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Career and Life Management

(CALM) Course Outline

The aim of senior high school Career and Life Management (CALM) is to enable you to make
well-informed, considered decisions and choices in all aspects of your life and to develop
behaviours and attitudes that contribute to the well-being and respect of self and others, now and
in the future.

The job of the student:

I will be on time for class and show up prepared (this means bring any materials, texts,
homework, writing utensils and any other material required for the class). Being on time is a
great personal attribute, as most employers do require you to show up for work at a specified
I will participate in class activities and discussions to the best of my ability, and take
responsibility for my actions and behaviours.
I will show everyone in the class, including myself, respect.
If I submit an assignment that is not satisfactory I will take the opportunity to reflect and re-do
the assignment until it is deemed satisfactory. If I re-do my assignment it will be handed in no
later than one week from the time I receive it back.
I will make an effort to cooperate with and learn from each of my classmates, and to contribute
to their learning in return. Cooperation is also a major asset when seeking employment.

Use of technology:
I encourage you to bring your phones into my classroom as we may be using them to look up
information from time to time. Phones however, MUST NOT be used during instructional time,
nor will they be used during discussion time. You may listen to music while you are working
individually on assignments. If your phone becomes a problem/distraction to you and/or others,
you will lose the privilege of having it in my room. It will be turned in to me before class and
you may have it back after class. I have a three strike policy; this means that the first time I see
your phone I will politely ask you to put it away. The second time I see it I will ask you to give
your phone to me and I will keep it until the end of class. The third time your parent/guardian(s)
will receive a phone call about your inappropriate use of your cell phone in my class.

General Outcomes:
General Outcome 1: Personal Choices (P outcomes)
I will apply an understanding of the emotional/psychological, intellectual, social, spiritual and
physical dimensions of health and the dynamic interplay of these factors in managing personal
General Outcome 2: Resource Choices (R outcomes)
I will make responsible decisions in the use of finances and other resources that reflect personal
values and goals and demonstrate commitment to self and others.
General Outcome 3: Career and Life Choices (C outcomes)
I will develop and apply processes for managing personal, lifelong career development.

Sensitive Topics:
This course covers topics that are considered to be sensitive. It is important to feel safe in the
classroom, so respect of others and yourself is mandatory. We will be discussing personal choices
and decisions. You may not agree with the values of others, but you still need to respect them.
We will be covering topics on human sexuality, relationships and sexual health. Maturity is
appreciated. Please have your parents sign the last page of the outline if they

have NO objections to you participating in lessons covering these topics.

Course Assessment:
Assessment of learning will be demonstrated by coursework including assignments, exams and
projects. Assessment for learning will be determined by participation in discussions, group work,
daily homework and worksheets. Please note that you will not receive your diploma if you do not
pass this course.
Career Research Project
Self-Assessment and Reflection Journal
Daily Assignments/Worksheets

It is the students responsibility to catch up on any missed work. Please inform me of absences
when possible. All assignments will be posted in folders for the week, as well as on my CALM
website. If another student is willing, please have them pick up assignments for you in the event
of any extended absence.

CALM deals with many sensitive topics, issues and ideas. They include:
the emotional and spiritual dimensions of health
topics related to family interactions
personal, family and community values
family history
cultural diversity/differences
dealing with personal and family crises
personal relationships in general
ways to express caring
issues of sexuality.
These topics must be treated with care. Students need to have a safe and caring environment in
which to explore feelings, ideas and issues surrounding personal choices and decisions.
Instruction on these topics is intended to instill sensitivity to and awareness of the impact of ones
behaviour on others, stressing that sexual health is an interactive process that requires respect for self and
others and to emphasize the self-worth and dignity of the individual.

The family is the primary sexuality educator. School is an important secondary educator and the
CALM classroom can be a place where adolescents receive sexuality information that is accurate
and relevant to their health.
It is your right as a parent to exempt your child/children from the sexuality instruction portion of
this course. Please contact me via email or phone if you do not wish for your child to participate.

I __________________________ have no objections to ______________________participating

in lessons covering sexuality, sexual health and relationship choices, nor do I have any objections
to any of the other topics listed.





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