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Dog Epidemic

by Elizabeth M.
Benchmark #1:
The simulation that I will create on StarLogo Nova is a disease epidemic in dogs.
The objective of this simulation is to discover how a disease can spread in a
The way in which the simulation will work will be that there will be animals, such as red,
blue and yellow dogs on the screen. The red ones will be the ones that are infected with
a disease. Yellow dogs are healthy dogs, and blue dogs are dogs that are immune to
this disease. I think two major challenges I will have while trying to create this simulation
is trying to see how I will be able to make the disease behave in a realistic way.
Benchmark #2: Detailed Game Description and Proposed Probability Analysis
The way in which the simulation will be programmed on StarLogo Nova, is that the dog
population will be split into three groups, the red unhealthy dogs, the blue immune dogs,
and the yellow healthy dogs. The probability of this simulation is interchangeable in the
fact that we start with 10% infected, 10% immune, and the other 80% healthy. You can
interchangeably adjust the percentage to redesign the simulation.
Benchmark #3: Preliminary StarLogo Nova Program Design
The World
When Setup pushed, delete everyone, create 150 turtles
do, set my color to color: yellow, set my sape to built in shape: dog, set my
size to 6, scatter
While forever toggled, forward 1, right by random __ degs,
left by random __ degs,
On collision with turtle do, if color of collidee = color red, if
my color != color: sky blue, set my color to color: red
Benchmark #4: Probability Analysis
The probability of this simulation is interchangeable in the fact that we start with 10%
infected, 10% immune, and the other 80% healthy. The probability of having 85%
healthy dogs, but having 10% of those be immune is 0.75 healthy dogs that can get
infected out of 100. Out of these 100 dogs, 15% of them are infected.

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