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Chemist: _____________________________________ Period: _______

Lab Report Checklist





Use in-text citations and a citations page to cite at least 2 sources- APA or MLA


Provide all necessary background information and define all relevant terms. (This
might also include helpful equations, diagrams, drawings, etc to educate the reader
about the topic.)


Provide a brief overview of your planned procedure or the tests that you will be using
to collect the necessary information. (this is not a numbered/listed procedure)


Clearly state the purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab.
Be sure that the problem can be tested by this investigation. State your hypothesis.


List all materials using bullet points.


Exact amounts of substances to be used and the exact sizes of glassware needed and
accurate names of tools and equipment.


Provide a numbered list of the steps of your procedure. Use complete sentences.



Be sure that all steps are necessary, clear, detailed and repeatable.


Data and

Create and include an organized data table to collect and showcase your raw data and
observations. (Do not include any conclusions in this chart.) It should be labeled



Providea written feasible explanation of your sources of error and any limitations that




Claim and

you faced in this lab.

Clearly state your claims (conclusions). Answer to the problem
Cite Data
Use at least two outside sources and explain how they support your claim. (Use in-text


Provide a written reflection of what you learned while doing this investigation. State
what you would do differently next


At the end of your lab report, include a separate page to list the reliable resources that
were used for background research and supportive evidence. (Points for this section are
already accounted for above). You can use the following link to help create a proper

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