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The Fisheries Code of the Philippines (as amended by RA No.


Prohibitions and Penalties

A. Serious Violations The Fisheries Code (Sec. 4)
(a) Fishing without a valid license, authorization or permit;
(b) Fishing without reporting the catch or misreporting the catch;
(c) Fishing in a closed area or during a closed season;
(d) Fishing of prohibited species;
(e) Fishing with the use of prohibited gear or methods;
(f) Falsifying, concealing or tampering with vessel markings, identity or registration to conceal
vessel identity or lack of registration;
(g) Concealing, tampering or disposing of evidence relating to an investigation of a violation;
(h) Assaulting, resisting, intimidating, harassing, seriously interfering with, or unduly obstructing
or delaying a fisheries law enforcer, authorized inspector or observer or other duly authorized
government officer;
(j) Committing multiple violations which taken together constitute a serious disregard of this

B. Unauthorized Fishing (Sec. 86, RA 10654)

1. Capture or gather or to cause the capture or gathering of fish, fry or fingerlings of any
fishery species or fishery products without license or permit from the Department or
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Boat captain
- Three highest ranking
- Owner and Operator

Court finding

- Boat captain
- Three highest ranking


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine of five times the
value of the catch or:
a. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 50,000-100,000
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 150,000 500,000
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 1,000,000 500,000,000
- 6 months imprisonment
- Confiscation of catch and gear and
twice the amt. of administrative fine

2. Fishing of commercial vessels in municipal waters; any person not listed in the registry
of municipal fisherfolk to engage in any commercial fishing in municipal waters
Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Person Liable

- Any offender


- Twice the value of the catch or Php

5,000, whichever is higher
- Confiscation of catch & gear or
rendering of community service

3. Prima Facie Presumption of Unauthorized Fishing possession of a fishing gear or

operating a fishing vessel in a fishing area without license
C. Unauthorized Fisheries Activities (Sec. 87, RA 10654)
1. Exploitation, occupation, production, breeding or culturing of fish, fry or fingerlings
of any fishery species or fishery products or construction and operation of fish corrals,
fish traps, fish pens and fish cages or fishponds without a license, lease or permit.
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any offender

Court finding

- Any offender


- Dismantling or removal of structure

- Rehabilitation of area affected
- Administrative fine of Php 500,000 to
- 6 months imprisonment
- Dismantling or removal of structure
- Rehabilitation of area affected
- Fine twice the value of administrative

2. Prima Facie Presumption of Unauthorized Fishing Activities engaging in

aforementioned without license or permit
D. Failure to Secure Fishing Permit Prior to Distant Water Fishing (Sec. 88, RA 10654)
1. Fishing in the high seas, in the territorial seas, archipelagic waters, Exclusive
Economic Zones of other states using a Philippine flagged fishing vessel without first
securing a fishing permit from the Department and authorization from the coastal state.
2. Commission of acts in contravention of the terms and conditions stated in the fishing
permit or as may be promulgated

Person Liable


Summary finding

Nature of Investigation

- Owner and operator

- Three highest officers
of a commercial fishing

Court finding

- Three highest officers

of a commercial fishing

- Confiscation of catch and gear

- Administrative fine equivalent to five
(5) times the value of the catch or:
a. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 2M to 9M
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 10M to 15M
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing less
than 750 gross tons:
Php 16M to 20M
d. Large Scale Commercial fishing 750
gross tons or more:
Php 25M to 45M
- 6 months imprisonment
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Fine twice the amt. of administrative

3. Prima Facie Presumption - possession of a fishing gear or operating a fishing vessel in

abovementioned areas without a fishing permit
E. Unreported Fishing (Sec. 89, RA 10654)
1. Refers to fishing activities which have not been reported, or have been misreported, in
contravention of national laws and regulations of the Philippines, or undertaken in the
area of competence of a relevant RFMO which have not been reported or have been
misreported, in contravention of the reporting procedures of that organization and further
elaborated by regulations to be promulgated by the Department.
2. Committed within national jurisdiction
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Owner and operator

- Three highest officers
of a commercial fishing

Court finding

- Three highest officers

of a commercial fishing


- Confiscation of catch and gear

- Administrative fine equivalent to
value of the catch or the following,
whichever is higher:
a. Municipal fishing:
Php 5,000 or community service
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 100,000
c. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 200,000
d. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 500,000
- 6 months imprisonment
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Fine twice the amt. of administrative

3. Committed beyond national jurisdiction

Nature of Investigation

Person Liable


Summary finding

- Owner and operator

- Three highest officers
of a commercial fishing

Court finding

- Three highest officers

of a commercial fishing

- Confiscation of catch and gear

- Administrative fine equivalent to
value of the catch or the following,
whichever is higher:
a. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 2M to 9M
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 10M to 15M
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing less
than 750 gross tons:
Php 16M to 20M
d. Large Scale Commercial fishing 750
gross tons or more:
Php 25M to 45M
- 6 months imprisonment
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Fine twice the amt. of administrative

F. Unregulated Fishing (Sec. 90, RA 10654)

1. Constitutes fishing of: (a) Vessels without nationality but operated by Filipino and/or
Filipino corporation; (b) Philippine flagged fishing vessels operating in areas managed by
RFMOs to which the Philippines is not a party to; or (c) Philippine flagged fishing
vessels operating in areas or fish stocks where there are no applicable conservation and
management measures.
2. Committed within national jurisdiction

Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Owner and operator

- Three highest officers
of a commercial fishing

Court finding

- Three highest officers

of a commercial fishing


- Confiscation of catch and gear

- Administrative fine equivalent to
value of the catch or the following,
whichever is higher:
a. Municipal fishing:
Php 5,000 or community service
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 100,000
c. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 200,000
d. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 500,000
- 6 months imprisonment
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Fine twice the amt. of administrative

3. Committed beyond national jurisdiction

Person Liable


Summary finding

Nature of Investigation

- Owner and operator

- Three highest officers
of a commercial fishing

Court finding

- Three highest officers

of a commercial fishing

- Confiscation of catch and gear

- Administrative fine equivalent to
value of the catch or the following,
whichever is higher:
a. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 2M to 9M
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 10M to 15M
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing less
than 750 gross tons:
Php 16M to 20M
d. Large Scale Commercial fishing 750
gross tons or more:
Php 25M to 45M
- 6 months imprisonment
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Fine twice the amt. of administrative

G. Poaching in Philippine Waters (Sec. 91, RA 10654)

1. Fishing or operating of any fishing vessel in Philippine waters by any foreign person,
corporation or entity
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any foreign person,

corporation or entity

Court finding

- Any foreign person,

corporation or entity


- Administrative fine:
US$ 600,00 to US$ 1M or equivalent
in Philippine currency
- Confiscation of catch, fishing
equipment and vessel
- Administrative Fine:
US$ 1,200,000 or equivalent in
Philippine currency
- If caught w/in Philippine internal
waters: Imprisonment of 6 mos. And 1
day to 2 years and 2 mos.
- If caught for the second time w/in
Philippine internal waters:
imprisonment of 3 years + fine of US$
2,400,00 or its equivalent in Philippine

2. Presumption of Poaching entry of any foreign fishing vessel in Philippine waters

H. Fishing through Explosives, Noxious or Poisonous Substance or Electricity
(Sec. 92, RA 10654)

1. Catching, taking or gathering or causing to be caught, taken or gathered fish or any

fishery species in Philippine waters with the use of explosives, noxious or poisonous
substance such as sodium cyanide, which will kill, stupefy, disable or render
unconscious fish or fishery species
2. Exceptions:
a. Use of poisonous or noxious substances to catch, take or gather fish or fisher
species with proper permit and endorsement from the Department and LGUs,
b. Use of poisonous or noxious substances to eradicate predators or pests in
fishponds in accordance with accepted scientific practices and without causing
adverse environmental impact in neighboring waters and grounds
3. Actual use of explosives, noxious or poisonous substances
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person actually

using aforementioned

Court finding

- Any person actually

using aforementioned


- Confiscation of catch including those

not caught illegally if co-mingled with
those caught illegally, gear, explosives
and noxious or poisonous substances,
or electrofishing devices and
paraphernalia and gear
- Administrative fine equivalent to 5
times the value of the catch or the
following, whichever is higher:
a. Municipal fishing:
Php 30,000
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 300,000
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 1.5M
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 3M
- Confiscation of catch including those
not caught illegally if co-mingled with
those caught illegally, gear, explosives
and noxious or poisonous substances,
or electrofishing devices and
paraphernalia and gear
- Imprisonment: 5 to 10 years
- Without prejudice to institute separate
criminal case if action led to physical
injury or loss of human life
- Fine twice the amt. of administrative

4. Electrofishing devices
Nature of Investigation

Court finding

Person Liable

- Any person actually

using aforementioned


- Imprisonment: 6 months
- Fine: Php 5,000

5. Possession of Explosives and noxious or poisonous substances

Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person actually

using aforementioned

Court finding

- Any person actually

using aforementioned


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine equivalent to 5
times the value of the catch or the
following, whichever is higher:
a. Municipal fishing:
Php 10,000
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 100,000
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 500,000
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 1M
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Imprisonment: 6 mos. to 2 years
- Fine twice the amt. of administrative

6. Prima facie Presumption:

a. discovery of dynamite, other explosives and chemical compounds which
contain combustible elements, or noxious or poisonous substances, or
equipment or device for electrofishing in any fishing vessel or in the
possession of any fisherfolk, operator, fishing boat official or fishworker;

b. discovery in any fishing vessel of fish caught or killed with the use of
explosives, noxious or poisonous substances, or by electricity.
I. Use of Fine Mesh (Sec. 93, RA 10654)
1. Fishing using nets with mesh smaller than that determined or provided by law
Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Person Liable

- Commercial Vessel:
Owner, operator,
captain, master
- Municipal fisherfolk

Court finding

- Commercial Vessel:
Captain or Master


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine equivalent to 3
times the value of the catch or the
following, whichever is higher:
a. Municipal fishing:
Php 20,000
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 50,000
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 100,000
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 200,000
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Imprisonment: 6 mos. to 2 years
- Fine twice the amt. of administrative

- Municipal fisherfolk

2. Exception: use of fine mesh to gather fry, glass eels, elvers, tabios, and alamang and
other species that by their nature are small but already mature
3. Presumption of Use of Fine Mesh discovery of fine mesh in a fishing vessel
J. Fishing in Overexploited Fishery Management Areas (Sec. 94, RA 10654)

Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Person Liable


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine:
a. Municipal fishing:
Three times the value or Php 20,000
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value or Php 100,000
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value or Php 300,000
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value or Php 500,000
Court finding
- Any person
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Imprisonment: 6 mos. and 1 day to 6
- Fine: Php 500,000 to Php 5M
- Cancellation of fishing permit or
Use of Active Gear in Municipal Waters, Bays and Other Fishery Mgmt. Areas
(Sec. 95, RA 10654)
1. Active Fishing Gear - device characterized by the pursuit of the target species by
towing, pushing the gears, surrounding, covering, dredging, and scaring the target
species to impoundments; such as, but not limited to, trawl, purse seines, Danish
seines, paaling and drift gill net
Nature of Investigation

- Any person

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Owner, operator, boat

captain, master
- Chief executive
officer, managing

Court finding

- Owner, operator, boat

captain, master
- Chief executive
officer, managing


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine three times the
value of the catch or the following,
whichever is higher:
a. Municipal fishing:
Php 20,000 or community service
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 50,000
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 100,000
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 500,000
- Confiscation and forfeiture of catch
and gear
- Imprisonment: 2 to 6 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine

L. Ban on Coral Exploitation and Exportation (Sec. 96, RA 10654)

1. Gathering, possessing, commercially transporting, selling or exporting ordinary, semiprecious and precious corals, whether raw or in processed form, except for scientific
or research purposes.
2. Damaging of coral reefs.
Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Person Liable


- Forfeiture of corals
- Administrative fine eight (8) times the
value of corals gathered, possessed,
commercially transported, sold or
exported or Php 500,000 to Php 10M,
whichever is higher
- Compensation for the restoration of
the damaged coral reefs
Court finding
- Boat captain
- Forfeiture of corals
- Master fisherman
- Imprisonment: 10 to 20 years
- Recruiter or organizer - Fine equivalent to twice the
of fishworkers
administrative fine
M. Ban on Muro-Ami, Other Methods and Gear Destructive to Coral Reefs and Other
Marine Habitat (Sec. 97, RA 10654)
1. Fishing with gear or method that destroys coral reefs, seagrass beds, and other fishery
marine life habitat as may be determined by the Department.
2. Muro-ami and any of its variation, and such similar gears and methods that require
diving, other physical or mechanical acts to pound the coral reefs and other habitat to
entrap, gather or catch fish and other fishery species are also prohibited.
Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Court finding

- Owner/operator of the
fishing vessel/s
- Boat captain
- Master fisherman
- Recruiter or organizer
of fishworkers

Person Liable

- Owner, operator
- Boat captain
- Master fisherman
- Recruiter or organizer
of fishworkers
- Fisherfolk who served
as pounders
- Boat captain
- Master fisherman
- Recruiter or organizer
of fishworkers


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine five (5) times the
value of fish caught or Php 2M,
whichever is higher
- Compensation for the restoration of
the damaged coral reefs
- Administrative fine of Php 20,000 or
community service
- Imprisonment: 2 to 10 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine

3. Gathering, possessing, commercially transporting, selling or exporting coral sand,

coral fragments, coral rocks, silica, and any other substances which make up any
marine habitat.
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person or

Court finding

- Boat captain
- Master fisherman
- Recruiter or organizer
of fishworkers


- Confiscation of substance
- Administrative fine: Php 5M or five
times the value of the coral sand, coral
fragments, coral rocks, silica, etc.
- Confiscation of substance
- Imprisonment: 2 to 10 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine


N. Illegal Use of Superlights or Fishing Light Attractor (Sec. 98, RA 10654)

1. Superlights refers to a type of light using halogen or metal halide bulb which may
be located above the sea surface or submerged in the water
2. Use of superlights using candlelight power beyond the standards set by law
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person

Conversion of Mangroves (Sec. 99, RA 10654)


- Confiscation of catch, gears and

superlight apparatus
- Administrative fine: Php
20,000/superlight or community
service IF municipal fisherfolk
- Confiscation of catch, gears and
superlight apparatus
- Imprisonment: 6 mos. to 2 years
- Fine: Php 40,000/superlight or
community service IF municipal

Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Administrative fine equivalent to the

ecological value of a hectare of
mangrove or Php 10M/hectare,
whichever is higher
- Compensation for restoration or
rehabilitation of damaged area
- Fine: Php 80,000 + fine equivalent to
administrative penalty
- Imprisonment: 6mos and 1 day to 12
- Environmental damages:
Php500,000/hectare/year until area is
- Compensation for restoration or
rehabilitation of damaged area

P. Fishing During Closed Season (Sec. 100, RA 10654)

Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Person Liable

- Any person


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine:
a. Municipal fishing:
3 times the value of catch or Php
20,000 or community service
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value of the catch or
Php 100,000
c. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value of the catch or
Php 300,000
d. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value of the catch or
Php 500,000
Court finding
- Owner, operator, boat
- Confiscation and forfeiture of catch
captain, master
and gear
- Imprisonment: 6 mos. and 1 day to 6
- Chief executive
officer, managing
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Cancellation of license or permit
Fishing in Marine Protected Areas, Fisher Reserves, Refuge and Sanctuaries
(Sec. 101, RA 10654)

Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine of twice the value
of the catch or the following,
whichever is higher:
a. Municipal fishing:
Php 20,000 or community service
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 200,000
c. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 600,000
d. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 1M
- Confiscation and forfeiture of catch
and gear
- Imprisonment: 2 to 6 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Cancellation of license or permit

R. Fishing or Taking of Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species (Sec. 102, RA 10654)

1. Take, catch, gather, sell, purchase, possess, transport, export, forward or ship out
aquatic species listed in Appendix I of the Convention on the International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), or those categorized by the
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) as
Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Person Liable


- Forfeiture of the species

- Administrative fine of five times the
value of the species or Php 500,000 to
Php 5M, whichever is higher
Court finding
- Any person
- Forfeiture of the species
- Imprisonment: 12 years and 1 day to
20 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Cancellation of fishing permit
2. Fish, take, catch, gather, sell, purchase, possess, transport, export, forward or ship out
aquatic species listed in CITES Appendices II and III if scientific assessments show
that population of the species in the wild cannot remain viable under pressure of
collection and trade
Nature of Investigation

- Any person

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Forfeiture of the species

- Administrative fine of three times the
value of the species or Php 300,000 to
Php 3M, whichever is higher
- Forfeiture of the species
- Imprisonment: 5 to 8 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine

3. Exception: Taking or fishing of species from the wild for scientific research, or
conservation breeding simultaneous with commercial breeding
4. Gather, take, possess, transport, or export, forward or ship out captive-bred species
that have been transplanted to the wild.
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person



- Forfeiture of the species

- Administrative fine of three times the
value of the species or Php 300,000 to
Php 3M, whichever is higher
- Forfeiture of the species
- Imprisonment: 5 to 8 years
- Fine equivalent to thrice the
administrative fine or Php 3M

Presumption of commission of the act shall redound to captain, master fisherman,

and two highest ranking officers of the vessel IF committed by a vessel manned by
more than two (2) persons

S. Capture of Sabalo and Other Breeders/Spawners (Sec. 103, RA 10654)

1. Catch, gather, capture or possess mature milkfish or sabalo and other breeders or
spawners of other fishery species
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Forfeiture of catch and gear

- Administrative fine of five times the
value of the sabalo or Php 500,000
- Forfeiture of catch and gear
- Imprisonment: 6 mos. and 1 day to 8
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine or Php 3M
- Suspension or revocation of license

3. Exception: Purposes or scientific or research purposes may be allowed subject to
guidelines that shall be promulgated by the Department.
T. Exportation of Breeders, Spawners, Eggs or Fry (Sec. 104, RA 10654)
1. Exception: Export of hatchery-bred or captive-bred breeder, spawner, egg or fry, may
be allowed subject to the regulations to be promulgated by the Department

2. Presumption of connivance or conspiracy Failure on the part of the shipping or

forwarding company from whose possession the breeders, spawners, eggs, or fry are
discovered or seized to fully cooperate in the investigation conducted by concerned
government authorities on the matter
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Confiscation of breeders, spawners,

eggs or fry
- Administrative fine of three times the
value of the breeders, spawners, eggs
or fry or Php 100,000 to 500,000
- Suspension or revocation of license
for commercial fishing and/or
registration as exporter
- Confiscation of breeders, spawners,
eggs or fry
- Imprisonment: 8 to 10 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine or Php 3M
- Suspension or revocation of license

U. Importation or Exportation of Fish or Fishery Species (Sec. 105, RA 10654)

1. Presumption of connivance or conspiracy Failure on the part of the shipping or
forwarding company from whose possession the fish or fishery species imported or
exported are discovered or seized to fully cooperate in the investigation conducted by
concerned government authorities
Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Person Liable

- Any person


- Forfeiture or destruction of the

- Administrative fine of three times the
value of the species or Php 300,000 to
500,000, whichever is higher
Court finding
- Any person
- Forfeiture or destruction of the
- Imprisonment: 8 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Offenders shall be banned from
being members or stockholders of
companies currently engaged in
fisheries or companies to be created in
the future
Violation of Harvest Control Rules (Sec. 106, RA 10654)

Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Owner, operator, boat

captain, master
- Chief executive
officer, managing


- Confiscation of catch & gear

- Administrative fine:
a. Municipal fishing:
3 times the value of catch or Php
20,000 or community service
b. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value of the catch or
Php 100,000
c. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value of the catch or
Php 1M
d. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Five times the value of the catch or
Php 5M
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Imprisonment: 6 mos. and 1 day to 6
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Revocation license or permit

W. Importation or Exportation of Fish or Fishery Species (Sec. 105, RA 10654)

1. Presumption of connivance/consFailure on the part of the shipping or forwarding
company from whose possession the fish or fishery species imported or exported are
discovered or seized to fully cooperate in the investigation conducted by concerned
government authorities
Nature of Investigation

Summary finding

Person Liable

- Any person


- Forfeiture or destruction of the

- Administrative fine of five times the
value of the species or Php 300,000 to
500,000, whichever is higher
Court finding
- Any person
- Forfeiture or destruction of the
- Imprisonment: 8 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Offenders shall be banned from
being members or stockholders of
companies currently engaged in
fisheries or companies to be created in
the future
Gathering and Marketing of Shell Fishes or Other Aquatic Species (Sec. 110, RA 10654)

1. Gather, take, sell, transfer, possess, commercially transport, export, forward or ship out
any sexually mature shell fish or other aquatic species identified by the Department, or
below the minimum size, or above the maximum quantities prescribed for the species
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Confiscation of species
- Administrative fine equivalent to the
value of the species or Php 50,000,
whichever is higher
- Cancellation of permit or license
- Forfeiture or destruction of the
- Imprisonment: 1 mo. & 1 day to 6
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Cancellation of permit or license

Y. Obstruction to Navigation or Flow or Ebb of Tide in any Stream, River, Lake or Bay
(Sec. 111, RA 10654)
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Administrative fine of Php 200,000,

whichever is higher
- Dismantling of the obstruction, fish
corrals/traps, fish pens or fish cages at
the expense of the offender
- Imprisonment: 1 mo. & 1 day to 6
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Confiscation of stocks and
dismantling of the obstruction, fish
corrals/traps, fish pens or fish cages at
the expense of the violator

Z. Obstruction of Defined Migration Paths (Sec. 114, RA 10654)

1. Obstruction of any defined migration path of anadromous, catadromous and other
migratory species
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Administrative fine of Php 150,000 to

500,000 whichever is higher
- Dismantling of the obstruction at the
expense of the offender
- Suspension or revocation of the
permit or license
- Imprisonment: 7 to 12 years
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine
- Dismantling of the obstruction at the
expense of the offender
- Suspension or revocation of the
permit or license

AA. Constructing, Importing or Converting Fishing Vessels or Gears without Permit from
the Department (Sec. 120, RA 10654)
1. Obstruction of any defined migration path of anadromous, catadromous and other
migratory species
Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Owner, operator, boat

captain, master
- Chief executive
officer, managing


- Administrative fine:
a. Small Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 50,000
b. Medium Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 500,000
c. Large Scale Commercial fishing:
Php 2.5M
- Confiscation of catch and gear
- Imprisonment: 1 mo. and 1 day to 6
- Fine equivalent to twice the
administrative fine

BB. Use of Unlicensed Gear (Sec. 120, RA 10654)

Nature of Investigation

Person Liable

Summary finding

- Any person

Court finding

- Any person


- Administrative fine of Php 200,000 to

500,000 per gear
- Fine from Php 400,000 to 1M

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