To Be Completed For Tomorrow So That We Can Discuss Any Problems in Class Together

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MCR3U Sequences, Series and Binomial Expansions Review

April 12th, 2010

To be completed for tomorrow so that we can discuss any problems in class together.

1. Complete the following chart. The first one has been done for you!

Sequence Direct Formula Recursive Formula S10 – sum of the first ten
terms of the sequence.

4, 6, 8, 10, 12 ... tn = 2n + 2 t1 = 4, tn = tn-1 + 2 for n >=2 tn = 2(10) + 2 = 22

S10 = 4 + 6 + …+ 20 + 22
S10 = 22 + 20 + …+ 6 + 4
S10 = (22 + 4)(10)/2
S10 = 130
tn = -6 + 4n

t1 = 5, tn = -3tn-1 for n >=2

3S10 = 6 + 18 + … + 118098
S10 = 2 + 6 + …+ 39366
2S10 = 118098 – 2
S10 = 59048

t1 = -2, tn = 3 - 4tn-1 for n >=2

tn = -2(-0.5)n-1

2. For each of the sequences in the table above, what values/formulas

would you have to enter into a spreadsheet similar to the one to the right
so that it would generate the terms of the sequence.

3. The value of a rare stamp is expected to follow a geometric sequence

from year to year. The stamp is now worth $800 and is expected to be
worth $1 250 two years from now. How much is it expected to be worth
three years from now?

4. A company building a new library was required to pay a penalty of $ 1

000 for the first day the completion was late, $1 500 for the second day,
$2 250 for the third day, and so on. If the company paid a penalty of $32 171.88 in total,
how many days late was the completion of the library?

5. Find the general term of an arithmetic sequence with t7 = 9 and t12 = 29.

6. Using Pascal’s Triangle, expand and simplify each of the following expressions:
a. (2y + 3)6
b. (3k – 4)7
c. (m2 + 6)4

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