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Chapter 2 Atoms The Nature of Things

Conceptual exercises

1; Theories are never certain .

2; The ratio between Carbon and oxygen go into formation of carbon monoxide is 3 : 2
Because oxygens coefficient is half of one , so it times 4 equals to 2 . And carbon and
oxygen for formation carbon dioxide are 3 : 4 .
7. Helium and gold are element . CO2 and C6H1206 are pure compound . Polluted water is
Neither . Pure unpolluted steam is a pure compund .
12. Yes it can . A must be chemical compound , and B and C are element . For example
Carbon dioxide decomposed become Carbon and oxygen .
16. The numbers of tons carbon dioxide gas are formed is 1 ton because the weights are same .
20 . From a microscopic point of view . The dog follow the convicts trail by its nose .It
happens because the atomic particles smelled by its nose and the particle makes the
dog know the convicts trail so it follows him .

21 . Thermal Motion

30 . 3 trillion = 3 x 1012 , five thousandths = 5 x 10-3

730,000,000,000,000 = 73 x 1013 , 0,000000000082 = 8,2 x 10 11

32 . 400 billion stars of our milky way : 4 x 10 11

0,0005 percentage of planetary earthlike = 5 x 10-4

4 x 10 11 multiply 5 x 10-4 = 20 x 107 = 20,000,000 = 20 million Earthlike in our
Galaxy .

35 . From lightest to heaviest : Proton , H2 ,methane , glucose molecule , hemoglobin

molecule ,dust particle .

37 . the atoms thick of one paper sheet are 10-4 divide it with 10-10 equals to 10-6
43 . The main compound when gasoline burns are C and H that are hydrocarbons are H20
and CO2

44 . Nitrogen and oxygen to form NOx

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