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Summer / Winter Traiining in Pharm

maceutical Sciience

Key Features:

• Hands on Experience
E on various pharm
maceutical technniques
• Multidiscipplinary training
g under one rooof
• Hands on experience
e on various
v biotechh techniques inn one month onnly
• Introductioon to Microarraay , PCR , Reaal Time PCR , Microarray , Gel
G Doc , Specttrophotometer , HPLC etc

ule I: Basics of
o Laboratory

• Handling of
o Instruments
• Laboratoryy Safety Protoccols
• Calibrationn of Instrumentts
• Basic Biocchemistry
• Preparationn of Solutions
• Functions of
o chemicals & solutions

ule II: Microb
biology Techniques

• Identificatiion , Isolationss and storage off Pathogens

• Preparationn & Plating of Bacteriophasee
• Testing of Antibiotics

ule III: Moleccular Techniqu
ues( RDT)

• Plasmid Isoolation
• Competentt Cell Preparatiion
• Restrictionn Digestion
• Gel Elutionn
• Transformation

ule IV: Immunology Techniques

• Immuno Electrophoresis

ule V: Basic Tissue
T Culturee

• Preparationn of media for PTC

• Root & Emmbryo Culture

bility: Any stuudent of Life Science
S or Pharrmacy Stream

Admission: May too July & Nov to

o Jan

Serviice Charges: Rs
R 8,000/-

Duraation: One Monnth 


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