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8.V.1: Use the language of the visual arts to communicate effectively.
8.V.2: Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.
8.V.3: Create art using a variety of tools, media, and processes safely and appropriately.

Learning Target
Students will learn about the interdisciplinary and life applications of the arts. Their job is to create a painting based
on a work of art (movie, book, poem, etc) that they find inspiring.

Essential Questions

How is art interdisciplinary?


Pencil, drawing paper, watercolor, and colored pencils.

Link and Hook (All class periods):
Warm-up activity; students will receive the first 5 minutes of each period to complete a warm-up
in their sketchbooks.
Chunk 1 (1 class period):
Day One: Students will come to class with a paper written on a work of art that they find inspiring
and why. This paper will serve as the inspiration for their drawing. They will receive the class
period to generate three sketches in their sketchbook based on what it is they found inspiring.
They need to be able to convey that sense of inspiration in their piece.
Chunk 2 (1 class period):
Day One: Students will select one of their sketches and draw it in pencil on a piece of watercolor
paper. They will then outline it in sharpie.
Chunk 3 (3 class periods):
Day One: Students will paint with watercolors.
Day Two: Students will continue painting with watercolors.

Day Three: Students will finish painting with watercolors and come back into the piece with
colored pencils if necessary.
Students will revisit the essential questions and learning targets. Anything not completed in class
should be completed for homework. Students will also complete a self-evaluation for this project.

Students will receive a project and writing assignment grade. Rubrics can be found on the class website.

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