." The Sicilian Mafia Yesterday
and Today - Best of Sicily. Best of Sicily, 1999. Web. 24 Jan. 2016.
An overview of all aspects of the Sicilian Mafia including roots, different politicians, how it
has modernized, and the discovery of America.
The World History of Organized Crime. Top Documentary Films, 2001. Documentary.
This documentary gave us origin research to our project. Where everything came from
and which families moved over to the US first. Why they moved over, how they moved
Trotter, Steven. "BABANIA: The American Mafia's Love Affair With Heroin." Global Mafia
News. N.p., 03 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
This article is about the American mafia specifically and their use of heroine. This is very
useful for us since we are looking at how the Mafia impacted america and how the Mafia
expanded into America.

Weissbort, Daniel. The Iowa Review: Lucky Luciano. 2/3 ed. Vol. 7. Iowa City: U of Iowa,
1976. Print.
This newspaper article is an article only on Lucky Luciano who is our main focus on our
project. This gave us more detail of who he was, what he did, and how he worked his

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