Swot Analysis Goncalo Lopez

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What do you do well?
What unique resources can you draw on?
What do others see as your strengths?

I am good at the musical elements of the

editing process, as I feel I have a sharp
eye when it comes to details such as lip
I can be creative at times, so sometimes
Ill have a lot of input to give towards the
production of the music video.

What opportunities are open to you?
What trends could you take advantage
How can you turn your strengths into
Weve taken a somewhat sociological
approach in creating our artist, and I
have more sociological knowledge than
anyone else in my group, due to doing
sociology, along with witnessing a lot of
sociological debates and minority
representation on Tumblr.
I have helped in the creative process of
media projects in the past, but the
process was less focused on sound. I
have also done work editing sound in
short clips to create a lip sync.

What could you improve?
Where do you have fewer resources than
What are others likely to see as
I can be quite bossy when it comes to
making decisions, and may get into
arguments with the director due to this.
Sometimes I can get quite flustered if I
have multiple ideas, and this can cause
some disorganisation and discord in the
group and the work we produce.
I may cost the group time on the project if I
get fixated on certain ideas.
What threats could harm you?
What is your competition doing?
What threats do your weaknesses expose
you to?
I tend to get too focused on the
competition, and this could potentially
affect the final outcome of our media
Some of my ideas can be quite harmful to
carry out since I tend to sometimes go over
the top with my ideas. This could bring up
hazards such as heights, all for an
environmental shot that can be quite

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