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Performance Assessment 1: Pedigree Activity Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

Teacher:Julie Koshy & Kathy McKee

Subject/Grade: Biology

Date: Feb. 5, 2016


S4.C2.PO3. Explain how genotypic variation occurs and results in phenotypic diversity.


Apply the laws of heredity and complex inheritance by creating a pedigree chart that
indicates the genotype and phenotype of each individual.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT:

List the laws of heredity.

Interpret pedigree charts.

Create a pedigree chart.

Evidence of Mastery:

Students will complete the pedigree chart worksheet and create a pedigree chart, which has
three generations with at least three individuals per generation, their choice of complex
inheritance, and the genotype and phenotype of each individual labeled, with a score of 12/15.

Key vocabulary: laws of heredity, inheritance, alleles,

Materials: PowerPoint, document camera,

genes, parent, offspring, P, F1, F2, dominant, recessive,

projector, projector screen, lab notebooks,

co-dominant, sex-linked, incomplete dominance, and

worksheet, & writing utensils

pedigree chart
Opening/Anticipatory Set:
1. Raise your hand if you have seen a family tree before or know what one is? (Pause for
appropriate wait time, about 7 seconds.) For anyone who needs a reminder here is an example
of a family tree (Put a picture of a family tree on the screen.) What information does a family
tree tell you? (Pause with appropriate wait time, about 7 seconds. Call on students by name.
Student answers may include the following: how people are related and who is in your family.)
2. We have discussed how Mendel determined that alleles are passed from parents to offspring
using his pea plant experiments. What are some of the different types of inheritance? (Give
sufficient wait time, about 7 seconds. Call on students by name. Students may answer with some
of the following: co-dominance, incomplete dominance, sex-linked traits, linked-traits, and simple

3. Today we will be combining elements of a family tree and inheritance patterns to interpret and
create pedigree charts.
4. Change slide to show the standard and read aloud to students. Move to the next slide containing
Instructional Input

the objective and read to the students.

Teacher Will:

Student Will:

Introduce how to read a pedigree chart and the

1. Copy down the information that the

kind of information that is explicitly shown and

teacher writes on the worksheet.

what information that can be inferred by working

through a few examples.
1. Say, Look at the first page on your

2. Listen and watch as the teacher goes

through the example. Ask questions as
they arise.

pedigree worksheet. Im going to do a

3. Student responses could include: yes,

few of these, then well try some as a

because we know which alleles are

class and finally you will work in groups.

recessive and which are dominant or

Copy what I write down on your

yes, because we know their


phenotypes. (Some students may not

2. Say, First Im going to show you how to

read a pedigree chart. Think of a family
tree the older generations are usually at
the top and the younger or newest
generations are at the bottom. Pedigree
charts follow the same pattern. So these
individuals here at the top represent
great grandparents. The ones directly
below are their children and nephews
and nieces. In order to determine who is
a male and female you need to look at
the key. The key also shows you how to
tell which individuals have what
phenotype. Does anyone have a
question about how to read the key for
the pedigree chart?
3. Say, If we know that this trait of hair

understand how genotypes can be

determined from phenotype.)

color follows simple inheritance can we

figure out some of the genotypes of the
individuals in this pedigree chart? Why or
why not?
All of this can be shown on the document camera as well as verbally explaining it for any
ELL students or students who are more visual.
Teacher Will:

Guided Practice

1. Now that you have seen me do it I want

you to work in your table groups to

Student Will:
1. Work in groups to complete the next
pedigree chart questions.

complete the next pedigree chart

questions. I will be walking around so
call me over if you need help.
Students who are more advanced and need a challenge may try pedigree charts that deal

Independent Practice

some of the more complex types of inheritance.

Teacher Will:
1. As I was walking around you seemed to
understand how to interpret pedigree
charts and infer information from them.
Now you will work in pairs to create a
pedigree chart. The pedigree chart I
want you to make needs to meet three

Student Will:
1. Listen as the teacher gives instructions.
2. Ask any questions about the
assignment or requirements.
3. Respond to the teachers questions
about the requirements.
4. Begin working with a partner to create a

criteria: there must be at least 3

pedigree chart that fulfills all the listed

generations with at least 3 people per


generation, the pedigree chart must

display some type of complex
inheritance, and each individual on the
pedigree chart must have a genotype
and phenotype indicated. (Put
requirements up on the screen.)
2. Anyone have questions about the

assignment? What about the

3. What are the 3 requirements for the
pedigree charts you are making? (Give
7 seconds wait time. Call on students by
4. If you do not finish making your
pedigree chart it will be homework that is
due on Monday.
5. All right you may begin.
Putting the requirements on the screen allows students who may forget or didnt
understand what was said to receive comprehensible input.
Closure/Lesson Summary:
1. With two minutes before the end of class, get the students attention. Class, stop what you are
doing and give me a minute. (Wait until they quiet down.) If you didnt finish making your
pedigree chart you need to finish it as homework over the weekend, it is due Monday. Do not
worry about your pedigree chart being the exact same as your partners, they can be different, I
just wanted you to work together during class.
2. Next, Im passing out cards for you to write a reflection. Write one sentence about what you
learned about pedigree charts. What can they be used for? Why do they matter? Same as
always everyone needs to turn in a card with a reflection for the entire class to get credit. (Put
slide on screen with the reflection questions.)

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