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4 Race/Culture



Picture of Hobbit/Hobbits

Hobbits are a diminutive folk, standing between two feet to a little

less than four feet on average. Hobbit men tend towards a robust
build; Hobbit women are more often than not curvaceous. Their
complexions are similar to those of the Eriadoran Men who live
outside the Shire, with tanned faces and hair ranging from dark
blonde to black. Hobbits are generally cheerful; though often wary of
'big folk' they aren't familiar with. On the whole, Hobbits are perhaps
the most peacefully ignorant people within the bounds of MiddleEarth, easy to cheer and with little understanding of the dangerous
world outside the borders of the Shire.


Height & Weight

If using the Song of Arda rolling option to generate a

character, you can roll a d6 to determine height and weight.
Height: Average = 3'0
Die roll result:
1 = 2'2
2 = 2'8
3-4 = 3'0
5 = 3'8
6 = 3'11
Weight: Average = 90 lbs.
1 = 70
2 = 80
3-4 = 90
5 = 100
6 = 110
Height: Average = 2'10
Die roll result:
1 = 2'0
2 = 2'6
3-4 = 2'10
5 = 3'6
6 = 3'9
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4 Race/Culture
Weight: Average = 80 lbs.
1 = 60
2 = 70
3-4 = 80
5 = 90
6 = 100



Most Hobbits reisde in The Shire, but there are a number of areas throughout the shire that are
considered distinct to Hobbits, a brief selection is listed below. The Shire is broken into 4 distinct
farthings, with more specific locations within. The Standard Rules provide more detail about each
farthing and location, only a few locations are listed here.

Hobbiton (Westfarthing)

Hardbottle (Northfarthing)

Michel Delving (Westfarthing, chief town)

Longbottom (Southfarthing)

The Marish (Eastfarthing)


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