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Suffix: able, ible, ble

Meaning: able to
Ex: Edible: Able to be eaten. Sellable: Able to be sold. Teachable: Able to be
taught. Credible: able to believe in someone. Visible: able to be seen.

Suffix: acious, cous, al

Meaning: like, having the quality of
Ex: Nocturnal: of the night. Vivacious: having the quality of being lively.
Zincous: having the quality of zinc. Abnormal: the quality of being different.
Tenacious: the quality of being firm.

Suffix: ance, ancy

Meaning: the act of, a state of being
Ex: Performance: the act of performing. Truancy: the act of being truant.
Arrogance: the act of being stuck up. Fancy: someone who lives in opulence

Suffix: ant, ent, er, or

Meaning: one who
Ex: Occupant: one who occupies. Respondent: One who responds or answers.
Teacher: one who teaches. Creator: one who creates. Arrogant: one who is
stuck onto himself. Patient: Someone who is under medical care of a doctor.
Foreseer: Someone who sees the future. Protector- someone who protects

Suffix: ar, ary

Meaning: connected with, related to
Ex: Ocular: related to the eye. Beneficiary: connected with one who receives
benefits. Dictionary: related to words. Altar: connected to sacrifices in

Suffix: ence
Meaning: quality of, act of
Ex: Existence: the act of existing or being. Difference: the quality of being

Suffix: ful
Meaning: full of
Ex: Fearful: Full of fear. Scornful: Full of disdain.

Suffix: ic, ac, il, ile

Meaning: of, like, pertaining to
Ex: Cardiac: pertaining to the heart. Civil: pertaining to citizens. Infantile:
pertaining to infants. Acidic: like acid. Music: pertaining to songs. Maniac:
pertaining to someone who is crazy. Dentil: pertaining to the teeth. Brittle:
pertaining to something that is easily broken.

Suffix: ion
Meaning: the act or condition of
Ex: Correction: the act of correcting. Cation: the condition of being a metal

Suffix: ism
Meaning: the practice of, support of
Ex: Patriotism: support of one's country. Communism: the practice of strict

Suffix: ist
Meaning: one who makes, does
Ex: Artist: one who creates art. Marxist: the person who came up with the idea
of communism.

Suffix: ity, ty, y

Meaning: the state of, character of
Ex: Unity: the state of being one. Shifty: state of shifting around. Showy: state
of always showing oneself. Sneaky: state of being hidden and unseen. Utility:
the state of being used. Almighty: the state as being superior to everyone.

Suffix: ive
Meaning: having the nature of
Ex: Active: having the nature of acting or moving. Passive: somebody having
the nature of being lazy.

Suffix: less
Meaning: lacking, without
Ex: Heartless: without a heart. Harmless: somebody without the ability to
cause harm.

Suffix: logy
Meaning: the study of
Ex: Biology: the study of life processes. Phycology: the study of how humans

Suffix: ment
Meaning: the act of, the state of
Ex: Retirement: state of being retired. Reenactment: a state of re acting
something that happened previously.

Suffix: ness
Meaning: the quality of
Ex: Eagerness: the quality of being eager. Greatness: the quality of being great.

Suffix ory
Meaning: having the nature of, a place of thing for
Ex: Laboratory: a place where work is done. Factory: where items are made.

Suffix: ous, ose

Meaning: full of, having
Ex: Dangerous: full of danger. Verbose: full of words, or wordy. Venomous: full
of venom. Decompose: full of soil and nutrients in the earth.

Suffix: ship
Meaning: the art or skill of, the ability to
Ex: Leadership: the ability to lead. Companionship: the ability to friend

Suffix: some
Meaning: full of, like
Ex: Troublesome: full of trouble. Fearsome: full of frightening.

Suffix: tude
Meaning: the state of quality of, the ability to
Ex: Aptitude: the ability to do. Attitude: the state of quality of someone's
opinion of something.

Suffix: y
Meaning: full of, somewhat, somewhat like
Ex: Musty: having a stale oror. Chilly: somewhat cold. Willowy: like a willow.
Cloudy: somewhat cloudy skies.


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