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Subitel USAID

As an American-called student visiting this STEM Camp with USAID, i found that it
is a great place to foster the innovative, engineering ideas of young-bright Indonesian
High School students.
Thank you for this opportunity, this is a great opportunity for us to attend this kind of
STEM (camp). I hope it will, like, inspire many bright Indonesian young people to one
day work with our field. Im also very impressed with this participants, they are
young, they have enthusiasm, they have these passions towards this STEM (camp),
and i hope they will not stop after this station. So, good luck to you guys!
Mas Primus:
okay, i think we agree that this event is a very great opportunity to empower and
also foster the high school students so they will have more creativity and also
innovation to create some kind like STEM-oriented results at the end. And i hope that
the students will continue working after the camp, and they will succeed in the future
to help Indonesia come out of the current problems and use their innovations later on
to be a tool to help solve the problems, thanks.
i also wanted to thank you very much for the invitation to join and participate with
you guys, we were all very very impressed by how bright and creative everybody
here is, and loved hearing about your ideas for how you can fix everydays problems.
Yes, any recommendations would be taken to continue to stay in touch with each
other and build the relationships, and they will be very valuable in the future to know
other people who interested in STEM, like yourself. And also dont forget to use your
teachers as resources, they gotta help you. Thank you.

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