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Back junior doctors

Defend the right to strike

From 8am on Wednesday
junior doctors, members of
the BMA, will strike across
England for 24 hours against
Tory health secretary Jeremy
Hunts attack on their
On the same day student
nurses will walk out against the
scrapping of their bursaries.
Hunts plans will wreck
our NHS if hes allowed to

implement them.
Thats why the whole
movement needs to rally around
the junior doctors and nurses
The TUCs week of action
against the Tory Trade Union
Bill runs from 8 14 February.
The bill is an attempt to
limit the right to strike. Junior
doctors and their union BMA
have already been threatened


with legal action for asking for

support for their picket lines.
This is a taste of whats to
come if the Tories new antiunion laws are imposed.
We offer our full support to
the junior doctors and student
nurses in their fight to defend
patient care and the NHS.
TUC week of action runs
from 8-14 February go to
to SW

Return completed petitions to: David Cameron, 10 Downing St, London SW1A 2AA

TUC Week of
action against the
Tories Union Bill
814 February
Were proud of our
unions and reject
the governments
attempts to damage
them with the trade
union bill.
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Initiated by Socialist Worker

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