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Boss DF-2 by Mark Hammer

There's too much to bugger up in there, and too great a resale value on this pedal. I
would suggest simply trying to eke out a little more distortion from the existing design.
You can do that by adding a little more juice to the gain stage built around IC 1a, which
gets clipped by the diodes.
Presently it is set for a gain of 54x (which is generally not enough for serious fuzz, but I
gather there is an earlier gain stage provided by Q2 that multiplies the gain in IC 1a). If
yo can identify the solder pads for R17 on the copper side, simply tack on a resistor
between those two pads, of any value between, say, 10k and 2k2, to increase the gain and
get more buzz on.
For me, that would be the least disruptive, invasive, and risky mod. And its dead easy to
do, so do it, give a listen, and decide if you like it. Note as well that the tone control is
the traditional Big Muff type, so all of the rules for modding those apply in this instance.
If you wanted a big midscoop so that the bottom and sizzle stood out more, that would be
the easy way to go.

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