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Jozua Baker
Saba comprehensive
based assessment
(SBA) school
Center Number:120002
Territory: Saba, Dutch Caribbean
Teachers Name:Mr. Delroy Sinclair
Caribbean examination council
School based assessment (SBA)


The difference between IPhone 6/6plus/6S/6Splus and the new operating system for the
new iPhone 6S and 6Splus the iOS 9 from the WWDC apple developers. This topic also is on the
difference between the four iPhone and the new features between the iPhone 6 and the new
iPhone 6s and the features between the iPhone 6plus and the new iPhone 6S. And why the
company gives the updated version of previous versions an S and what it means.

Table of content


This report is on the new iPhone 6s and 6splus and the comparison between the iPhone 6
and 6S and the iPhone 6plus and the 6Splus and the new operating system from WWDC iOS 9
against the iOS 8 also by WWDC.


This report was put together by Jozua Alick. Baker, Wingrove Baker, Malucsa Baker and Apple.


The iPhone is a product made a company named apple in California. The inventor of the
iPhone is the former founder Steve Jobs who recently died. Although the inventor of the iPhone
is died, the iPhone is still being manufactured with newer generations being introduced every
second Tuesday or Wednesday in the month of September and is able to be purchased in October.
Last year the iPhone 6 and 6plus came out and was very popular but this year the new iPhone 6S
and 6Splus is coming has new features and a new color coming to the line of the iphone. Along
with every new iPhone there is an updated operating system for the iPhone. Last year the
WWDC iOS 8 was the operation system for the iPhone 6 and 6plus. The new operation system
for the iPhone 6S and 6Splus is the new WWDC iOS 9.

Chapter 1
The history of the iPhone

What is the iPhone?

The iPhone is a touch screen smartphone manufactured by a company named apple.
Apple is a company who has an innovated company that makes high class technology. Apple is
also a company also makes portable touch screen computers called IPad and a line of pcs and
laptops named Mac.

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

What is iOS 9
IOS 9 is the brand new operating system that Apples developers WWDC released for the
new iPhone 6S and 6Splus. This update is a new step up for all the compatible apple products.
Although the iOS 9 update is great it is only compatible with some apple devices. These devices
are: iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad mini, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPhone 4s,
iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus. Unfortunately this iOS update cannot
be installed on any earlier.

The features of iOS 9

With iOS 9 came new features added to it; these features bring some apple products to a
new level of innovation. Some of these features

Chapter 5




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