HRM 300 HRM300

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Week 1 Human Resource Management Overview

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper using the Week One readings, articles, and your personal experiences to address the following questions:

What is human resource management?

What is the primary function of human resource management?

What is the role of human resource management in an organizations strategic plan?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 2 Human Resource Management Department Brochure

The HRM department at fictional Hancock Manufacturing is planning to recruit new employees at a local university career fair. To attract qualified
applicants, the department has decided to design a brochure to advertise the department at the career fair. A graphic artist has been assigned to
create the graphic design for the brochure and your team has been asked to provide the text for the brochure. The text your team writes must
focus on communicating to potential employees how the department is addressing changes in technology, diversity, globalization, and ethics.
This assignment is due in Week Two.
Create the text information for the brochure for the HRM department at Hancock Manufacturing. Submit your text in a Microsoft Word
document. Note that a graphic artist is responsible for the graphic design. Your Learning Team must write only the text information for the
Include the following details in your text information:

Title of brochure

An opening paragraph introducing the human resources department of Hancock Manufacturing

Three to four paragraphs addressing HRM changes in technology, diversity, globalization, and ethics

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 3 Employment Laws Chart

Resources: Weekly readings and additional research, if necessary
Completethe Employment Laws Chart. The chart includes descriptions, court cases, importance of, and application of employment laws.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 3 Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review

Refer to the Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review, for List A and List B.
Use the lists to complete the assignment.
Select two laws from List A and one law or issue from List B.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following:

Provide a general summary describing your chosen laws or issues.

For each selected law or issue, locate a present-day court case that has challenged your selected law or issue.

What, if any, are the implications for HR departments in managing the employer-employee relationship in the context of the law or

For each law or issue selected, write an example of a HR policy that shows compliance with the laws or acts discussed.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 4 Job Description and Recruiting Strategies Worksheet

Conduct an interview with someone who has a job position that is different from your own.
Identify the duties associated with his or her position, as well as any skills and abilities necessary for the position.
Gather the information from the interview, as well as the Week Three readings, to complete the Job Description and Recruiting Strategies
Answer each question in paragraph format.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 4 Human Resource Management Training Presentation

Your Learning Team has been selected to conduct a recruiting and staffing training to a group of new human resource management (HRM)
employees at your company.
Note. Use Virtual Organization Team Assignments link to the right to view the organization your team will use.
Resource: Virtual Organization
Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which your team trains new employees on the role of HRM planning and its
relationship to the strategic plan of the organization.

Include an overview of the process and steps of HR planning, recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and hiring of employees.

Consider using visual aids and graphics to enhance your presentation.

Include clear and specific presenters notes.

Cite two to three references and use APA in-text citations when necessary.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 5 Employee Training and Career Development Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following:

Explain the role of training in an organizations development.

Describe different employee development methods and their benefits.

Analyze the relationship between employee development and organizational development.

Describe the role of human resource management in career development.

Reflect on your personal career development. Where do you see your career in 5 years? How can your company or your future
company assist you with your career development? Will your companys career development opportunities be sufficient for your

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 5 Sustaining Employee Performance Paper

Resource: Company assigned to you by your instructor
Use the company in the Virtual Organization assigned to you by your instructor in Week Four.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper, due in Week Five, addressing the following:

Identify two jobs within your assigned company.

Describe the general function of performance management systems. If your assigned company does not use a performance
management system, would you recommend it use one?

Suggest two job evaluation methods for each of the positions your team has chosen. What would be the advantages and
disadvantages of these methods, based on the positions you have selected?

Compare and contrast possible compensation plans for the two positions.

Explain the importance of providing employee benefit plans to employees working in the chosen positions.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 5 Final Examination

Complete the Final Examination

Multiple Choice and True/False

1. Raj is suing an organization, claiming that because he is an employee and
not an independent contractor, the organization should have withheld taxes
for him. All of these factors could be used to support his claim EXCEPT
____a) He receives no insurance or pension benefits.
____b) He received training on company policies and procedures.
____c) He is allowed great flexibility in scheduling his work time.
____d) He is paid market rate for his services.
____e) He is reimbursed for travel.
2. When off the job, an employer cannot legally control an employees
behavior by prohibiting such things as riding a motorcycle, skydiving,
smoking, or drinking alcohol.
____a) True
____b) False
3. Kenyata is the training manager of a Chicago-based company. She is
working on a training program for a subsidiary in Venezuela. The training
program focuses on work-related cultural differences in Venezuela and the
United States. It is very important for Kenyata to emphasize that:
____a) both Venezuela and the United States are individualistic countries.
____b) both Venezuela and the United States are collectivist countries.
____c) Venezuela is a collectivist society whereas the United States is an
individualistic society.
____d) Spanish is the official language in Venezuela whereas English is the
official language in the United States.
____e) future orientation is highly valued and rewarded both in Venezuela
and the United States.
4. Suppose you are the HR manager of an organization that has just adopted
the philosophy of continuous improvement. You can support improvement
programs in all of these ways except
Provide clear and extensive communication regarding the
organizational change.
____b) Help employees overcome barriers to change.
____c) Explain new performance expectations.
____d) Design jobs very narrowly to ensure that employees can specialize on
a few tasks.
____e) Train employees to adapt to the new work arrangement
5. Vinita, the Vice-President of Human Resources at ABC Products, starts her
staff meeting with, The work process engineering we implemented last year
was a good start. We need to overhaul four of the other production areas
within the next 18 months. What do you think are reasonable goals and
objectives, based on last years work? She is performing the management
function of

____a) controlling.
____b) leading.
____c) organizing.
____d) planning.
____e) adapting.
6. Chris is a human resource professional who is currently working with line
managers to reward those employees who are creative and innovative.
Chriss work is aligning HR strategy with which organizational strategy?
____a) Cost differentiation
____b) Customer intimacy
____c) Customer/Market focus
____d) Product differentiation
____e) Motivation
7. Kai, a human resources manager in a service organization, has rewritten
the policies and procedures manual and all job descriptions to remove any
idioms, and arranged for translations into six languages. This is an example
of which part of the dynamic environment of HRM?
____a) Employee involvement
____b) Technology
____c) Inception
____d) Labor unions
____e) Workforce diversity
8. Which of the following is NOT an external influence that affects HRM?
____a) Labor unions
____b) Laws and regulations
____c) Job design
____d) The dynamic environment
____e) Current management practice
9. Sofia graduated from college about 10 years ago with an HRM degree.
She has developed job analysis and job evaluation materials for three
different organizations. She is well suited for which senior HRM position?
____a) Compensation and benefits manager
____b) Employee relations manager
____c) Labor relations manager
____d) Training and development manager
____e) Employment manager
10. How has Sarbanes-Oxley affected HRM?
____a) HRM now monitors financial reporting to shareholders.
____b) HRM must coordinate visas, work visas and travel arrangements.
____c) HRM now supervises executive loans.
____d) HRM must certify financial reports.
____e) HRM must create the environment where whistleblowers can come
forward without fear of reprisal.
11. Comparable worth means that equal pay is provided for equal work,
regardless of gender or ethnicity.

____a) True
____b) False
12. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994
prohibits employers from discriminating or retaliating against a job applicant or
employee based on prior military service.
____a) True
____b) False
13. Which of the following is NOT true regarding Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964?
____a) It prohibits discrimination in hiring, compensation, terms, conditions,
and privileges of employment based on race, religion, color, sex, or national
____b) It protects employees 30-65 years of age from discrimination.
____c) It prohibits retaliation against an individual who files a charge of
____d) It prohibits retaliation against an individual who opposes any unlawful
____e) It specifies compliance based on the number of employees in the
14. Executive Order 11246
____a) prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, and national
origin, by federal agencies as well as those working under federal contracts.
____b) added sex-based discrimination Executive Order 11375.
____c) granted the enforcement powers for the EEOC.
____d) affords EEO protection to pregnant workers.
____e) increased mandatory retirement age from 65 to 70.
15. The progressive discipline process starts with a written warning, followed by
a suspension, then a written verbal warning, and ending with a dismissal.
____a) True
____b) False
16. Chris and David both arrived one hour late for work today. Chris was fired.
David was given a verbal warning. Such disparate treatment for the same
offense could be considered fair and equitable for all of these reasons EXCEPT:
____a) Chris was a long term employee. David was a new hire.
____b) Chris comes in late three or four days a week. He has been warned
repeatedly about consequences for such behavior. David has never been late
____c) Chris has proven to be an unreliable employee. He is inaccurate and
late in written work. He often misses meetings that he says he attends. David is
a reliable employee in other aspects of the job.
____d) Upper management demands that time rules be followed by all
____e) Chris missed the annual board review. David had nothing scheduled
until noon.

17. Frank, a college intern in human resources management at a large service

organization, recently completed a job analysis for the 600 jobs in the Phoenix
operations center. When Lloyd, his boss, reviewed Franks work, he found that
many known job activities were not included. Further, some odd, even bizarre,
activities were reported. Frank cited the Hawthorne studies in his explanation of
the results. What technique did Frank use?
____a) Observation
____b) Diary
____c) Structured questionnaire
____d) Group interview
____e) Technical Conference
18. Richard is a retired comptroller who spends tax season in Florida working
for Robert Half to pay his extra holiday bills for the grandchildren. He has
worked with a number of tax preparing agencies in the Tampa area. Robert Half
pays his salary and benefits. Richard works for Robert Half in the Northeast
during the rest of the year. What kind of worker is he?
____a) Independent contractor
____b) Fulltime
____c) Leased employee
____d) Permanent part-time
____e) Recruiter
19. Daniel is an experienced interviewer for a large service organization. He
has just asked a job candidate what she would do in this scenario: You show up
for a routine meeting. The client greets you, angry, yelling, and waving a piece
of paper in your face that he asserts contains a billing error. How do you handle
the situation? What is Daniel doing?
____a) Screening review
____b) Panel interview
____c) Serial interview
____d) Behavioral interview
____e) Stress interview
20. Rodrguez, a production manager, wants to eliminate the socialization
process for college students with business degrees. He says they know what to
do. They should hit the ground running. Which of these statements would
defend the socialization program?
____a) New organizational members suffer from anxiety unless they have been
____b) Individuals adjust to situations in an increasingly diverse set of ways.
____c) Organizational stability is diminished through socialization.
____d) Proper socialization increases organizational stability over time.
____e) Proper socialization is not needed for manufacturing sector jobs.
21. Stagnation in ones current job usually occurs at the late-career stage.
____a) True
____b) False
22. Kenyatta, a new manager with an outstanding performance appraisal for
her first year, received an average raise and an average performance rating.

When she questioned her boss, she was told that her new job was easy and that
only an idiot would not perform as well. What rating error is evident?
____a) Attribution theory
____b) Halo error
____c) Similarity error
____d) Low appraiser motivation
____e) Inappropriate substitutes for performance
23. Shameka is the new compensation manager of a large manufacturing
company. She is currently redesigning the pay structure. She wants to be able to
break down jobs based on identifiable factors and the degree to which these
criteria exist on the different jobs in her company. What job evaluation method
should Shameka use?
____a) Classification method
____b) Point method
____c) Ordering method
____d) Ranking method
____e) Broad-banding method
24. When the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation takes over an underfunded
pension plan, if there arent enough assets in the pension plan to pay the
retirement obligations, then taxpayers will make up the difference.
____a) True
____b) False
25. Donna, a 45-year-old bank manager, is married to Darren, a 40-year-old
economist with a real estate development firm. They currently waive all
optional portions of Donnas retirement package. Darren received a letter from
his employer stating that the firm is changing retirement and benefits plans the
first of the year. How can they determine which of their company pension
retirement benefits plans should be changed or kept?
____a) Social Security Administration Review.
____b) COBRA
____c) Summary Plan Description
____d) HIPPA
____e) Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Publications

1. Describe the differences one may encounter when recruiting globally.
2. What should be considered when developing a policy on employee use of
social media?
3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of searching social media as a
screening tool for applicants.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of (a) individual incentives,
(b) group incentives, (c) organization-wide incentives?
5. Describe the difference between a defined benefit pension plan and a
defined contribution pension plan.

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