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What is an Analysis?

To analyze merely means to break down into sections to comprehend well again as a
whole. We analyze things or comment on them to identify their foremost elements as well
as their causes. An analysis does not plainly ask you to break down things and depict them,
but also to go beyond and affirm what information arrived after the analysis.

Investigation and Assessment

Get Familiar with the piece of writing under analysis
Initiate with reading the writing under analysis. This will facilitate you in getting familiar with
the angle to follow. The overall gist, impressions, and feelings are frequently conveyed all
through the initial reading.
Organize Your Thoughts
Once you are over with that, reread the entire thing. After having an initial feel of what the
writing is and its purpose, it is time to make notes in the margin or on a piece of paper about
the basics that confuse you and those that seem imperative. Look up words with which you
are alien.
Segmantize Your Work into Broader Sections
Divide the workload into its essential elements. This will lower down the workload. If
analyzing an essay, look upon the lines and paragraphs..
Format a basic Analysis for Independent Parts
Analyze each part independently cluing for patterns, and understanding each parts input
towards the writing. Make notes of the ideas that pop up into your mind now.
Reassemble Your Preliminary Analysis
Use your indulgence of the different parts of the work to pull in at an understanding of the
work as a whole. What summed up implication does the meaning of individual parts add up
to? This phase of progression can be the most challenging. Also, try to answer these few
questions at this point:

What is the work saying?

Why was Dr. King in Birmingham? Why was he arrested?

How does the work get Dr. Kings thoughts across? (What is his point of view on

Why is it a noteworthy idea? (What is the purpose of the letter? What should society
take from the writing?)

What personal connection can be made from the writing?

Getting Down to the Drafting

Draft an Introductory Thesis and Align Points in Support
Now, draft a preliminary thesis, which will sum up your interpretations of the attempt. Work
out the points that maintain your thesis. In a basic analysis of the text, the support comes
from the elements of the work itself, mutual with your reasoned understanding of those
elements. The elements should rationally connect to one another.
Write an Outline
In planning the formation of your analysis, focus upon the points you want to make, not on
the structure of the work you are analyzing. In other words, do not present a line-by-line, or
section-by-section summary and analysis of the piece. Your work is to spotlight only on the
elements that put across the interpretation you are presenting, and to cover these in the
most logical order.
Write Down the First Draft
Drawing upon the ideas generated in the last five steps, write a first draft. Do not fret about
writing an introduction at first, start with your opening thesis and draft the body paragraphs.
Write Down the Second Draft
Improve your thesis statement based upon any innovative ideas that you have come up
with. Write an introduction to contextualize that thesis. Make clear in your mind that you
quote and paraphrase appropriately from the work you are analyzing; refine your

transitions throughout your analysis; add or delete material as required to perk up maturity
of points and to keep away from recurrence.

Summing it All Up
Edit and Streamline in One Final Draft
Merge sentences and work on paragraphs for an even, consistent flow of ideas. Verify
grammatical accuracy, punctuation, and spelling.
Additional Tips
One tip you should keep in mind while writing an analysis is that you should at all times
write in the present tense and by no means in the past tense. You should also stay away
from putting yourself into the literary analysis. This means you should write in the third
person and never use the words I or you.
There may be exceptions to this law, however, depending upon your instructor. If truth be
told, some will call for a more familiar literary analysis that will include the procedure of
these words. When in uncertainty, nonetheless, it is safer to use the third person.

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